Feelings of A Devil Prince

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"I didn't always hate humans... after my mom Lilith was the first human to ascend into heaven and fall into hell." Kokichi admits, "And I love mom. I don't see her as a fleshy. She's always been just mom to me." Kokichi sighed.

"I see. So was it cause you had a bad experience with a human?" Shuichi asked mentally.

"No not really. It's more because... I saw the creatures they could become... Afterall... me and my team liked to spend our time in limbo and help sort the souls just for fun. Not like there was much else to do..." Kokichi sighed.

"You mean like that weird smelly blob thing at the hospital?" Rantaro asked.

"That and the shadowy things and purgatory and more." Kokichi nodded.

"It was pretty scary." Rantaro shivered.

"It wasn't scary... more like... I felt repulsed by it. Like I wanted to wipe it from the face of the planet. It doesn't belong and it's corrupted and needs to be purged." Kokichi admits.

"So because of that. You associate all humans with those creepy creatures they can turn into?" Rantaro asked.

"Yeah. All humans have the potential to turn into those monsters... So... it's my job to keep that from happening. To keep the fleshies human I guess." Kokichi shyly admits.

"I think I get it now! That's why you're so obsessed with helping the humans when they ghost. You don't want them ending up as those monsters!" Rantaro smiled.

"Yeah more or less. That's why I want to get those souls that Belphy took out of purgatory... in the moment... I didn't have a choice as it was the best way to keep them from killing the other fleshy's and capture them." Kokichi sighed.

"I see. Than... why were you provoking that old guy?" Rantaro asked.

"I was going to trick him into making another deal with me. I was going to make him take one of Charon's trials to help restore and heal his soul... well hopefully... sometimes it don't work, but honestly it's better than purgatory." Kokichi sighed.

"Charon's trial?" Shuichi mentally asked as the teacher was lecturing the students on what they need and what they can expect.

"Charon does some like old school death trials on souls once and while to help souls move on where they need to go. A lot of souls get trapped into the river. Confused, lost, and unable to be sorted. Charon picks a few up and gives them a trial to complete to allow them move on from the river. My gang and I have done a trial or two for fun. It's very unique. He always has a different trial for different people for different reasons. So if you ever like die and you want something. You should totally seek out Charon. Make sure to pay him in like gold though or he's just going to toss you to Levin to be fish food." Kokichi gushed.

"I see. That's very interesting. Hell is definitely intricate." Shuichi mentally replied.

"Well father made it of course it's intricate! My favorite thing to do is lose myself in father's maze that we use as prison holding cells. There's magic runes and riddles, traps and all sorts of fun things to overcome and figure out how to get to the exit and entrance!" Kokichi beamed.

"So what? Is hell supposed to be one big weird challenge thingy?" Rantaro asked.

"Hmm. Yes and no. Dad's just weird and loves his puzzles and trials just like Charon." Kokichi beamed.

The bell rings and Shuichi heads to the next class avoiding the other students who try to talk to him, "What all trials are in hell than?" Shuichi mentally asked.

"Well back when dad had more time to play with me. There was finding the right path to fly into limbo without getting slaughtered... Navigating the maze and all its hidden secrete pathways to find a secrete little hide out that I've totally claimed as my base of operations for my group! It's called Eternal Paradise. It's like a bigger version of the mini garden of Eden in father's castle!" Kokichi chimed.

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