Chapter 2- Going home

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Kaitlyn's POV

We kissed for about a minute or so before we were interrupted by someone. And it had to be his girlfriend Mindy Cameron. Yup I had guts .

" What's going on here??" She demanded angrily.

Quite frankly, I would be angry too if I just caught my boyfriend kissing another girl.

Since she was a little lost I explained everything to her like the good person I am.

"Well, your boyfriend," I said gesturing to him, " and I were lip-locking. He offered me some of his beer so I took a taste." I said sweetly.

" Hmph. " she puffed out.
" Ryder it's-" she continued but was cut off by someone thankfully.

" Yeah,yeah,yeah Ryder it's over." After saying that I left the party  and made my way over to my car.

I started up my car that Nana gave me. I know,I know; my parents would've gotten me a car but they spent the money on unnecessary things for my baby sister Kennedy. So Nana got me one for being a good girl.

I know what you're thinking. Wow you must be loaded for your grandma to buy you a car. My family; we're not rich, we're not middle-class and we're not poor. We just have money that can be wasted.

All of that is crap.

My parents have money but I hate being called rich.

The drive home was silent until I got a call from home.

" Kait, are you almost home? My shift is almost over and Kennedy's wide awake." Kennedy's sitter said.

I don't really like her. Let's rephrase that, I HATE HER.

"Yeah," I sighed "I'll be there in 10." I said then hung up.

"What a day!" At least I'll get some Kennedy time. Usually at this time she'd be sleeping.

I turned into my driveway and grabbed my things from the back.

As I walked in I heard Kennedy crying. I rushed over to her crib and took her into my arms.
She calmed down after a while.

Going into the kitchen, I took up her bottle from the counter and checked the temperature. After seeing that it wasn't too hot I fed it to her and started singing.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star." I sang melodiously.

And she was fast asleep. I carried her upstairs, laid her on my bed and covered her up with a blanket.

I went back downstairs to get a cup of milk and saw the sitter leaving. She said bye but I didn't acknowledge her presence, I just went for the milk.

After I gulped it down I went straight upstairs into my room and onto my bed making sure I wasn't pushing Kennedy off. As my head hit the pillow I was out like a bulb.

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