2) How Darwite and Lucy meet (part 2)

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A Day, when Darwite and Lucy was together in the border, Lucy tried to jump in the border, to meet Darwite...

When she jumped, something that wasn't happening for centuries happened, meaning that they will stay together forever: Lucy can sorpass the border without any changing or hurting her self.

When she noticed this,She immediately ran to Darwite and kissed him, breaking 2 rules of their worlds:"never fall in love with a demon if you're an Angel. NEVER sorpass the border."

After that, Lucy ran immediately in the border, to return heaven because another demon was coming there, Lucy had difficulties to sorpass it and she was nervous...

When she sorpass the Border she immediately ran away...

Meanwhile the demon that was coming asked Darwite:

-"what are you doing in here?"

-D:"ehm- nothing- I was chilling here..."

-"hmm... Ok, i believe you only because you're the king's cousin"

While the demon was going away Darwite gave a sigh of relief...

2 years later,an event happened On earth, It was an event that happens once every 10 years: for a year everyone will have a creature as a guardian, it can be a creature from every world, except earth.
Darwite was assigned to a girl named "Larissa", Lucy was assigned to a boy named "Luke".

At school that Larissa and luke frequented, she was with a friend to show her guardian, while luke was alone at the roof of the school.Later when Larissa was walking Backwards she bumped into Luke that was talking with Lucy, Darwite teleports at Larissa's place to grab her, after that He saw lucy and suddenly ran to hug her:

-D:"LUCY, I missed you so much!"

-L:" I missed you too, Darwite"

-Luke:" wait- you two know eachother??"

-D:"yes we do"

-Larissa:*gasp*" are you engaged???" *Excited*

-Lucy:"not yet...you know, in our worlds we live with the monarchy, so we need our queen/king's authorization for being engaged..."

-D:" and it's a problem because it's forbidden to be engaged with an Angel, as a demon and backwards..."

-Larissa:" owh-"

This was the second part of how Lucy and Darwite meet.
Much things are inspired by some gacha videos i made/see.


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