Chapter 11

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He looked at you confused and asked, "What is so comforting about harming yourself?"

You let a tear fall from your eyes, "It helps me. I temporarily forget about what has happened to me. If I can just focus on one thing and distract myself from my thoughts...I don't have to feel pain."

He then asked, "If it only helps temporarily, why do it?"

Your voice broke, "Because it's better than nothing."

He replied, "But it leaves permanent scars."

You answered, "Then I guess I can be reminded of the only thing that ever helped me."

He spoke in a comforting tone, "How do you want us to help you? That-that is not helping you. It is only making it worse. You need people to help you...not a materialistic item that harms you."

You looked up at him in shock and cried, "I don't know."

He then came over and sat next to you and put his arm around you, "We'll figure something out."

Just then, you heard a weird noise. You turned around to look at the door to see where the noise originated but you saw nothing. You then asked, "Did you hear that?"

He spoke, "Hear what?"

You turned back and looked at the fireplace, "Nothing."

He looked at you confused and said, "How about you just go get ready for bed?"

You nodded and got up to get ready for bed. You had an eerie feeling the whole time but you decided to brush it off.

You woke up in the middle of the night. It took you a minute to remember where you were but you finally got used to it and remembered you were in Snape's living quarters. You heard a voice coming from the other room. It sounded exactly like Bellatrix. You looked over at the cot to see professor Snape sound asleep. You whispered, "Professor? Professor?"

You heard the voice getting louder saying, "y/n...y/n...come out come out wherever you are!" You heard a loud chuckle after that and professor Snape was still not waking up. Then, you saw her standing in the doorway, "Got ya!" You scooted back against the wall on the back of the bed as far as you could go before she slowly began to walk towards you, "Come with me sweetie."

You cried, "NO!" S

he raised her eyebrows and said, "No?" She then said calmly, "The Dark Lord needs your help y/n. He knows how powerful you are and what you can become. He will care for you. No one will ever leave you again."

You sobbed, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

She laughed and pulled out her wand, "I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice, Crucio!"

You screamed in excruciating pain.

You quickly sat up out of bed breathing heavily and tears falling down your face. You looked around in shock to see a dark room and professor Snape beginning to get up. You looked at him with fearful eyes as he asked tiredly, "What happened?"

You cried, "I- I...It was Bellatrix. She-she was right there."

You pointed to the doorway of the room as he calmly said, "No one is here y/n, you're was just a nightmare."

Then you heard the forbidden voice, "Think again Severus!"

You both looked at the doorway to see Bellatrix standing there psychotically with her wand out. Snape reached for his wand but she was too quick, "Expelliarmus!" His wand flung out of his hand as she sent another spell his way, "Stupefy!" He was knocked to the corner of the room leaving only you against Bellatrix. She then said, "How's mum and dad?" You began to reach for your wand as she said in a threatening manner, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. The Dark Lord wouldn't be very happy."

You yelled at her, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!"

She answered back nicely, "We just need to use your abilities for a little bit...then we can return you back to your new father or whatever this is. Come on now...we're running late."

You said in a demanding voice, "I'm not going with you."

She then said, "Alright. Imperio!" With a flick of her wand you felt no control over your body. Your body began to walk towards her as she took your arm and you both apparated.

You found yourself in a dark room and you felt control over your body once more. You tried to run away but realised there were no doors in the room you could run to. You looked at Bellatrix in fear as she began to back you into a corner and she said, "The Dark Lord will be with you soon."

Then, she disappeared and you were left alone in the dark room with no escape. You leaned up against the wall and fell to the floor sobbing, "Help! Somebody! Please help!" You sobbed into your hands for a while until you felt too tired to even cry. You closed your eyes and laid down on the cold floor and you eventually fell asleep.

You woke up to feel a wand pushing your hair out of your face. It took you a little bit to wake up from this but eventually, you got your eyes open and you remembered where you were. You quickly sat up to see him.

You saw the Dark Lord hovering over you staring at you with psychotic eyes. You screamed at him and tried to run away, "Get away from me!"

But just then, a snake appeared from behind him blocking you from your attempt at running away. You then heard his voice, "I wouldn't do that if I were you...Nagini doesn't take it lightly when you try to flee from your Lord."

You looked at him and angrily said, "I will not help you."

He gave you a fake surprised look and said, "Really?" He then continued, "After all these years of misfortune and suffering. I can make it all go away."

You cried, "No you can't! It's already happened!"

He answered, "Ah...that is where you are wrong. I can make it all go none of it happened."

You asked confused, "How?"

He then answered, "I can change the past...I can make it to where you never cursed with the sadness you always feel...I can make the desire to slice your arms open go away...I could even bring your parents back."

You shook your head and said, "No! No you can't. They are gone. Nothing can bring them back."

He continued, "I can bring back your grandmother...I can make you forget that you were ever with those foster homes that hated you."

You cried, "Go away! I am not going to let you use my powers!"

He chuckled and said, "Oh...I haven't had very many that turn down that offer...but everyone agrees when I do this." He pulled out his wand and spoke, "Crucio."

With that, you felt an extreme wave of pain come over your body and it didn't stop. It seemed to be getting worse. You screamed in pain, "Please stop! Please...make it stop!"

He chuckled and said, "I'll let you think about it."

With that, he aparated leaving you alone and being tortured. You thought the pain was becoming too much to bear. You felt as if you were entering the fiery gates of hell. Everything that is painful imaginable seemed to be happening to you all at once. It was pure and utter torture. You would rather die than go through it another second. You then glanced to see your fingers and veins turning black. You knew your powers were about to come out. You felt it rising and just then, you let it all out. You screamed in agony and the wall across from you burst open and you saw everyone sitting at a long table with Voldemort all the way at the end and there was an empty seat for you.

The curse had stopped.

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