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Hanjis POV

When I got home all the lights were turned off meaning Erwin is asleep.

I held ash as he was sleeping away, I went to his room and laid him down tucking him in.

I kissed his head whispering goodnight, I slowly closed his door and went to my room.

Me and Erwin slept in different rooms thank god...so night time is usually the only time I get to truly rest.

I thought about Levi...I felt like I was too harsh with him....he's changed throughout the years...but then again I felt angry at him....I had a moment....maybe things will change...who knows.

Tomorrow I'll really see if he's trustworthy or not...


They day went by fast as it always does, I already made Erwin his dinner and now I was getting ash ready to leave.

"I'm going again?" He asked as I helped put on his shoes.

I nod "yep"

He smiles "yay"

After getting his shoes on I picked him up and we left the house heading to Levi's, he already sent me the address so I was already on my way.

"Where are we going mama?"

"You're going to stay at a friend of mines while I work...but don't worry he's a fun person" maybe a lie I don't really know....

"Ok!" Ash said happily.

We arrived at the house and I had to admit....it was a nice house.

I saw him walk outside and I got out of the car and grabbed ash and his things.

Ash smiled "mister!" Ash must of remembered Levi when he saved him.

Levi grinned at ash and looked at me and I sighed.

"Here's all his things for the night" I gave him the bag "I'll text you when my shift is over"

He nods "ok"

I look at ash and kiss his head "now you be on your best behavior ok?"

He nods "ok mama!"

I smile and rub his nose with mine before handing him to Levi.

"Take care of him...I mean it"

Levi's nod "I promise nothing will happen to him"

I sigh "ok....I'll be back in a few hours"

I started walking away when I heard ash say goodbye to me and I smiled, ash was the light to my world....if anything was to ever happen to I wouldn't even know what to do....

I got into the car and drove to work.

Levi's POV

Ash looked at me and I grinned "ready to have some fun?"

He smiles "yes!"

I chuckle as we walked inside, everyone was pretty excited to meet him ever since I told them this morning.

Ash looked at everyone "who are they?"

"They are my friends, they are nice people and want to hangout with you"

Eren walks up to me and looks at ash smiling "hey little man"

Ash smiled "hello!"

Everyone took turns greeting ash and he was full of energy wanting to play.

"What would you like to do ash?" I asked setting him down on the couch.

He smiles "color!"

I went through his bag of toys and gave him his coloring book and crayons.

He looks up and points at Jean "color with me" he smiles.

Jean grins "alright what do you want me to color"

I watch as everyone continued to hangout with ash, we already completed our mission today with ease so I needed to send kenny an update saying we already finished.

Mikasa walks up to me "what does ash want to eat?"

I ponder "I think Hanji said he likes macaroni"

"Hanji?" She asked.

"Oh right, Hanji is his mother"

She nods then she give me a questionable look "isn't Hanji the one who gave you the watch?"

I tch "why does it matter"

She shrugs "I'm curious"

"Well don't worry about it, it's not your business"

She nods "my apologies"

She walks into the kitchen and I sighed walking into my office.

Mikasa was like a snoopy little sister....always trying to get into my damn business.

I texted kenny all the details of todays mission and after I began to fill out some work regarding the mafia.

I was working for awhile when there was a knock at my office door.

"Come in"

Eren came in with ash on his shoulders "ash wanted to see you"

I look up at ash "what's up?"

"Play with me!" He smiled.

I sighed I didn't have a choice, if I wanted hanjis trust I need to earn it.

I grinned "ok what do you want to play?"

"Hide and seek!"

I sigh "ok let's play that"

It's been awhile since I got to relax and genuinely get to enjoy myself....

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