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Chapter 99: Going to Save Him

“Yes, ma’am!” Feng Ke nodded, he then walked out of the ward quickly and closed the door.

Not long later, Mo Jiu, who was following Feng Ke, was brought to the ward where Mo Zhu was.

“Master Long is inside. If there’s anything, you can ask her yourself.” After saying this, the subordinate left and it looked like he was running away, as if there was a beast in the ward.

Mo Jiu stopped letting his thoughts run wild and thanked him softly. Then, he went straight to the door and reached out to knock lightly.

Hearing a knock on the door, a cold female voice came from inside. “Come in.”

Mo Jiu found this voice familiar, but he couldn’t recall anything.

He pushed the door open politely and entered the ward. Before he could say his intentions, he saw Mo Zhu sitting in front of the bed with Mo Wu, who was standing behind her like a bodyguard. Mo Jiu’s eyes widened in surprise. “Ms. Mo? Mo Wu? Why are you guys here?”

Mo Wu could not believe her eyes when she saw that it was Mo Jiu. She ignored Mo Jiu and asked anxiously, “Didn’t you go to the capital with Young Master Huo and Young Master Xu for work? Why are you in the hospital?”

This morning, Huo Xuan personally asked Mo Jiu to follow him and Xu Huan to Beijing to do something. He even specially instructed the others that they were not allowed to contact the three of them casually without his permission. Mo Wu never expected to see Mo Jiu at the Central Hospital.

“Ms. Mo! Your medical skills are superb. Please save Young Master. Young Master was unfortunately hit by the other party’s hidden weapon on his way back to the city today. I wasn’t able to take that thing off Young Master’s shoulder no matter what I did…”

After a pause, Mo Jiu said with a sobbing tone, “Besides that, the weapon was also poisoned. It directly triggered the remaining poison in Young Master’s body. Young Master has lost too much blood and the poison has invaded his body. He has been unconscious for a few hours!”

“What did you say!” Mo Zhu was triggered by Mo Jiu’s words. She sat up from the chair instantly and slammed the pole by the bed heavily. She ordered, “Where’s Huo Xuan? Hurry up and bring me to see him!”

Mo Zhu didn’t have the patience to listen to Mo Jiu’s slow words. She rushed downstairs and opened the door of the vehicle that was parked at the entrance of the hospital.

The back seat door was forcefully opened by Mo Zhu, revealing Huo Xuan’s pale face, who was lying quietly on the chair. Mo Zhu’s expression changed, and she immediately reached out and put pressure on a few acupuncture points on the man’s body to stop the bleeding.

Seeing that Mo Jiu had already arrived behind her, she turned around and said coldly, “Did you bring the silver needles?”

Mo Jiu nodded and took out a syringe from his pocket. He quickly took out a bunch of silver needles and stuffed them into Mo Zhu’s hand.

“I’ll borrow it for now.” Mo Zhu didn’t stand on ceremony with the man. She nimbly performed a simple acupuncture on Huo Xuan in the car and stuffed the excess silver needles into her pocket.

Mo Zhu lowered her head to look at the wound on Huo Xuan’s shoulder that couldn’t heal in a short amount of time and frowned. “This is the first time I’ve seen this flower-shaped hidden weapon too. I’ve already sealed several of Huo Xuan’s acupuncture points to stop the bleeding. When his breathing has stabilized, find a stretcher and carry him into the operating theater. I’ll take this out for him.”

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