chapter 3

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Adriana's POV

I am curtly having a panic attack right now because I just seen colby after talking to roman like I don't know why I let the twins talk me into taken this job but I didn't know they had just did the brand swap and that seth get drafted to smackdown so now I have to be extremely careful when I have Riley with me so seth don't see him or see me . I get myself calm down when jimmy and jey walk in with riley as he run over to me saying mommy I see my favorite superstars
That's when I see jimmy not trying to look at me and say adr don't get mad at me and jey but Riley run into seth when we were running around and as we see that we grab him and run to the locker room then went to grab Riley a snack he said well look at me . I walk over to him and hit him upside his head saying what do you fucking mean my son see that cheater why won't you too watching him jey look at me and say adriana we were watching Riley he just happened to run into seth and as I seen that I grab Riley okay and you know we won't let it happen again . I say ok and sorry for slap you upside your head jimmy he look at me nodding his head saying it okay lil sis I walk over him and hug him saying it okay I'm just glad my baby okay .

Seth's POV

After I talk to Roman I can't stop thinking about that lady that ran off when I was walking to roman it like she know me from somewhere but she also could of looked like my ex girlfriend adriana that broke up with me three years ago because she say she couldn't be with a cheater like me which I still don't know why she said that when we broke up and when that little boy run into me I could have swear he also look a little bit like her and me so maybe I could ask one of the uso if they knew who she is .

Roman's POV

I'm walking back to my locker room with paul when I ask him how he know did he know the new makeup artist name when he say well she my daughter I say okay as we walk in the locker room were we see she has jey in a headlock as he say let me go I won't say anything . so me being i walk over to them and say add a bit more pressure on him she laughs let him go as he rubs his neck saying why she looks at him say you know why. When I say you okay she looks at me nod as the little boy That's always with the twins say mommy that' the man that Grandpa work with and he on your phone she look at him before saying don't say that when i say its okay I think it cute she blushes when I say that before she can say something paul say no don't even think about it adriana when she run off when I say what is wrong with you paul he say well she don't need to be date another or be talking to another wrestler that's how she had my grandson .

Adriana's POV

I can't believe my dad just fucking said that so I walks out as I am walking I'm not looking were I'm going when I bump into my cousin Dominick saying damn it when he says you okay I say no my dad is being a dick he told roman I shouldn't be talking to him. When dom say why is he always being you down it like ever since you had Riley he act like your a disappointment which your not because you are an amazing mother I smile and hug his says thanks dom he hugs me back says no problem oh and I get a match against seth so I'll make sure to get him good for you I laugh say okay as I walk away going to find some to eat when I bump into someone else say damn it why do I keep bump into people when the person I walk Into says its that really you Adriana . I freeze in places when I look up and its colby when he say it really is you wow you look amazing I just start crying when he say why are you crying I snap and say because of you asshole that's why I'm crying and slap him hard across the face when say what the fuck was that for I walks away from him going to get my son when I get to the locker room I see jimmy and Naomi talks so I say is my son in there still when they both nod so I walks and say baby boy let's go now he looks over and say but mommy me and roman are playing a game when I walk over saying no Riley Colby lopez we are leaving now he shake his head no before grab on to roman arm say please tell my mommy we have to stay so we can watch uncle jimmy and jey .I say fine have your uncle bring you back to the hotel mommy isn't felling well he just smiles say yay I get to stay with uncles I kiss his head telling him to be good for them oh and sorry about him grand onto your like that roman he says its fine I'm use to it my daughter use to do it I say okay bye as I walking out my dad said bye I make sure to slam the door leaving as am walk in the hall I hear new girl come here I tune around and see it's kofi and Xavier I walks over to them say yes when Xavier say want to be on up up down down I say that is your YouTube channel right he say I say who going to be on there when Kofi says me wood seth Rollins i tell them sorry I can't they say okay maybe next time I nod as I walk away . I get to the hotel When someone push me making me fall onto the floor of the hotel hallway saying that's What sluts get I looked as stand up seeing drew McIntyre looking at me I just walk away when he say I'm taking to you bitch whe. He says that I just flip him off as I walk into my hotel room .

Sorry if this chapter suck oh and for the sake of the story Drew McIntyre and a few others are going to be very rude to adriana in this story

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