12- Happy moments?

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Jenna's POV

The rest of that school year was the best one of my life, and I would not want it to be any different. My life had changed for the better and it was all because of Harry. We had done so many things together and i could not imagine living my life without him. The most memorable thing I remeber from that shool year was just a couple weeks after he brought me to the lake. We yet again set out in the middle of nowhere to this extraordinarily built tree house, it was huge I mean almost bigger than my own house! I remember sitting there wondering what he was going to do this time. Come to find out, by the end of the night, we had a wonderful picnic, went for a nightime swim, and he gave me a promise. One I'll cherish forever, a small yet simple ring, represents so much more than words can describe.

Unconditional love.

Although when that summer came, it was pure torture, sent straight from the devil himself.

Harry's band took a straight path down, they never really became anything, and most the boys end up moving away.

But my best friends brother Zayn, didn't....


Walking into Harry's appartment I call out his name, but get no response. I call for him again, wondering why he wouldn't be home, he did say 5:00 right? I sit on the couch and wait, checking my phone to make sure he actually said to meet him here at 5:00. Just as i thought,he promised he'd meet me here today at 5:00. He might just be running late from work or something.

After a very long and dreadful few hours of sitting here and waiting for him to get home, I finally give up, assuming he forgot about me and make my way out of his appartement to my car.

I can't believe he just left me there, waiting for him. No call, no text, nothing.

Harry's POV

3 hours earlier

Rushing out of work, I grab my car keys and walk out to my car, its already five and I should be meeting Jenna at my appartment. Today is July 7th, mine and Jenna's 9 month anniversary. I can't believe that we have been together this long, I love her so much. My engine roars to life and I'm already pulling out of the driveway.

The drive to my appartement isn't that long, but being anxious to get there and all, its taking forever. Stopping at a red light, I notice a car that's been following me for awhile, turn left and finally leave me to drive home alone.

The road is never busy when I get out of work.

The light turns green and I keep moving down the road, that's until the same car that was following me from before, runs a red light, and without hesitating, crashes straight into my door.

My head is spinning and I know. I won't stay awake much longer. I look down at my hands already drowning in blood, when my vision blurs and I black out.


OMG guys I'm soooo sorry! This chapter is so short, but I have HUGE surprises and shockers for the next
chapter(s) to come! Ily guys.


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