Chapter 2 - Symptoms

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Nora awoke to a strange nauseousness one morning and stumbled into the bathroom of their dorm where she promptly leaned over the toilet and hurled.

However, unlike normal vomit, Nora had regurgitated a strange black substance. Every time she saw the black fluid leave her mouth, the more scared she became. When she stared into the toilet bowl, she saw the black substance inside it. She turned to see Pyrrha staring at her in horror and shock.

"Please don't run away, Pyrrha. I just..."

Pyrrha's expression changed almost immediately.

"It's okay, Nora. I'm not going anywhere."


"Mhm. Now, tell me. Is this a new thing long has this been going on?"

"This is the first time."

"Okay, have you been experiencing anything else?"

"Just light cramps."

Pyrrha sighed. "And your period? When did it happen last?"

Nora thought about it for a moment before realizing that it had been a while.

"Okay, we're going to Ozpin's office"

Out of nowhere, there is a knock on the dorm room door.

"No need. I'm already here."

" That was fast."

"May I come in?"


Once Ozpin steps into the room, he approaches Nora with a concerned expression.

"So, how long have you been experiencing this?"

"The vomiting? Only today. The cramps? a couple weeks. And the strange cravings? Every day since the accident in that village."

"Anything else?"

Nora though about it for a moment.

"Well, yes. I always feel stuffed. And I keep having strange hallucinations. Shadows of strange shapes out of nowhere."

"I see. Well, the only thing I can really tell you is to rest. It will go away in time. However, Miss Nikos, watch over your friend very closely."

"Yes, sir."

As Ozin was about to leave, he heard Nora say something that caused him to pause.

"I've also been having strange dreams."

"Strange dreams?" Ozpin asked with a tilt of his head in curiosity.

"Yes. They always begin and end the same."

"I see.. Tell me more about these dreams."

"Well, I always wake up in a hospital bed. The room is lit with a broken light and I have no clothes underneath. I always have a bulging stomach. Whenever I leave my room, I hear strange creatures in the darkness. After I start running through the hallways and the creature chases me. And every time I manage to escape, I find myself suddenly swarmed by different strange creatures. They latch onto my bloated breasts while some rape me. The ones that would rape me would force their way into my orifices, and slowly pound away with their cocks until they break me."

"This is quite...graphic."

"And when they are done, I stand up and find a version of myself in a mirror. Though she looks nothing like me, or at least not in a normal way."

"What does look like?"

"She is me but, her body is bloated, she is obviously pregnant. And her veins are as black as night. Her hair is a crimson shade are her irises which are always surrounded by black sclera."

Ozpin's eyes widen in surprise but tries not to show it.

"Get some rest, Miss Valkyrie. I'm sure all will become clear down the road."

"I sure hope so."

"Take care."

"We will."

As soon as Ozpin leaves and shuts the door, he curses. "Damnit. I thought I had  more time."

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