Chapter 3

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He sees her reach for his hand. He slowly reaches for it, can he trust her? Everything is a blur, he takes her hand, all the pain, worrying, and suffering that had cause his life so much grief it slips away. He feels free for the first time in his life. She helped him find a place to ease life a place which seemed like next door neighbors to the place that seemed to be holding him hostage for so long.As they walk through the streets, he found her looking over with those pale blue and gray eyes which seemed to be caring a storm inside. He pretends not to notice even though it obvious. She sees him staring back at her and tried to look away but she can't, she wanders to herself how could something so beautiful be chained down like a savage so then he can turn into one himself. She got so caught up in thinking that she trips and falls into his arms, open and waiting for her. He smiles reluctantly, hoping that she felt the same spark that he had felt. She shows no sign of a spark or any feelings except for pure embarrassment. She just got up brushed herself off, red faced she started walking. Leaving him to figure out what just happened. Right as she started walking she bumped into something hard as a rock, but when she looked up she found this was no rock.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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