Chapter 7

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You sighed and lifted up only one sleeve, the wrist you didn't cut on. 

He then said, "Now let me see the other arm." You knew you wouldn't be able to escape this one so you complied and rolled up your sleeve. He stared at your arm in disbelief until he finally spoke in a frustrated tone, "Why did you do it?" 

You answered ashamedly, "I just needed it. After today and-" 

He spoke loudly, "You don't even know what happened today!" 


He stood up as well, "And you don't need to worry about it." 

You didn't want to let it slip that you knew what they had said so you just stormed off to the room you were borrowing but he stopped you, "Wait." 

You turned around to see his hand out as if he were asking for something. He looked at it confused as he said, "Give me the blade." You angrily pulled the potions knife out of your pocket and put it in his hand and he looked at it observingly, "Who's knife is it?" 

You answered with an attitude, "Mine." 

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Professor Snape confiscated yours, who's is it?" 

You answered angrily, "Ron's." 

He skeptically looked at you and said, "You stole this from Ronald Weasley?" 

You rolled your eyes, "No, I just duplicated his." 

He put his hand to his head frustratedly, "Why would you do that? You used a spell so that you could harm yourself?" 


He looked at you worriedly, "y/n-" 

Your voice began to break as you cried, "I'm just- I'm so sad and angry all the time! I just want it all to be over! I don't want to do this anymore." 

He slowly walked towards you and just gave you a hug. He didn't know what else to do. He didn't know what else to he just hugged you, "I know, it's okay." You cried into his chest for a minute as he told you, "I know it seems like the end of the world right now, but I promise you, it will get better love." You nodded and looked up at him as he asked sympathetically, "Now...can I please get those arms cleaned up?" You nodded and he led you to the couch and began to clean up the blood off your arm. Then, he cleaned it with alcohol so you wouldn't get an infection. After that, he wrapped your arm in a bandage and said, "There you go. All better now." He then handed you a book full of different spells and said, "I know we didn't get to go over any new spells today, but I got this new book of all different types of spells. I was wondering if you wanted to skim through it?" 

You nodded quickly and took the book skimming through it. You were a fairly good reader so you were getting through it very quickly but something caught your eye. You were in the charms section when you saw something called the cheering charm. You had never heard of that until now. You began to read over it and it said that when used, it could make someone happy. 

That was perfect! 

Would it work? 

You slowly looked up at Lupin who was sitting in a chair reading another book. You hesitantly asked, "Umm...professor?" 

He looked up and asked, "Hmm?" 

You began, "I found a charm in this's called the cheering charm." 

He stood up closing his book and raised his eyebrows, "Ah, the cheering charm. It's been a while since I've heard of that one. Why do you ask?" 

You answered, "Well...I know it can make someone happy. I was wondering...if you could perform it on me? I just-" Your voice began to break, "I don't want to be sad anymore." 

He looked at you concerned and sat next to you, "Umm... sure, we can try it." 

With that, he walked towards you and pulled out his wand and waved it in front of you, "Exhilaro." 

Just then, a few blue sparks flew out of his wand and you felt a feeling you hadn't felt in years, happiness. You looked at him in shock and said, "I- I think it worked." 

He chuckled awkwardly and said, "Just remember, it only lasts for a bit." 

You then said excitedly, "Yeah, but we can just keep using it. I will finally be happy again!" 

He spoke sadly, "There's something you need to understand, if the spell is overdone, it can cause you to go into uncontrollable fits of laughter-" 

You chuckled with ecstasy, "I don't see any harm in that." 

He sighed and smiled at you, "I know it sounds great, but it really isn't. We can slowly work with the charm and see how it affects you." You nodded and continued to read the book but he gently took it out of your hands not wanting you to get any more ideas, "I think it's time for bed." 

You sighed and stood up walking to your room. You laid down in bed and he laid down in his cot and turned off the lights. You stared up at the ceiling for a bit and then asked, "Why can't you tell me what happened today?" 

He hesitated and said, "Because it's nothing you should worry about. Just go to sleep, alright?" You nodded and he said, "Goodnight y/n." 

You woke up the next morning and it was Sunday. You knew it would be a long day so you tried to fall back asleep. You woke back up an hour later and it was 11AM. You felt professor Lupin lightly pat your back and ask, "Hey, could you get ready for the day. I need to do some work in my office." You groaned and got out of bed and got ready for the day. As you walked out of the bathroom he said, "Would you like to get some lunch on the way to my office?" You shook your head but he insisted, "You haven't eaten breakfast today and it's already time for lunch. Just eat a little bit." You sighed and followed him to his office, stopping to get food on the way of course. You ate in small bites as Lupin was grading papers of students. Just then, he glanced at a calendar and he stood up and said, "I've got to go check something. Will you be alright on your own for a second?" 

You rolled your eyes and said, "Yes." 

He sighed and said, "You know what I mean. Please don't do anything." 

With that, he left the room. You debated on doing two things. Grabbing another blade to cut yourself with, or following him. After he had used the cheering charm last night, it had already worn off. Now you feel even more sad and angry. You decided against grabbing a blade because you knew he would check. You decided to follow him to see what was up. He seemed very suspicious when he left. You got up and walked around the hallways until you heard his voice coming from professor Snape's classroom. You quietly walked towards the entrance of the door so that you could hear what they were saying. 

You heard Lupin say, "Can you please take her. You know I can't deal with her when-" 

He was interrupted by Snape, "Yes, I can take her but have you not told her yet?" 

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