11. "Argh, not again!"

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Pov y/n:

"I need to go back, see you soon!" Justin said.

"Yeah, see you soon!" I smiled.

He walked to the ice while the majority of the guys were going back to the vestary. I looked at the remaining players on it and counted 4 people; my brother, Justin, someone I think is named Nick Suzuki, if I remember correctly, and the guy I never saw before this morning, the one I met earlier. He was doing his things on his side, alone. He seemed concentrated a lot and independent. I asked myself who this guy was and promised myself to find his last name one day. I'll think about it later. The guys remaining went back to the vestary... except him and my brother. I left my seat and started walking to my brother's car. Obviously, I wasn't able to walk alone... at the exit of the arena, Laurent AND Jake came in my direction, talking together. They passed next to me; Laurent seemed sad and Jake seemed angry. They didn't even look at me, they just walked away. I was kind of deceived.

"Hey princess!"

I turned my head, surprised; Justin was walking in my direction.

"Hey." I answered.

"What's going on with these two?" he asked.

"I.. I prefer not to talk about it." I said.

"No problem. I'll be there if you need me." he answered.

He smiled, with a big warm smile. This guy is the kindest. I'm lucky to have met him, I'm sure I'll never regret it. At this moment, my brother appeared.

"You're here, finally. Come, we're going back home."

"Okay, I'm coming." I answered.

"Great." he walked away.

"Bye Justin, see you another time." I said.

"Wait, give me your number, I'll text you if you want." he said.

"Yeah, of course I want! It's (insert a number)." I answered.

"Thank you. See you soon." he smiled.

We both walked away in our directions and my brother took me home. As soon as we arrived, Kale went straight to his room so I decided to invite Mia, but she said she was already doing something with the guy she met at the party. She begged me to comme with them, because she was too shy, so I accepted. I asked her if I could bring someone, so it would be less boring for me and she accepted. My friend came to my house to pick me and we joined my bestfriend and his man.

"Bestiiie!" Mia screamed.

We see each other almost everyday, but we always are happy to meet another time. We're always acting like it's been a whole year that we didn't see each other.

"How are you!?" I asked.

"Fine, and you my love?" she answered.

"It could be better, but I'm good, thanks!" I smiled.

"Hum, hum.."

"Oh, yeah, sorry! Y/n, this is Jesperi, Jesperi this is y/n, my bestfriend I told you about!" she smiled.

I smiled hearing that.

"Oh yeah, I remember! Nice to meet you y/n, Mia's always talking about how amazing you are!" he said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Jesperi, Mia's also talking about y-" I started.

"OH AND WHO'S THIS ONE?" she said louder, to cut my sentence.

We all laughed.

"Justin, a friend of hers!" he said while reaching out his hand with a big smile.

"Uh uhhhh, pleasure to meet you! I'm Mia!" she smiled back, discreetly waving at me that Justin was cute, laughing.

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