Chapter 1

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Who knew that the white radish would have a mana explosion?

The last thing Cale remember was hearing the shouts of his allies.

After that everything went dark.

The next thing he knew when he opened his eyes.

He was in a unfamiliar room.

"What's his name? "

He heard a man's voice.

He looked in front of him to see a blond man with crystal blue eyes staring at him coldly.

"She named him Cale y-your Majesty"

The woman who was holding him said while bowing down in front of the blond man.

( forgot to mention that cake also has the blue crystal eyes)

"Tch, Just take him away. "

Said the man in front of cale, cale was annoyed by the man's behavior, but what could he do? Nothing so he just ignored the man.

The woman nobbed and took cale out of the room in a hurry.
Time skip cuz I'm lazy

After a few years

Cale who was now 6, got to know that he was once again in a novel.

Atleast that's what the GoD told him.

And Cale didn't fail to curse at the GoD.

Cale also got to know that athy was 2 years older than him, so that meant she was 8 (I forgot at what age athy met claude so in here she just met him at 9)

He and athy were placed in the same palace.

Cale was also quite worried about his family thinking what they might be doing?

He missed them.

Especially the children he sometimes wondered if they are eating or sleeping well.


Cale who was now lying down in the grass with his eyes closed heard some footsteps.

He opened his eyes and looked towards the sound of the footsteps.

And there was a blond girl with crystal blue eyes standing there with wide eyes.

Cale who's eyes we're also wide open....

'I am ot of here, I ain't ready to lose my slacker life! '

Cale got up ignoring the girl, and started walking away.

"W-wait.... "

Athy who started running towards the red head called him out once more only to be ignored.

Cale felt a small hand pulling his shoulder.

He looked back just to see the girls face once again.


"I-Im athanasia"

Athy said while looking nervous, I mean who wouldn't be when u suddenly see a beautiful boy who looked like an angel suddenly appeared in the palace garden out of nowhere?

"How about u? "

She asked the beautiful boy.


Cale answers while looking at her straight in the eye.

"I-i see, but what r u doing in this palace? "

Athy asked Cale while staring back at Cale.

"Father was the one who placed me here. Did u not know? "

Cale looked at athy with a confused expression.

"F-father? "

Athy who didn't know she had a dongesaeng looked at him with shock, it was then when she noticed the boy's blue crystal eyes.

"You mean the emperor? "

Athy asked again just to make sure since there was no character name Cale in the novel was there? Nope, she was sure there wasn't .

Cale just looked at her blankly and nobbed his head.

Athy regained her composure and thought, was it because of her that there was a new person? (Nope not because of u)

"What's your age? "

Asked athy.


Answered Cale looking at her.

"Then, would u like to play with me? After all it turns out u r my dongesaneg"

Cale who was not used to anyone other than alberu Or his team leader and choi jun soo calling him dongesaneg looked at athy blankly.

"S-sure? "

He answered while coming back to his senses.

Athy just took Vale's hand and dragged him to the other side of the garden.

( sorry that this was short, I actually have a audition + test on Monday so i gotta prepare, I will still try making the other chapters longer tho- anyways byee y'all :))

(Wait- i just wanted to know who should I ship Cale with, lucas? Ijekiel? Choose anyone pls )

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