11- So it seems

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Harry's POV

I knew she would react this way and I love it! She's definetly surprised and she wasn't expecting it at all, now I just need an answer. A simple comment would be enough for me, anything at all. Instead she still sits her mouth slightly agape, speechless. Maybe it was too soon? Now I'm doubting myself, oh god she hates me..

Jenna's POV

Those words kept repeating in my head; "Jenna Thompson, I like you, but will you let me love you...?"
I couldn't believe this had just happened, and I couldn't get a single word out of my mouth. Harry looked worried and I felt so bad for making him think any differently than what I really wanted to say to him.
I love him, and now I need to tell him.

"I-- Harry, this is, wow.. I-I love you too. These past few weeks I've been trying to get you off my mind, but you've always found your way back. No matter how hard I tried, you were there, and to be honest, I loved it..." His beautiful green orbs look up at me and a huge smile spreads across his face, I can't stand to just look at him anymore, it isn't enough.

Without thinking about what I was doing, mybhands found both his cheeks and pulled him into a deep meaningful kiss. There was an undescribable feeling that suddenly erupted in my stomach, as if 10 000 butterflies were flying around in there. Pulling away, Harry takes my hand in his and a deep blush spreads over my cheeks. He asks me the question I thought he'd only ask in my wildest dreams.

"Jenna, will you be my girlfriend..?"

Oh god that sounded so amazing coming from him! Aghhhh! I have to say yes before he changes his mind! Holy Jenna compose yourself.. okay I got this..

"Of course I will.." I say with a small smile and bite my botttom lip. Impossibly his smile grows even wider as he kisses me again making the canoe unsteady and almost tip over, but right now I didn't care. Holding onto the side of the canoe I make sure we don't tip and pull away.

"Harry we should get back, I completely lost track of time and the sun will be setting within the next hour or so.." He looks up at the slightly darkening sky and immediately starts rowing back, in more of a hurry than necessary.

"Everything okay Harry?" I ask him a little concerned.
"Um yeah just, told mum i'd be home for supper, I'm soooooo dead..!"

We make it to dry land and he grabs all his things. Running back through the trail we came from earlier that afternoon, we get back to the bakery and say our goodbyes, with that I go back home and dream about the whole thing all over again...
Hey guys! Okay so this chapter is a shorter one (I think) but I was nice today and worked really hard to update two chapters! Woohoo! Let me know what you think about Henna<3 and don't forget to vote & comment!! Ily guys!


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