CHAPTER THREE: The Hogwarts Express

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Walking onto the train was an odd sense of shackled freedom, the twins did not know what Hogwarts would be, or who would be watching. Were they just changing from one dictator to another? James shook them from their thoughts as he opened the door to the very last open compartment in the train, number 305, and ushered the twins inside.

Caelum and Sirius sat opposite to James their arms intwined together, and said nothing. He had never thrived in silence, contrary to the twins, who seemed the most comfortable when he spoke not at all, and only stared oddly at them.

Sighing out once, James made the quick decision that the twins would simply have to get used to his incessant chatter, and broke the silence. "Do either of you play quidditch?"

Caelum thought it was such a ridiculous question, of course they played quidditch, they had to play quidditch, and yet? They question brought such an instant easiness to the compartment. She felt her shoulders relax and her tongue fall from the roof of her mouth. "Yes, we do. I am Seeker, and Sirius is a Beater."

James seemed to visibly excite at the thought of this, and a huge grin took his face. "Sweet! Together were practically like, a whole team!" James moved forward in his seat as if to tell a secret. "I'm a Chaser of course."

"Of course," Sirius responded, but James didn't seem to note the sarcasm.

"There are seven players on a team, we are only three." Caelum pointed out.

"Well I suppose that's true. We will just have to make friends with five other players then!" James, ever the optimist, smiled. Before Caelum could correct the ridiculous notion, they door opened once more.

They were two other first year students, (Caelum could tell of course because they didn't have a tie colour). One of them was a young, pretty girl with long red hair and striking green eyes, the other was not so fortunate. He had black, greasy hair and stood hunched over behind her as if he were cowering from something. "Hello there, my name is Lily Evans." She smiled at the three before continuing. "Pardon us, but everywhere else was rather full. Would it be alright if we sat with you?" She had an Edinburgh sort of an accent, and James thought she sounded lovely.

"Why of course," James smiled his best attempt at a charming smile, "I'm James Potter, I'm sure you've heard of my family."

"No, I haven't, I'm muggle-born you see." Lily explained, and the boy behind her eyes shot upwards like he hadn't expected her to say that.

There was a brief look of surprise on James' face, which was quickly replaced by utter fascination. "You must tell me all about the muggle world, I hear your pictures don't move."

Lily seemed to smile at this, and opened her mouth as if to speak, before the boy behind her interrupted. "Lily, he is just picking fun at you, it's what his type does. He's a pureblood." The boy whispered, and offense flashed to James' face.

"Is all that grease seeping into your brain you half-wit?" James asked, stepping forward towards the boy.

"Do not talk to him like that!" Lily moved further in front of the boy, staring straight up at James.

James was about to retort when Sirius interrupted him. "This," Sirius glanced at the boy in disappointment, "Thing, is clearly not worth our time. You are only feeding its fantasies by acknowledging its existence." Sirius knew exactly what he was doing, but when had a feud not been entertaining.

"You are absolutely right Sirius." James said, returning to his seat, grinning slyly at his friend.

James' newfound nonchalance did anger the boy, he deserved James' full attention, why shouldn't he? Lily however, quick to see anger in her friend, put an end to this silliness.

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