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After hours lost in the study of her new books, Caelum returned them to Madam Pince, feeling somewhat triumphant in her new knowledge. In a good mood, and noticing there were only hours of daylight left, Caelum made her way down to the lake to join Sirius, James, Peter and Remus, who were laying down and laughing under the beech tree by the lake.

"We should do an icebreaker," Remus suggested, unsure of what to talk about once Caelum walked up.

"What's an icebreaker?" James asked the question both he and the twins were wondering.

"One person asks the group a question and they all have to answer truthfully, then the person who asked the question gets to choose the next questioner. That person has to make the second question relevant to the first. Understand?" Remus explained the game, and seeing nods of approval from his friends, he began. "Great, let's start off easy. What are all your full names?" Remus asked.

"Jameson Fleamont Potter," James said.

"Peter Willam Pettigrew," Peter said.

All eyes turned to Caelum, who was next in the circle. She looked almost reluctant, but said, "I am Caelum Aries Black."
Though she did not hate her name she was not fond of sharing it. Caelum never really understood judging someone based on their name; in her experience your name was just a proxy for your blood, which is why she disagreed with it. Caelum felt she had a beautiful name, but she was growing more uncomfortable with the meaning that came with it.

"I am Sirius Orion Black," Sirius said looking up at the sky.

"Remus John Lupin," Remus said.

"Uhm, Peter, you next. Remember the question has to be relevant," Remus stated.

"Yeah mate, I got it." Peter said, almost sarcastically. "Let's see. Why do you have the middle names that you have and do they mean anything?" Peter continued.

"Good one, Pete!" James cheered, for no particular reason.

"My middle name is John and my father liked the name I suppose, I'm not sure it has any deep-rooted meaning," Remus said firmly.

"My middle name is Orion. I am named after my father as well as the constellation, Orion, the Hunter." Sirius spokeas if he had repeated that sentence over and over again.

"My middle name is Aries, also after the constellation. Aries is Latin for ram, is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. Aries represents not war, but the spirit of battle," Caelum said, staring at the sky much like Sirius had been a moment before.

As always, it was hard to follow a Black. "Mine is Fleamont, which is my dad's name and it's been in the family forever, I suppose," James said, fighting the urge to also stare up at the sky.

"My middle name is Willam, after my father He died a long time ago though." Peter sounded not in slightest upset by this, which led the others to believe he didn't much remember him.

"Choose the next person, Pete," James said, nudging his friend.

"Hmm, Caelum" Peter said, nodding to himself.

Caelum, who already knew exactly what she wanted to ask, pretended to ponderfor a moment before posing her question, "Given many of you were named after your parents, or family members, what are your parent's jobs?"

"Well, my mother is retired. We got some money after my father died; we're by no means rich but we get by just fine," Peter said excitedly for no apparent reason.

"My mum is the head of the Aurors. Dad is retired, but he invented Sleezkys Hair Potion" James said, sounding extra proud of his mother.

"I'm going to make the assumption that you're a mama's boy," Peter said snickering.

"Shut up, Pete," James said, laughing along.

"Your mother is Euphemia Potter, is she not?" Sirius asked, interrupting the laughter.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" James looked confused.

"I suppose Caelum or I should go next. Our father, Orion, is Head Mortem Auror at the Ministry of Magic, and mother is the head of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black," Sirius said his voice darkening.

"What's a Mortem Auror?" Peter's confused look was echoed by his friends.

"Interesting... As you know an Auror a combative mage, and takes orders from the Head Auror, Euphemia Potter,. Their missions involve interrogation, tracking and bringing in rouge witches or wizards. Aurors have the authority to kill only in dire situations and only in self-defense or in the defense of others.They are encouraged to apprehend instead.
A Mortem Auror is sent out when a witch or wizard has gone too far astray. Their mission is elimination. The Head Mortem Auror determines who belongs on the list. They also perform the roles of professor, bodyguard and even stand in for the Minister for Magic at times."

As a long, uncomfortable quiet settled over the friends before Peter asked, sounding slightly nervous, "So your Father is the Head Mortem Auror?"

"Yes. Yes he is." Caelum answered.

Deftly changing the subject, Remus asked, "I don't mean to pry, but did you say your mother was the head of House Black?"

Sirius let out a low chuckle mirroring his father subconsciously before saying, "Yes, the Noble House of Black can be a matriarchy."

"Can be?" James asked, also eager to change the subject.

"Well, it does entirely depend on who is head of House Black at the given moment, as of now it is our mother. However, it goes to Sirius and I next and then is for us to decide who will be heading the house. Either Sirius and Bellatrix or Asher Lestrange and I," Caelum said, tying her hair up with her wand.

"So you two are engaged?" Remus asked, rather curious as to how it worked.

"Yes, we are betrothed. However it was not our choice, we have been since before the both of us were born, I to Bellatrix and Caelum to Asher. They arrange the marriages to keep the blood pure," Sirius said, putting quotations around the word pure.

Siri! Cael!" The twins heard Narcissa's agitated voice call from behind.

"What's ever the matter, Cissa?" Sirius asked.

"It's Reg," Narcissa said, sounding worried.

"What? What about Reg? Where is he?" Caelum pressed.

"He's here. In the common room," Narcissa said. Caelum and Sirius got to their feet and began running alongside Narcissa toward the Slytherin common room, leaving their friends in a confused huddle.

"Does anyone know who the fuck Reg is?" Remus asked, shocked.

"Probably their little brother, Regulus Arcturus Black," James trailed, the twins having confided in him briefly about their time in the Noble House of Black.

Caelum, Narcissa and Sirius only slowed once they had arrived at the Slytherin entrance, Narcissa placed her hands on the door as Caelum had done only weeks ago. Caelum, Narcissa and Sirius made their way into the common room not slowing for the turning heads. The Heirs made it to a large black wooden door with the name Narcissa Black carved beautifully onto a sliver plaque, Narcissa shoved open the door as she ushered Caelum and Sirius into her room. There was a large bed with dark green silk sheets and a large ebony black dresser, paintings of all her cousins hung on the walls, and sat next to the bed was little Regulus talking animatedly to Andy and Bella.

"Reg, what happened?" Caelum asked.

"I'm alright, Cael. I had Kreature bring me. I discovered our parents are planning
to get Andy married as of next summer, to Elijah Abbot! I had to find a way to tell you."

"I am not meant to be married until I come of age!" Andromeda said, her lip quivering.

"Thanks for letting us know, Reg" Sirius spoke softly.

"You ought to get going, you never know when Mother and Father might return" Caelum said, calling Kreature for her little brother.


Why do you think Caelum picked the question she did? Cya Luvs!


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