Chapter 4 - A Grimm's Innocence

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Nora awoke to find herself in an empty run-down hospital. The lights flickered on the ceiling, some already busted. Looking down each half of the hallway, she grew unnerved.

"Left, or right?" The young ginger asked.

Deciding to go down the corridor to the right, she took a deep breath and began to walk in that direction. Feeling an unusual heavy wight centered on her abdomen, she looked down to see that she had a stomach the size of a woman with quintuplets. She knew she couldn't have been pregnant, nothing was kicking within her womb, only a black sludge.

With a heavy groan, Nora made her way down into a larger hallway, one of its light bulbs flickering until it popped causing Nora to let out a shout. Taking a deep breath, she calms down as much as she can before moving forward. As she passed down the larger hallway, she came upon the corpse of a doctor who'd been chewed up. Stopping to give him a look, the smell of rot entered her nostrils.

Then, a strange draft sent a cold feeling between her legs that made her shutter. Pausing, she stood in place and turned to see that her gown only covered half her body.

"Alright, gotta find some pants."

And so began the search for pants. Looking around, the only pairs she could find were ripped to shreds and on patients or staff members. She had entered an empty room when she finally found a pair of hot pink maternity pants. Thanking the Gods, Nora put them on along with the pair of panties she'd found. Breathing a sigh of relief, she tied the gown into a bra.

Looking down at her stomach, she saw that her veins were black and that her navel had been pushed outward.

"I'm really pregnant, aren't I?" Nora asked aloud, still in disbelief.

Making her way towards the end of the hall, she felt a sudden jolt of pain wrack her lower body. Groaning in pain, she felt a strange wetness gathering in her drawers. Her eyes widen before she desperately tries to make it to a clean room.

Though, when she heard a loud screech, she looked up, ignoring her pregnancy for a moment. She began to move as quickly as her body would allow. However, she would only make it into a large room with broken tables before she had to sit down.

Knowing she'd have to give birth in that room, she sighed. The labor itself was quite...easy to say the least. Painless as it was, Nora still felt a massive drain her aura. As her womb expelled a small infant, it also released it's black fluids which quickly pooled in front of her. using her finger, she cleaned the infant's mouth as the black fluid dripped from his body to reveal a small baby with Aqua eyes and flaming blue hair. His skin was a pale white that slowly changed into a rosy pink much like her own. Its sclera was black and bony wings protruded from his back.

She knew what it was, but could not bring herself to end it's life especially when it's very body radiated the warmth of her friends. Cradling it in her arms, she felt something stir in her heart. A smile crept onto her face.

Lightly bouncing the baby in her arms, she found herself experiencing something strange, a pull if you will. Bringing the infant to her breast, she felt it latch on and suckle.

Turning to the pool of black, she watched a large feminine hand burst from it, spilled some of the black fluids onto the tile floor. Nora stared at the creature that came forth. Stare at it for a moment, she realized exactly what it was, a Grimm Valkyrie, and an alluring one too.

Closing her eyes, everything faded to white.

Ren's POV

"Do you think she'll be okay, Ren?" Jaune asked in worry.

I nod and find myself gently caressing Nora's cheek. Childbirth had taken quite the toll on her. Her body couldn't handle it and sent her into a temporary coma. She's been having feverish dreams ever since.

I hear Pyrrha brandish a spear and turn to see what can only be described as an angelic Grimm. I approach my teammate and place my hand on her spear and lower it. She gives me a strange look before putting her weapon down. I watch the Grimm shift into a Human-like form and lay with Nora, wrapping it's arms around her.

"So...that Grimm is female, correct?"

I nod and turn to my friends, bringing a finger to my lips. Jaune smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I walk over to my bed to see the infant boy that Nora gave birth to. Unlike his mother, hair looked like blue fire.

I had placed him in a small basket like crib to keep him from wandering off. I am curious as to how all of this happened, but that can wait. Nora and this baby are my priority right now. I sigh as I look at him. Nora can create an adorable baby, that's for sure.

Pyrrha decides to take ahold of the baby as he rests, cradling him in her arms.

"You look just like your mommy if she was a boy."

"I heard that."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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