Episode 1

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Part 1 - Lok 

I was counting down the minutes to my freedom. 

Just three days until the end of the school yearand a few more until the end of today. I was daydreaming in class again and was already planningmy summer out - trying my best to plan an escape from the hell that Venice became in thescorching summer heat. The already impossible humidity was killing any and all motivation I hadfor anything. 

"And that is all you need to know for your quiz tomorrow," my teacher closed out the lesson.

Wait, what?! I thought we were done with our exams. A history exam, tomorrow?! 

This snapped me out of my daze and everything came crashing down. I aced all my other exams, Iwas finally relaxing. 

I quickly looked up at the board, as the teacher was preparing to wipe away the notes he had madeon it.

In a last-ditch attempt, I ran toward him.
"Mr. Patterson, hold on a second, I haven't finished copying down the notes, could I take apicture?" I asked, as nicely as I could muster. 

To his credit, Mr. Patterson was understanding andlet me take my picture."I hope you had the time to copy down the other two boards worth of notes, Lok," he replied, as Iwas retreating back to my seat to pack my things."Of course, sir! I just started getting distracted towards the end," I replied, while my mind wasracing - two more boards of notes for the quiz! How did I daydream through all of that?

I bolted out of the classroom and tried to find the only person I knew of, who took impeccablenotes - Sophie.That girl was a total bookworm and always got better grades than me. I never had a particularreason to talk to her before, but she is the only person in my history class, who I would trust to havebeen focused enough in the lesson today.

I ran out of school and into the school grounds. I scanned the small crowds of students walking out and into the streets of Venice, hoping to spot her head of strawberry blonde hair. My eyes stopped outside the school fence, where she was already heading out to the bridge into thecity center. 

Shit! I have to catch up to her! 

I took a deep breath and ran after her. On my way, I bumped into a few other students, who didn't appreciate it and made it known by shouting after me.

I didn't care - I had to at least get a decent grade on this, which meant at least trying to pester Sophie for her notes. I would have just called her to ask, but she was one of the few people in the class who I hadn't exchanged numbers with, even after all these years at the Prep Academy. I mean, me and Sophie, we were never friends, even acquaintances was stretching it. She never really socialized too much, only the necessary amount when it came to group projects. I didn't do much socializing either, to be honest.

She was halfway over the bridge when I finally caught up to her.

"Hey, hold it, you're Sophie, right?!" I shouted, then got into a coughing fit from panting too much, while trying to catch my breath.

She continued walking but shot a puzzled look back at me before going back to looking at the crossword in her hands.

"Yes, Sophie Casterwill. Have we met before?"

I guess I am invisible to girls... but to this extent...

"I'm Lok, I've sat behind you in History class all year!" I replied, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Oh... Sorry, I guess, I never noticed..." she said, not looking up from her crossword and continuing to walk. "And I sat behind you in Math the year before, Science before that..." I trailed off.

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