Chapter 3

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( my auditions and test is on Monday :( I am nervous for my auditions, but anyways I'm using some of my free time to write hope y'all enjoy and I hope I pass my auditions :))


No one spoke, Claude was staring at the half-siblings, athy was just trembling while looking down and Cale was staring at the water and thinking about his dear slacker life.

Athy got up and looked down at the water.

'How is this moving? '

"What r u thinking? "

Then she heard claude, she felt a shiver down her spine and looked at Claude.

"Your hair is sparkly and pretty papa! "

She said while having a bright smile.


Claude hummed and looked at Cale who was staring at the water, then he looked elsewhere.

Cale who suddenly heard a splash looked where it came from, and it was then when he saw that athy had fallen into the water, his body moved by instincts.

And soon athy was lifted up by the comfortable wind, she had her eyes wide open while looking at Cale who had saved her. Is he using magic?

Claude was also currently looking at Cale with wide eyes just thought, 'I don't feel any mana from him, what is this power? '

Cale who also had eyes wide open, ' I ruined the plot again! '
Well what could he do? His body had moved on his own.

Cale just quietly placed athy on the boat and looked away, ignoring the blond's stares and what he just did.


"Oh my god princess r u alright?! "

Lillian said while looking at athy with worry.

" Felix, teach athy how to swim"

Claude said while still looking at Cale who was avoiding his gaze.

' I can't lose my slacker life yet! I shouldn't have done that what was I even thinking?! '

Cale was currently busy.

• Cale r u ok? (Super rock)

Cale just hummed as a response. Then he looked at the athy who was being carried by Lillian while crying.

'So loud'


It was night Cale was reading a book as he wasn't sleepy yet.

'Mm I am hungry'

He got out of bed and placed his book on the table while going out of his room towards the kitchen.

And there he saw a girl with blond hair getting some chocolate.


( sorry this was short I really need to study, I will try the next chapter will be out by the day after tomorrow, byee y'all :))

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