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Chapter 87: Playing It Casually

Everyone on the stage lowered their heads slightly to look at Mo Zhu’s confident face, and for no reason, they felt like they could rely on her.

Upon hearing the unanimous answer from Class Eight that showed their understanding, Mo Zhu turned around and calmly walked towards the piano that Fang Ran had just played on.

“Does Sister Mo know how to play the piano? I’m not looking down on her, but I’m just a little worried. That Fang Ran from Class One just performed a piano accompaniment. If Sister Mo goes on stage now, she will be a joke if she doesn’t play it well…”

The person who was muttering in the crowd was Li Shen. He was really worried about Mo Zhu’s performance later. It didn’t matter what position Class Eight would get in the end. He just didn’t want Mo Zhu to embarrass herself and be ridiculed under the gaze of so many people.

Meng Ran stood beside Li Shen and used her elbow to poke him. She replied angrily, “You just don’t believe Sister Mo! As long as Sister Mo is the one who says it, she must be well-prepared and able to do it well. Just watch. Later, Sister Mo will definitely play it a hundred or a thousand times better than Fang Ran!”

Now, Meng Ran has become Mo Zhu’s number one fan. As long as Mo Zhu spoke and decided to do something, she would agree and support her with her hundred percent trust.

As they spoke, the host had already gone on stage to announce the next performance. When the leader below the stage announced that the performance could begin, the expected accompaniment did not play. Instead, a pleasant melody came from the piano hidden behind the crowd.

“This is? The piano? Could it be that other than Class One, another class has decided to have a piano accompaniment this year as well?”

“This accompaniment piece sounds so natural and smooth that it doesn’t seem to be at the level of a newcomer. From the looks of it, this is the new surprise of the year. Which class was this when the host was introducing the performances just now?”

The school leaders’ whispers sounded in the crowd. Fang Ran was sitting in the row with her mother, Qin Ya, behind the leaders. Her fists were clenched tightly.

She had spent a lot of effort bribing the staff members who were responsible for adjusting the equipment and had deliberately deleted the accompaniment before Class Eight went on stage. Originally, she had wanted them to retreat and take the initiative to give up on this singing competition. She did not expect that by a freak combination of factors, this girl, Mo Zhu, would easily solve this trouble.

There was no hurry. She refused to believe that the piano skills she had trained hard for more than ten years would not be many times better than Mo Zhu who was a mere country bumpkin from the countryside. When the performance ends, everyone will definitely compare the two of them. She must take a good look at Class Eight’s score and ruthlessly mock Mo Zhu!

Mo Zhu, who was quietly playing, was not idle either. As there was only the piano accompaniment and on the whole, the song was lacking the melody of the other instruments, she acutely sensed that half of the students in Class Eight did not understand the accompaniment and they were just singing according to the conductor.

As she recalled the profound provocation that Fang Ran had shown just now, Mo Zhu thought silently for a while. As if she had understood something, she sneered coldly. Alright, looks like this accident was not an unintentional one but someone had deliberately caused it. Fang Ran couldn’t blame her for not giving her face then.

With this in mind, Mo Zhu stopped playing the same melody with both of her hands. The girl maintained the original accompaniment with her right hand and her left hand began to speed up. In just ten seconds, she successfully led Class Eight to change the original youthful song to a piano duet.

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