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Warning! Strong words up ahead!


'Boring. What a boring day like the usual. Ugh!'

It's been 2 year since I got reincarnated. I have been taken care by a woman named Alfea and she was an ex-maid, I think.

Alfea called me Lio, sometimes she mistakenly called me young master, and other nicknames. If I'm not mistaken, I am a son of a person she once served, in other words I'm a noble or much higher. So if I'm a young master, then my name is totally not Lio and much more longer than that.

As I spend my years with Alfea, it was really weird if you asked me.

She always wants me to wear a black cloth over my eyes, which I can totally see nothing. It was very annoying that everytime she puts it on, if I say so myself, so I will throw it on the ground like every time.

She never allowed me to go outside the house and only take me with her to go buy groceries in the market if I were to wear the black cloth. And everytime a person asked why I wear them, she will just tell them that I'm blind, I have a very sensitive eyes and so on.

At first I wanted to deny it, but as it happens everytime, I just decided to play along because it's too much work for be if I were to correct her.

And now I'm here since I refused to wear that god damn blindfold; very bored and there was nothing to do and except just read book or something like that. Alfea always lock the door from my room everytime she goes somewhere for a bit, but it can be opened from the outside and inside, and if I can't open them, there's always a window.

There are things that I learned as I was left in the house. First is that we live in a forest for some reason.

Second is that the house is quite big, like an old mansion to be exact. Like there's a second floor, empty rooms, a big ass stairs; like they have two of it just to get up on the second floor! Do they collect stairs or something?

And also there weren't any mirrors in the house, like none at all! So I can't see my reflection. Like fuck! Who lives in a big ass house without a single mirror! Are mirrors in this world that expensive?!

I do see my reflection often on the water, but it's not enough. All I know is that I have a blonde hair and blue eyes, and for some fucking reason they are shining!

I can see well in the dark even though the lights were off, like some kind of night vision glasses attached on my eye ball.

Am I a cat or something? Or a cat beast like the one's on the fantasy movies? But I don't even have a fucking cat ear and tail!

Anyways, enough with the yelling.

I learned how to walk in just 3 months after being born, well barely walk but I can crawl really well. You might be wondering why I know that at the moment I opened my eyes I realized that I was just a new born.

Well it's too easy, I can barely move my body like arm or something like that. I don't have any teeth, I always drink milk for the past months and I can't even say a single word. The only word I will let out is 'gaa', 'woo' and more baby noises.

Now then back to the story.

Because I was very bored on just laying around, I decided to know how to walk or crawl a little bit early, or should I say too early.

And whenever Alfea goes to sleep, I will sneak out off my crib and learn how to read, I started doing it when I was 4 months old. I somehow able to learn how to read the weird alphabet in just a matter of months, well I have to do it in secret which is a pain in the ass, but I still somehow managed to sneak out without her knowing.

Then I decided to let her know that I learned how to walk by letting her see me walk (technically), which when I was 6 months old.

It's still unknown to her that I can read books and such. And ooh~ I wish that I could dance as I was reincarnated with no disabilities at all, but with my current body and strength, I still have a long way to go before start dancing, or even try a few spins.


After Alfea left, she made sure that I'm asleep then place me on my bed carefully, I can start talking now but barely a few sentences because I can't pronounce them properly. And oooh boy, Alfea was so proud of me whatever I do.

Agh! Why am I explaining this. Anyways let's go back to the story.

After she placed me on my bed, she will go out for exactly 1-3 hours out of my room or out the house then return after.

Today she left me asleep, or I was pretending to be asleep so she can go get some groceries. I refused to wear the blindfold so she waited for me to fall asleep/put me to sleep then go to the nearest market fast as possible.

(A/N: She will only go to the market once in every 3 months. As she goes there, she will always buy 4 months worth of groceries. She also has a little garden on the back of the old mansion but Lio never once have been taken there.)

I waited for exactly 5 minutes before opening my eyes and continued my plan. I got off the bed and opened the door looked around and then proceed on the library where I always go.

As I was walking towards my destination, I can't help but to wonder how she cleans the whole house.

Like there's no dust on sight, well except for the unoccupied rooms and the library as they were never been used so there are dust, cobwebs on the cabinets and such.

It's not too dusty anymore as I was using it for the past 2 years and a half but I can't clean the whole library as it was too big, I just cleaned about a quarter half of it; looks like I still have more to explore.

Looking at the cabinets full of books, I frowned. It seems like I have already read does books. I sighed since I have to look more books to read meaning I have to clean more part of the library. Well it's not that bad as I really love reading books and such, it's just that I needed to go deeper in the library meaning I might get dust all over my clothes.


Just like I decided, I walked deeper in the library to find an interesting book but reading the covers I found so far.....

None of them got my interest.

Crouching down to rest for a bit, I saw a book on the floor that got my interest. The cover was black had a golden vine patterns on it, but that was just the cover. The title of the book was more interesting, for some reason the book's title was "Their History".

At first I thought it was just a book about this world's history, but it can't be it as the thickness of the book was like a story book for kids, so it can't be a history book.

As touched the book to pick it up, the book suddenly emitted a dazzling lights.

The book's thickness gradually increases bit by bit as it float in the air, it soon stop's as thick as two dictionary books stock on one other.

Their's only two words in my mind as it landed on the ground making a soft thud.

'Magic Book'

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