Chapter 2: Farewell

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Max paced around her chambers, consumed by anxiety. Gabel had come to take her back to her husband's lands. She wasn't even aware that her husband had lands. Even more than that, Gabel had said that it was her duty as Lady Calypse to look after the household.

What did this mean for her? What would be expected of her when she arrived? Max had no idea how to run a household or how to manage servants. Joanna tried to teach her a few years ago what being a wife entailed but she hadn't really paid much attention. She had severely doubted that her father, who had hidden her away for years, would risk allowing her anywhere he could not keep a close eye on her. He was convinced that if she was left to her own devices for any length of time that she would bring untold shame to the Croix name.

'Would father really let me leave?'

Her thoughts were disturbed by a gentle knocking on the door.

"My lady, are you almost ready? Please make haste, we must depart for Anatol as soon as possible."

Sir Gabel, who had been determined not to leave her unaccompanied was currently standing outside her chamber door, ready to escort her to the carriage. It was almost as if he didn't want to let her out of his sights for a second.

"I-I'm almost there, just a few minutes longer..."

Max hurriedly emptied out a small trunk that sat in the corner of her room and packed three dresses, stockings, undergarments, soap and a comb. As she wondered what else to pack, Max's eyes landed on a small modest jewellery box on her dresser. It contained two rings and a necklace which had belonged to her mother. It was all she had in the world to remember her by. Everything else had been given to Rosetta. The only reason that these three items had remained in her possession was that her sister had rejected them.

After a moment of hesitation, Max grabbed the box and placed it in between two dresses, taking care to protect it from bumps and knocks. She closed the lid of the trunk.

Max opened the door and spoke to the knight. "I-I have finished..."

Gabel stuck his head into the room and frowned when he saw the one tiny trunk. "You've packed a lot lighter than I was expecting my lady." He walked over and lifted it under one arm with ease. "Come, the carriage is waiting for-" Gabel paused mid-sentence as his attention turned to the corridor.

A few moments later, the tell-tale 'click' of her father's cane became audible in the hall. Max froze as her ears strained to listen. She had been expecting his arrival since Joanna had turned tail and fled at the sight of her and Gabel entering the castle.

The duke came into view dressed in a splendid red and purple robe, his long grey hair tied back neatly with not a strand out of place. He appeared to be the very definition of a calm and respectable nobleman but Max knew that he had taken Gabel's mere presence as a personal insult.

Max immediately bowed her head and hid her hands behind her back. She didn't dare to look at her father as she knew he would be furious, and she didn't want to make her inevitable punishment any worse than it already was going to be. She noticed Gabel glance at her, taking in her submissive gesture.

As soon as the duke got close enough to them he immediately turned to the knight to start berating him.

"How on earth did you get in here? You better have a good explanation for why you are trespassing into my castle. I made it clear that you were not wanted here, did I not?"

"I am here under the order of Lord Calypse to escort-"

Gabel was cut off when the Duke held up his hand to stop him. His voice was as cold as ice.

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