Chapter 7: the dice of lies

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Jones walked down some steps and then stopped. "I accept mate." He walked to the table and sighed. "The stakes Master Turner?" Will sighed and growled. "I lose, you can kill me outright. But if I win.. Madeline Sparrow goes free!" Madeline stared at will sighing. "I don't want to go free William." Will looked surprised. "But why, Davy Jones is heartless, cruel, and murderous!"

Madeline held onto Jones' crab arm wanting to be protected, that and also to see how he plays liars dice. Jones smiled at Madeline, caressing her waist with his tentacle hand, only to growl at Turner. "And what else do ye want master Turner!" William pulled out the same picture of Jones key and gave it to him. "I want your damn key." Jones sighed. "You Cannot best the devil Twice Son. Why can't you be more like my bride? Who likes to be here on the dutchman!"

William growled back at Jones. "You can still walk away if you're scared you'll lose." Jones grabbed his crab claw away from Madeline, only to flip the damn table and grabbing will Turner by his throat! "You think I'm afraid boy, nobody on this ship has beaten me at liars dice. Except for Woodward."

Jones then stopped for a moment. "WOODWARD GET THIS THIEVING CHARLATAN OFF OF MY SHIP, TOSS HIM INTO THE SEA IF YOU HAVE TO." Madeline just stood Infront of William.. "Jones you harm him or anyone of your crew harm's him.. I will not be staying." Jones then let go of Turner. And grabbed Madeline's arm with his claw. "That works for me. But I do have one thing to say. WHO SAID ITS YOUR CHOICE TO LEAVE THIS SHIP" he threw her right into his quarters and locked the door, so she couldn't bother him.. but then as he was going to walk away, he heard her crying, Jones expression turned from angry, to ashamed that he had harmed her.

"Captain. Are you alright?" Maccus asked gently. Jones just growled. "I hurt my bride.. and for that I will never forgive myself. I love her dearly, but I don't think she feels the same." Jones said with a sigh, but Maccus replied with this. "But if she doesn't love you, why is she so loving to you." Jones sighs. "Master Turner, feel free to go ashore. The very next time we make port!  You're lucky I don't kill you right now." Jones went inside his quarters, seeing Madeline still on the floor. "Madeline, I didn't hurt him." Jones said, as Madeline replied with this. "You may not have hurt him, but you hurt me"

Jones sighed shakily, picking Madeline up in his arms trying to calm her as he caressed her cheek. "I know, and I will never forgive myself for it.. but can you forgive me?" Jones asked gently. Madeline looked at Jones and nodded gently placing her head into his chest. Jones just softly caresses her hair with his tentacle. "I haven't felt like this, In a very long time. Not since Calypso..." Jones then realized that he killed calypso for  betraying him.

Madeline looked at Jones but then saw his key showing out of his tentacles. "What's this?" She tried reaching for it. Jones growled and grabbed her wrist with his claw. "Do NOT touch the key!" He yelled.

Madeline's eyes widened and placed her hand on his cheek. "Jones, my love.. it's alright.." she caressed Jones' tentacles as he groaned... "Madeline..~" he burbled and released his claw from her wrist and placed both of his cursed hands around her waistline, pulling her closer to him. "My beautiful bride. You are an angel sent from heaven to guide me." Madeline blushed and kept caressing his tentacles, Jones just picked her up and laid her on his bed. And Burbles. "I want you to be happy my love. Ask me anything, I'll do it." Madeline sighed and looked up at Jones as his lips were coming closer to hers, she kissed him gently and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I want to track down the black pearl. And I want to kill jack myself."

Jones smiled and kissed her right back. "As you wish, my queen." Madeline just went wide eyed. "Queen?" She questioned him. Jones caressed her body with his claw "I am the king of the sea, due to killing the siren king and queen. And you are my bride. You're my queen."

The bride of Captain Davy JonesWhere stories live. Discover now