chapter 2

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Seth's POV

As Seth is  walking around back stage a few hours before his match he hears the usos yell Riley get your little self back here now as they are running after  a little boy  he stop and look and see that the little boy could of looks like him and as he stand there the boy runs into his leg and looks and and says sorry . seth looks down at him and said it okay buddy and right as the boy is about to say something jey pick him and run off with .

Jey's pov

Adriana is going to kill me why because me and jimmy were running around with Riley so his mom can do Naomi's makeup so he not in her way and as I am trying to calm down after run after him for five minutes straight. When I look up he is stand in front of seth as I run over to him and pick him up and run off with Riley as I hear jimmy say uso  Adriana is going kick your ass if she finds out you had her son near seth know she don't want him to see him.I tell him I know that damn now come on we have to go see roman and take Reilly to him .

Adriana's POV

As I am put eyelashes on Naomi I hear someone say my name and look over my shoulder and damn near fall to the ground because I seen colby next to finn and I tell Naomi I'm sorry but I get to go she say girl I know it okay I can put my lashes on now go before he see you I tell I'm sorry before I run off to go see if I can find the twin and Riley as I'm running I run right into someone and fall right on my ass hard  as the person say watch were your going please I look up and see Roman is looking down at me with his hand out to help me up so I grab his hand.pull my self up saying I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you I was going to get my son from my best friends he looks at me saying baby girl its okay I wasn't paying attention either I was looking for my cousin the usos he say when we hear Adriana Larisa Heyman what are you doing talking to the tribal chief I look behind Roman and see my father and say we accidentally run into each gosh dad as I said that I see roman smiles before turning to my dad and say paul shut up we were just talking okay i look at Roman and laugh as my dad walks over to us but stop once I hear yo Reigns i want to talk to you when my dad see the look on my face he grabs me saying honey its okay I won't let him see you so go now the twins have ry with roman Locker room I just nod okay before run to roman Locker room .

Roman's POV

I was walking around the back looking for my cousins the usos when someone runs right into my chest and when i look down to see if they are okay I see the most beautiful women I have seen. saying please watch were your going as I hold my hand out to help her up she say I'm sorry I was looking for my best friends when I tell  it okay I was looking for my cousin when we hear Adriana Larisa Heyman why are you talking to the  tribal  chief I smiled as she said dad we accidentally run into each gosh dad And right as I was about to say her why she laughs she stop and looks at her dad with a look of what do I do as we all hear yo reigns I want to talk to you when I see Paul hug her before she run off to the way of my locker room as I turn around I see seth and say what do you want he say to take about our match tonight .

Well look like seth seen Riley for a second and almost see Adriana before she run off

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