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It was nighttime now and Judar finally awoke, seeing the peach at his side. He sat up and grabbed the wonderful peach, looking at it and wondering if it was the woman he thought was a maid that left it there for him. He looked around the room and saw it was spotless and amazingly clean. He huffed and took a bite of the peach, his mouth returning to the heavenly place of the great and juicy peaches.

In another room in the same palace were Ren Kouen and the mystery woman. She and Kouen had been long-time friends but it was kept more of a secret between the two for personal reasons. They both drank and talked and had a good time eating big meals until it was time for her to go about her merry way back to where she laid her head at night.

"Why don't you stay the night here?" Kouen offered. She stood from her chair and grabbed an apple.

"You know I can't, Ren" she answered. Kouen nodded his head and escorted her out of the palace himself, not wanting anyone else to do it. They said their goodbyes and she walked off as Kouen shut the palace doors. She put the apple in her side bag and walked slowly and peacefully toward the small poor town she was always in.

As she was trotting down to the town in the dark, only the moonlight illuminating the way, she felt a presence following behind her. She turned but no one was there so she continued walking along the path to the town. Then again she felt a presence and a pair of eyes on her. She stopped in her tracks to listen to her surroundings, closing her eyes to help her focus.

Then, she felt someone behind her but they didn't seem to be there to attack her because if they were they would have done it already. She felt someone slowly press their body against her back and slump an arm on her shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes to see Judar's face right next to hers, dangerously close... for Judar, of course, not for her.

"Did I scare you?" Judar asked, a mischievous smirk appearing on his face. He moved his head closer to her ear and gave a light chuckle, thinking he did scare her, and thinking he was doing something to her. Of course, he was so very wrong.

"I didn't think The Great Magi of Chaos would be so obsessed with someone," the woman said as she gave a small and quiet giggle, beginning to walk off again, Judar following her almost like a lost little puppy.

"You have weird Rukh," Judar stretched and rested his hands behind his head looking out at the moon as he walked behind her "and I saw Kouen escort you out of the palace. I don't know who you are and-" he was cut off.

"A maid?" she said slightly jokingly since he had called her a maid earlier in the day.

"But why would anyone like Kouen waste their time with a maid like you?" Judar asked, appearing in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.

"Maybe I'm just likable" she gave a small smile and it slowly turned into a small smirk "Why do you waste your time on me then?" she asked him with a cocky-sounding voice.

"Goodbye then," Judar calmly said as he started to float away using his Levitation Magic.

"I guess you don't want this peach then..." the woman teased as she pulled out a plump peach from her bag and tossed it up into the air catching it in the palm of her hand and doing it all over again. Out of nowhere Judar appears in front of her again only this time upside down still using his Levitation Magic. His face was close to hers again making him see how beautiful her eyes were.

 His face was close to hers again making him see how beautiful her eyes were

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When he looked into her eyes he saw magic in them. He felt as if he could see the entire universe in her eyes. They were mesmerizing and enchanting and could almost pull you into a trance if you looked at them for too long and he felt this so he looked away from her, grabbing the peach when she threw it in the air and setting his feet down on the ground next to her.

"So you really do like peaches, huh?" she asked facing Judar and smiling lightly at him. He looked at her face as he took a bite of the yummy, delicious, and juicy peach, its juices dripping down his bottom lip.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Judar asked sounding almost defensive.

"I've heard rumors is all," she said, walking on the soft dirt road on her bare feet as the moonlight glimmered on her skin ever so elegantly. She digs into her bag once more and pulls out the apple she took from the palace and bites into it making a loud crunching noise. They both eat their fruits as they begin walking into the same meadow Judar woke up in, the same meadow where she picked those peaches.

"Why do you follow me?" she asked but Judar ignored the question.

"Why did you come out here if you're a royal maid? Aren't you supposed to stay in the palace?"

"I can't stay at the palace," she says as she goes up to a tree and climbs it, getting to a thick branch and laying on it with one of her legs dangling off the side.

"But you're a maid-"

"It's complicated. Why are you still here?"

"You aren't supposed to talk to me that way. A lowly maid such as yourself should address me properly" Judar said, levitating up to a branch close to the one she laid on, sitting on it with one leg dangling down and the other close to his chest.

"How do I address you then?" she said, turning her head to face the Magi.

"Master," Judar says as a big mischievous smirk grows on his face. She looks away and looks up at the night sky watching all the stars in the sky.

"I'm not calling you that..."

(A/N: I'm having trouble figuring out how to have them meet and get to know each other and stuff but goddamn is it hard because Judar is lowkey hard to figure out and stuff. If a lot of people say they don't like it or it could be better then I'll change it up but for now I'll roll with it)

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