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Chapter 261: Instructing Her

When Gao Qing heard this, he grabbed Mo Zhu’s hand excitedly and asked in disbelief, “Ms. Mo, are you really confident in curing my illness?”

Although Gao Qing did not use much strength, Mo Zhu was not used to physical contact with unfamiliar people. She calmly retracted her hand from the old man’s hand and said calmly, “As long as you cooperate with the treatment, there won’t be a big problem.” When Gao Qing heard this, he could not help but laugh happily. A moment later, as if he had thought of something, he frowned slightly and asked, “I remember that the last time you came to the Gao family, you did not say that you wanted to treat me. Why did you suddenly tell my nephew that you want to treat me?”

Mo Zhu raised her eyebrows and gently placed her hand on Gao Qing’s wrist. As she took the old man’s pulse, she replied, “I was entrusted by someone to do

Once he said this, Gao Qing immediately understood who had asked the girl in front of him to do this. He looked at Mo Zhu with tears in his eyes and asked seriously, word by word, “Ms. Mo, have you told Brother Guo about the matter that I asked you? Brother Guo, is he willing to see me again?”

After Mo Zhu checked his pulse, she calmly retracted her hand and took out the acupuncture bag with the silver needles in her pocket. “He didn’t mention it. I’ll ask him another day.”

Upon hearing that Mo Zhu had agreed to help him ask, Gao Qing thanked her a few times gratefully.

At this moment, Gao Rong quietly brought two glasses of water for Mo Zhu and Huo Xuan. Just as he placed the glass of water by the girl’s hand, Mo Zhu picked up the glass and took two sips. Then, she cleared her throat and said, “The reason why your body has been deteriorating these few days is because the few types of poison in your body have started to fuse. You can continue drinking the tonics you’ve been taking recently, but don’t eat greasy food first.”

Gao Qing looked at Mo Zhu in surprise and asked in confusion, “Ms. Mo? Why didn’t I know that there were many types of poison in my body? I don’t remember being poisoned before?”

Mo Zhu frowned when she heard this. She diagnosed Gao Qing carefully and said, “Many years ago, you might have accidentally consumed a few types of poison. Because you took Old Man Guo’s antidote at that time, the poison had been suppressed in your body.”

After a pause, Mo Zhu touched her chin and added, “And a while ago, you were poisoned with a new poison. Under the guidance of the new poison, the poison that was hidden in your body previously erupted all at once. This resulted in the organs in all parts of your body to start failing, and the various indicators have dropped lower than their normal values.”

Gao Qing frowned as he carefully savored the meaning in Mo Zhu’s words. After realizing that the Old Guo the girl was talking about was Brother Guo, he raised his eyes to look at Mo Zhu and replied, “Ms. Mo, you’re right. Although I don’t know when I was poisoned, I clearly remember that Brother Guo gave me a pill before he left and forced me to take it. At that time, for some reason, I often vomited blood suddenly, but I haven’t vomited since I took that pill.”

After a pause, Gao Qing continued as if he was recalling something seriously, “According to Ms. Mo, the pill that Brother Guo forced me to take should be the antidote. Then, who exactly poisoned me?”

Mo Zhu did not understand what Gao Qing was talking about. She was not very interested in what had happened back then either. She gently placed the bag of acupuncture needles on her knees and arranged them properly. Mo Zhu said lightly, “Old Master, don’t move. I’ll use acupuncture needles to treat you now.”

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