chapter 1

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TW:Swearing, fainting?

I was always friends with someone called Slimecicle. Well his real name was Charlie. We were so young. About four or something. Yeah. Four was the age we became best friends.

My 'father' was Philza. He was the king of the Hardcore Kingdom. But Charlie wasn't in that kingdom. He was forced to stay with his parents. That was the excuse he used anyway. but he never let me see them. He said that they would always need to go work so they weren't around much.

I also had three other brothers. Technoblade was the oldest. I like to call him Techno for short. Wilbur was the middle child, even though he and Techno are twins. And then there is Tommy. He was supposed to be the youngest. Well that was until I came along.

Technoblade. He was known by many names. It was usually Techno, Technoblade, The Blade and The Blood God. Some information about him is that he hates the government. He's also a really good fighter. I try to follow in his footsteps.

Wilbur Soot. He was, well strange. He liked music and constantly tried to convince father to make his own nation and add me and Tommy. Techno would always get pissed and leave to read a book.

Tommyinnit. He was always the loudest and probably the most playful out of them all. People would say that he was pretty annoying and destructive. Everyone else was always busy and Phil would always have work to do. Philza would always be drained by the end of the day. So when I was younger, I didn't get much attention since we didn't have a mother. Tommy would invite his friend, Tubbo and Ranboo, over and play something. I would always watch them play or read a book.

Since my only adult figure was always working, he would forbid us to go outside. Especially outside the kingdom. Since all my brothers were protective, they would make sure of it. So how did I get out and meet Charlie? Well, I snuck out.

I was grounded for trying to go to the shops that were placed not too far away from the castle. I just wanted to go look around. I wasn't really upset. As I child, I usually wanted to be alone. Plus, I lost most of my emotions and many of my memories.

Since I was locked in my room. I began to read. Once that got boring, I tried to open the door. It was about dinner time so they would let me out to eat. The thing is, the door was still locked.


Hours passed. I could still hear their laughter and chatter during dinner. I was still locked up in my room. I didn't eat all day. Fuck it. If they won't feed me, then I will just leave. They don't care about me anyway. I was just a little toy they would eventually throw away.

I ran up to the window door that led to my balcony. The balcony was way too high to jump off of. I rummaged through my closest and packed various items like bandages, etc. Once I was done, I tied some rope to one of the railing bars and threw the rest down. After I did that, I slowly started to climb down.

I was finally free! Well now I need to get away from the guards. That should be easy. they don't really patrol that well. I quickly snuck past them. Now I was really free. Free from the hell that was.

I put on my black cloak over my black clothing that helped me get past and ran. Ran faster than I ever could.


Days passed. I didn't bring food since I was in my room. My body started to feel weak. I was able to kill some rabbits with my daggers I brought, but they weren't filling. I'm still surprised that they let a four year old child have daggers.

My vision started to blur. Black dots covered my sight. Then everything went black. The last thing I heard was the birds chirping. And a voice?

"H-Hey are you okay?"

Everything fell silent.

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