Chapter 7~ Friends in trial

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Yeah remember how I said I would try uploading weekly... Eh- it's been 'a little' over a week... I don't have a good excuse, or any really. Just got nervous I guess. Feels weird to have an ending to a story even if this isn't that chapter. Anyways, for whoever is reading this- enjoy!

3rd person's P.O.V:

TRIGGER WARNING: Self-deprecating thoughts, mocking, feeling overshadowed.

Flittering rays of sunshine, the satisfying crack of your body when you stretch it after a great nights rest, that feeling of being ready for anything that comes into your path for the day that has just begun- is exactly how Vylad had wanted to wake up, but he hadn't woken up like that in the slightest.

Instead, he had woken up to the dreadful sound of Zane's alarm clock, tired bones and the memory of his nightmares still fresh in his mind. Not wanting to give in to the knowledge that he couldn't give sleeping another try he stole the cushion from underneath his own and Zane's head and put it over his head shutting out that annoying sound still ringing trough the too dark room.

Zane on the other hand got up silently and shut off the alarm clock whereafter he grabbed his comb and clothes and headed for the bathroom to get ready. Zane hated that bathroom with all of his heart but he wanted to give his little brother the chance to at least rest for a little longer. Carefully avoiding looking in the mirror, he undressed himself and put on fresh clothes, which to his dismay was a little harder then he hoped. His right arm just didn't want to work, and his balance was all out of whack.

After finally getting his clothes on, he knew he couldn't delay the inevitable anymore. He would have to look in the mirror in order to make sure he would be able to brush his springy bangs over his blind eye. Taking a deep breath he looked up, and instantly regretted it. The mirror showed a version of him he didn't want to acknowledge, his eyes looked... Empty. Gigantic bags under them and his skin was even more pale than usual.



His thoughts whispered hateful words at him, more and more as he continued looking in the mirror. Shaking off those words he quickly combed his hair, muttering colourful curses as his bangs kept popping up again and the knots wouldn't go away. After what felt like ages he finally finished and went back to his bedroom where he saw Vylad no longer pretending to go back to sleep again, instead the little brother was just sitting there, a far stare in his eyes, clearly deep in thought.

Zane figured that now was as best a time as ever to point out the tension between his brothers from last night. Slowly he walked over to his brother sitting down on the bed next to him before softly scraping his throat in the hopes of pulling Vylad's attention to him. But it seemed he hadn't had to do that at all because as soon as he had sat down Vylad turned to him, questions visible in his clear green eyes.

Not wanting to immediately fall with the door in the house he decided to first just spark up at least some kind of conversation, to ease the tension in the air as it was clear that both brothers were about to say something that lay heavy on their chests.

"Hey Vylad, how did you sleep after- you know, the nightmare..." Zane whispered, his throat too dry to try and speak more clearly.

"I slept okay after..." Vylad answered just as softly.

The conversation fell flat soon after, both brothers seemingly too scared to bring up that what had been bothering them. Afraid to hurt the other. But not saying it would only lead to more trouble eventually, so after taking a deep breath Zane continued.

"I can see that you also have something to say... But first, I just want to tell you that I've noticed the tension between you and Garroth..."

Vylad's eyes widened at that.

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