The only part.

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I finally finished 10th grade, im not that excited for high school.
Me *in mind* : its my first day at high school , i hope im not gonna do something embarrassing
*Opening the classrooms door*
*sigh* *in mind* : where ill sit.
*Teacher comes in*
Teacher : Oh thank god you're on time ,class ! Pay attention for a bit please, this is our new classmate , introduce yourself please.
Me : hello my name is ayan , im new here
A girl named ana whispered in a loud way to her friend: just as i thought shes so ugly!
Suddenly i felt tears in my eyes, but thank god i could hide them
Teacher : Hmm where you'll sit. Ah! Sit next to austin, none is sitting next to him. Austin raise your hand
Me : okay teacher.
While im walking to the end of the room, i didn't like how everybody was looking at me ,i felt so uncomfortable
*Sat down*
Teacher: okay class since this is the first day... I won't give you any lessons today , but instead of that lets say what everyone dream job!
All of the class said sure, why not, of course . Except me.
I didn't say anything, at all.
All of them said what they want except me too!!
What do you want to be , ayan? She asks
Me : I have no passion to be anything.
Teacher: are you into something?
Me: no, not actually
Ana : sure shes dumb (laughed)
But it was embarrassing cuz none laughed after that , but what lefted me in a shoock was austins reply
Austin : can't you shut up? shes maybe into something but shes thinking that everyone is gonna laugh at it.
I felt tears again , and then i just layed my head on the desk so none can see my teary eyes.
Then , finally when its break time everybody went to the cafeteria except me .
Austin : aren't you going? do you want me to get you something if you are hungry
Me : uh no, you don't have to, im not hungry im just gonna sleep
My voice was high pitched and wobbly
Austin : are you okay , is that because of ana? Don't worry about it shes just crazy  if you want anything tell me ,oh also here's my phone number if you need help with studying or eles.
Me : can you put it in my bag? I'll call you later so i can save your number.
He didn't say anything , he put it in my bag and go
Then after i checked that hes really not there, i cried as much as i wanted , then i was about to get out of the class he stepped in my face he was with scott , i was surprised that julia wasn't with scott then scott said :
Ayan? Why your eyes are red and puffy?
Me : uh nothing i guess , i gotta go.
Thats when austin asked scott if he knows me
Scott: ill tell you everything when were on our way back home
Austin said okay and then he sat on his desk, when ana came she said : omg did you see ayan?? Shes so ugly i don't know when she'll kill herself or eles
The other girl who was with ana said
?? : Haha right! She was crying
Then they laughed at me
How did i know? Scott told me when i came back from the bathroom, then julia came and said why i was crying
Me: nothing but something happened this morning with dad and mom, so yeah
Julia : oh okay
Julia drags scott and austin outside
Julia : i swear to god austin if you didn't take care of ayan ill kill you
Scott: clam down, austin try to listen from her and clam her down because its impossible that her parents was awake this morning, they always wake up at 10pm
Austin: o..kay?
Julia: okay good scott lets go back to the class and austin go back to the class , they said that the biologys teacher is always mad and so strict so go back now see you
Austin went back to the class and sat down
Austin: are you hungry?
Me : no why?
Austin: uhh, nothing
I smiled and then the bell ringed

Teacher: hello everyone, my name is emily im your biology teacher, put your books away were not gonna take any lessons today
Ana : can i sleep?
Teacher : yes you can
Thats when i putted my head on the desk and slept the whole class.
*Bell ringing*
Austin: ayan?.. wake up its time for another lunch time because if nobody ate at the first lunch time
Me: huh? Lunch..time?
Austin laughed at me and said: yes lunch time, go and wash your face, or you know what ill walk you to the bathroom, get up.
We went to the bathroom and i washed my face , when i got out i saw ana with austin but i don't know why i felt jealous.
Me : im going to eat
Ana : hope you die while eating
Austin : ana shut up! Why are you so jealous of her?
Ana : ugh, you are so selfish
Why in the hell she SAID THAT? Was she out of words?
I walked away and austin followed me
Are you okay? He asks
Me : well, not that much.
Austin : don't worry shes just jealous.
Me : i dont care don't worry
Scott and julia saw him with me
Julia: Ayan! Austin!
I waved to them but didn't say anything.
Austin : wassup?
Julia : our english teacher is the best!! he letted us to eat and play or even sleep instead of giving us lessons
I smiled and austin said : same but she only allowed us sleep
, By the way ayan what do you want to order?
Me : i don't know .. i think ill have a cake and chocolate milk
Austin : what kind of cake?
Me : red velvet i guess?...
Austin : kay wait with scott and julia
I nodded my head and sat with them
Me : uh , can i tell you guys something?
Both of them : yes
Me : umm , nevermind ill keep it to myself
I was nervous that i don't know how i said "can i tell you something"
then when austin came i felt like my heart is beating so fast that i couldn't breathe that much
Me : i wanna go to the bathroom for a bit
Julia : why?
Me : i just hate sitting with too many people
Austin : then go to the class we'll get your meal and come
Me : okay .. thanks
After school
Me *in mind* : ugh finally im gonna go home
Austin : what are you thinking of?
Me : umm nothing dont worry
Then i ran out of the classroom like a psycho !
Austin saw scott and julia and said : scott you said that you'll tell me everything about ayan will you?
Scott : yes i will but why are you that excited
Austin : im not excited
Scott : yeah yeah whatever
Scott told him everything and julia did too
When i went home, I saw dad and mom are arguing about something, so i pretend that i didn't see them and went to my room , i suddenly felt something bad in my heart , my heart was hurting so much that i cried for two hours , then i felt like all my tears are gone so i washed my face then layed on the bed , i was bored so i decided to tell my mom to hang out with julia
Me : mom can i hang out with julia?
Mom : okay but ask your dad first
Me : ugh fine
Me : dad? can i hang out with julia
Dad : okay do whatever you want
Me *in mind* : finally i can escape from this creepy house.
I ran to my room and i bringed my phone and i called julia
Me : Before i call julia, ill save austins number
This is when i called him then hang up really fast
Then i called julia
Me : julia are you free today or right now
Julia : yeppy, why?
Me : can we hang out im bored
Julia : okay , wait for me at the café we used to go when we were young lol
Me : okay ill wait for you
Julia : we'll have a guest so dress nice
Me : a guest? Who is he or she?
Julia : you'll know later
Me : jul-
She hanged up , but of course i'll never wear simple clothes
Soon. Me and julia met at the café
Julia : why are you wearing baggy clothes?
Me : i feel more comfortable in them its not my problem
Julia : *waves* there!
It was austin. I was literally speechless! I couldn't say a word.
Julia *texting me on the phone* : i know your inlove with austin ;) need help?
Me *texting back* : the heck? how did you know ?
Julia : bestie things ;;)
Me : uhh.
Julia: hurry do you need help??
Me : yes i guess?
Julia : YES! ill help you soon its so early to confess for him rn its almost a month don't worry haha
I replied with "^^"
Then they talked about too many things but I didn't say anything except"mhm/ yes/ laughing"
Austin : why are you so quiet?
Me : uh nothing?
Then i started talking about my family and where i want to travel and how much i like ramen
Austin wasn't listening to what i was saying but he only stared at my face until i finished!
Suddenly i made an eye contact with him then i felt like i need to scream
Me : i have to go the bathroom
Scott : okay take your time
Me : kay
This is when julia followed me and helped me , but I didn't think they'll really work!.
                                After two months.    
Austin made a group chat between the four of us
Austin : hello everyone lets talk here when we can't hang out together
Julia : okay dumbo
Scott : okay sir
They chatted for three hours!
Julia : ayan? Its been three hours and you are just watching us talking, come and chat with us is everything okay
Me : yeah everything is okay
Julia : sure?
Me : yes im sure don't worry that much
Julia : okay then my mom needs help with cleaning the house , talk to yall soon !
Scott and austin replied : okay
But I didn't say anything
Soon in the second semester of high school, they decided to put every two students in the same room for example , student A will be shearing a room with student B if he doesn't want to shear it with student B he will shear it with student C/D/E/F, etc..
Everybody was shearing their room with the person who is sitting next to them
Me * in mind* : oh shit hope that i wont be with austin , i dont want to let him know that i don't have a life.
Teacher : ayan do you want to shear your room with austin or with somebody eles?
I said yes because I didn't hear the question well.
Then the teacher said : then everyone call your parents and tell them to pack things you need .
Austin : lets go the our room until our parents get our bags
Me : sure
His parents arrived when he finished studying but my parents didn't
Austins mom : who is that girl?
Austin: she's my roommate
Austins mom : oh dear shes so beautiful
Austin smiled to her and said : thanks mom , drive safely okay?
Austins mom : okay honey ,take care!
Austin smiled then he closed the door in a way that made me scared. It looked like he was mad
Austin : did your parents arrive yet?
Me : its like they care- uh i mean no they didn't
Austin : what did you say?
Me : i said they didn't
Austin : no before that .
Me : why do you care so much
Austin : well there is a reason
Me : what is it then
Austin : i'll tell you later
Me : we'll see lol
After one hour mom and dad arrived , my little sister was with them , austin was listening but he acted like he didn't.
Dad : heres your bag and we got you your favorite books too
Me : well thanks
My little sister : be kind , hes our dad you are so rude and dumb , i hope you die
Dad : don't say that , shes going through bad things
My little sister : even though shes going through bad things, she don't have to be rude , ayan?
Me : hm?
My little sister : ayan , do you know that you need to help yourself, you don't need dad to get your bag all the way from home to here
I didn't say anything about it but my dad said: uhh see you honey take care, oh also take these
Me : t-thanks..
Dad left and i felt my tears are about to fall
Me : uhh thank god he left before my tears drop
Austin : why your little sister is behaving like shes your mom?
Me : i-i- i dont know
Austin : wait! are you crying!
Me : no im good
Austin : i literally can hear your inhaling , why are you crying
Me : can you leave me alone, i need time alone please
Austin : okay can you tell me when you stop crying?
Me : fine
After half an hour
Austin : are you feeling okay now? heres a water , now go wash your face and put your stuff in the closet
I nodded and did everything
Austin : now can you tell me what happened?
I told him everything.
Austin : don't worry, also don't listen to that dumbo rat shes young , do you want a hug?
Me : but austin we are only friends how could i hug you
Austin : umm sorry i won't make you uncomfortable and dont misunderstand me
Me : by the way im going to make dinner..
Austin : okay
I cooked dinner but my appetite is gone because of my sister , austin ate and i finished cleaning the dishes it was bed time but I didn't want to sleep.
Austin : you didn't eat dinner right?
Me : but im sleepy
Austin : you have to eat
Me : i dont want to , ill read a book and sleep
Austin : okay do whatever you want to
I completed reading my favorite book until i fell asleep on the desk and felt like somebody was playing with my hair, it was austin
i opened my eyes and he laughed then said : get up, sleep on your bed
I nodded and when i standed up i felt everything was spinning around
Me : i feel dizzy
Austin holded my hand all the way to the bed for me and he even said goodnight!
I felt like there's a butterfly garden in my stomach
The next day i woke up and felt that my heart is not in my body, it hurts so much and i felt dizzy and im about to faint
Austin : ayan are you okay?
Me : no i feel dizzy , my heart.. hurts
Austin : do you want me to take you to the hospital?
Me : i can go by myself.. you don't need to
Austin : no you can't go by yourself, i'll take you to the hospital go and change your clothes
I didn't say anything but.. why he was taking care of me?
Me *in mind*: im gonna tell julia about this, hes acting weird these days he cares about me so much
I changed my clothes and when we were on our way to the hospital austin said : do you remember when the teacher asked what is our dream job?
Me : yeah , why
Austin : im really curious if you want to be something or your into something
Me : yeah im into something
Austin : is it okay if you told me about it?
Me : yeah, i want to be a general surgeon
Austin : oh thats cool, this is why you picked scientific?
Me : yep
Then we didn't say a word until we arrived to the hospital
I did tests to make sure my heart was healthy, but i have a heart attacks , the doctor also gaved me medicine.
On our way back home austin said : we have to go to scott's and julia's room not our room
I nodded, but i thought about the word "our" too many times and how he said it , i felt that i toke everybody's happiness
Then we arrived, i was nervous to tell julia because her voice is so loud to be honest but. I have to
Me : julia?
Julia : what ?
Me : um ,can i tell you something?
Julia : of course go on
Me : i wanna talk to you in private can we ?
Julia : okay follow me
I told her about everything and thank god she didn't say anything in a loud way
Julia : trust me austin really loves you, if he didn't why would he care!!
Me : wel-
Julia : shut up, when you go back to the room ask him
Me : julia! are you crazy? how can i ask him " do you love me?"
Julia : no no no , just say "can i tell you something"
and if he replied with yes say " austin , i love you" and im sure he'll say i love you too because uhh you know
Me : ew , but i'll try
Julia laughed and then we got out of the room scott asked what took us too long and julia said i'll tell you later then i hit her on the shoulder  and she smiled like a devil!.
She made lunch but i didn't have an appetite to eat
Julia : why aren't you eating?
Me : im not hungry
Julia : did you eat this morning?
Me : no
Julia : then eat with us , eating with you is fun
Me : uhh okay
I ate a little bit , then austins mom called him two times but he didn't pick up
Scott : pick up your phone
Austin : oh sorry i didn't see mom calling
He said that his mom is waiting for him , she got him snacks to eat
Austin : ayan i have to go , if you want to stay you can if you don't want to lets go
Me : no im fine , i want to stay here for a little bit
Austin : okay , but don't stay too late we have homeworks
I nodded then he left ,i don't know how many hours has past.
Me : julia, what time is it?
Julia : its still early , its 7pm
Me : uhh sorry i have to go to study, see you on friday
Julia walked with me until i arrived to the room
Julia : don't forget what I taught you , good luck lol
Me : mhm just go
Julia was screaming in silent but i laughed at her
Julia : good bye
Me : bye bye
Then she left when i opened the door austin was sleeping on the desk , but i didn't want to do anything to him , so i got my books and started to study until its 9pm
Austin woke up but i didn't notice
Me * in mind * : im so hungry , ill go and make ramen
I ate and continued studying, when i saw austin is energetic enough i said : can i tell you something?
Austin : what is it?
*Sigh* *in mind* : its so hard to say this
Austin : aya-
Me : i love you.
I said it and then covered my face with the book  , i really didn't think about how he feel about me twice but i finally said it.
Austin : thats it?
When i looked at him he was blushing
Me : why do you look like a tomato?
Austin : umm i don't know , why do you care that much
Me : i don't know , omg just answer
Austin : answer what ?
Me : nevermind.
Austin : i love you too.. ayan
I blushed too , but i felt something nice in my stomach
Austin : soo, i think you are my girlfriend now..
Me : uh yeah.. lets continue studying, im about to finish
I cant believe that im so stupid like that. I feel so many feelings at the same time ,im really stressed, shy, shoocked, and everything! How im gonna tell mom and dad about this, damn im so stupid
Austin : what are you thinking about?
Me : how im going to tell mom and dad about this
Austin : just text them and leave the phone until they reply
Me : genius..
He laughed at me and patted my head , i didn't know what to do so i smiled
*Texting mom* me : mom, don't be mad at me but me and my friend austin are dating from today.. don't be mad.
I was nervous until she replied : good, now i don't have to take care of a dumb daughter like you .
But why i feel more comfortable with dad?
I texted my dad and he said : im happy for you, take care sweetheart and be careful some relationships are toxic
Me : don't worry dad i will be fine
I wasn't that happy because of mom
Austin : what did your dad say?
Me : he was happy but mom wasn't
Austin : What did she say ?
Me : mom said that she don't need to take care of a dumb daughter like me , but i don't care because i dont love her
Austin : do you want a hug?
I hugged him and cried, i don't know why i cried but i did
Austin : don't cry , everything is going to be okay so don't cry * hugged back*
I didn't say anything but after a few minutes i told julia and she was so HAPPY about it that she told everyone
                                     After one year
I was cooking breakfast when i felt that someone is wrapping his hands on my hips , it was austin
Austin : good morning bae
Me : good morning
Austin : what are you cooking?
Me : uhh breakfast?
Then he layed his face on my shoulder and said : i want a kiss
When i turned my face to kiss his cheeks but he kissed my lips and i was shooked, i didn't expect that.
He laughed at me and hugged me
Austin : sorry for making you scared
Me : uh- no its fine um breakfast is almost ready go and sit
Austin sat for a bit then he said : i'll help you
Me : you don't have to
Austin : say whatever you want i'll help you , oh by the way scott and julia are coming
Me : so?
Austin : i don't know..
I laughed at him and didn't say anything
Scott and julia bringed their cat and they also were so happy because we are together
Scott's cat hitted austin on his lip but we didn't expect that its gonna bleed..
I bringed austin to the bedroom, i cleaned everything but i forgot to put ointment , so when i was blowing the ointment so it can't go everywhere austin kissed me. I was frozen for seconds then I put everything in its place in a hurry and washed my hands
Then we sat again with scott and julia and talked about too many things

                                    ✨The end ✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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