Chapter 2

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A week later

I arrive at home late after doing some patrolling but as I open the door Ochako tackles me to the ground

Ochako: Nii-san I made it!!!!!

Y/n: Congratulations, you will finally become a hero.

Ochako: Mochi!!!

Y/n: What??

Ochako: you said If I made it to UA you would buy me mochi !!!!!

"Fuck I forgot about it"

Y/n: Alright tomorrow before I go on patrol we can go to a candy shop

Ochako: Yay!!!!!!!

"Fuck I had to pay the rent yesterday so I'm short on money"

Y/n: Let me get up Ochako, it's cold outside.

Ochako: Okay!!!!!

Y/n: did you already tell mom and dad about it?

Ochako: Yep, they said they might come to celebrate this weekend.

As the night passed Ochako went to her room to sleep but I had to do a call.

"Come on Wash answer it"

Wash: wash 

Y/n: Yo wash, I'm sorry for calling this late but could you lend me some money? My sister passed her exam to UA so I'm buying her some sweets but I'm a bit short on money you know.

Wash: Wash Wash Wash Wash Washa!!!

Y/n: Thank you Wash, and yes I will tell her, see you tomorrow.

Wash: Wash!!

The next day

Y/n: Wake up Ochako, I need to go.

Ochako: five minutes moreee...?

I took away her blanket 

Ochako: Nii-san!!!

Y/n: You want your mochi or not

As I said that she quickly got up and pushed me out of her room

Ochako: I will be in less than 5 minutes

5 minutes passed and I was about to leave but she came rushing towards me

Ochako: Ready :D

Y/n: All right

We left the house, as we were walking to the mall, we helped an old lady to cross the street and nothing more interesting happened until we heard sirens

Y/n: Follow me 

We ran until we find the place where the sirens were coming, a tall building on fire, firefighters and some heroes as backdraft trying to extinguish the fire, I quickly approached backdraft to ask him about the situation.

Y/n: all civilians evacuated??

Backdraft: We aren't sure, there are some parts where the fire is too dense, and the firefighters can't reach there.

Y/n: Im going in

I approached the firefighters

Y/n: Get me a mask I'm going in 

firefighter 1: only a mask?

Y/n: yeah

They handed me a mask 


I quickly got inside the building looking for anyone on the first floor, I didn't find anyone so I rushed to the next floor, I found nobody until on the 6th floor I heard a scream

???: HELP!!!!

I didn't know from where the sound was coming son I needed to keep a conversation with him

Y/n: Don't worry, Because I am here.

???: Allmight??

Y/n: Not really but I am a hero

And then I found the room and the person, a young woman under a table which was about to burn she had her mouth covered with a handkerchief, as I approached the woman suddenly the roof fell over the table and began burning faster.

"Fuck I need to do this fast"

I quickly ran to her, grabbed her arm to pull her out of the table as I did that the roof over us began collapsing and the entrance was blocked 

I saw a window which is our only way out, I carried the woman bridal style and run to the window, I dashed to it backward so my back would break it, and as we began free-falling I positioned myself under the woman and used my quirk. 


We crashed into the floor but my body took the impact so the woman is safe but it hurts like hell. The woman was shocked but she hugged me tightly 

Woman: Thank you very much hero, you saved my life.

Y/n: That's... what heroes do

Soon the paramedics took the woman to an ambulance to make sure she didn't hurt herself, then they approached me because I stayed on the ground

Y/n: Don't worry I'm fine, it is just really painful, get me some painkillers and ill be as cool as a cucumber

Ochako: Nii san!!!!

"And I forgot about her"

Ochako came rushing at me but the police stopped her

Police officer: Please stay away from here we need to ensure everyone is safe.

I yelled at her

Y/n: Im fine Ochako, wait a bit and ill be ready.

15 minutes passed and I have fully recovered from the pain

Y/n: let's go Ochako we need to buy your mochi

Ochako: Are you sure you are ok? I mean you jumped from a 6th floor

Y/n: I used my quirk so I didn't get any injure

Ochako: if you say so

We arrived at the mall and made our path to the candy store

Ochako: Nii-san

Y/n: What's up?

Ochako: Can you help me later with my hero costume?

Y/n: Sure, do you have something in mind? I could ask Best Jeanist to...

Ochako: No no no, I don't want something ermm... Too fancy

Y/n: alright, you miss it

Ochako: I want some equipment to reduce the nausea of overuse of my quirk... And something cute

Y/n: we could work with that

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