3) how Darwite and Lucy meet (part 3)

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After a week Darwite and Lucy decided
To go first in Heaven, to ask the queen for the engagement:

-L:"good morning your majesty, I-i bringed someone to ask you something..."


-L:"majesty, please forgive us but we need your authorization for something..."

-"oh, what Is it?"

-L:"I would like to have Darwite as my boyfriend..."


-L:"I-i love him, can we be engaged-?"

-"... Just because you're my trustworthy friend i accept your engagement in my kingdom"

-D:" thank you so much your majesty"

-"you're welcome"

Now, the problem is that Darwite to don't be discovered by another demon, and if it happens... He need to explain everything to his cousin, the king of Demons...

A year passed and the event was finishing, while the king of Demons was watching what was happening on earth, he saw Darwite kissing Lucy, All enraged for breaking the rules, the king called Darwite to his kingdom to explain everything...

-"Darwite, explain me why was you kissing an Angel"

-D:"i-i can explain... The queen of angels accept our engagement"

-L:"He's saying the truth, can your majesty accept our engagement...?"


-kings mind:"this thing wasn't happening since centuries... I can't be like my father..."

-"ok, i accept your engagement as long as you won't have children, if I'll found out, You will die"

-D:" thank you so much, your majesty"

-"you're welcome, dear cousin..."

A month later, the last day of the event, Larissa and luke was engaged and unfortunately have to say goodbye to Lucy and Darwite...


Scusate se mi ci è voluto tanto per finire questa parte, ma sono stata impegnata per un po' di tempo ;-;


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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