chapter 18 (end)

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I'm really sorry but I have no ideas left so I think I'm going to finish the story in this chapter. but don't worry! I have multiple endings because I feel like some people won't like they original ending! plus, I have another book. you can suggest what should be my next dsmp book here as well.

Once I was out of the elevator, I skidded my feet to a stop. I already told foolish beforehand so I could just take over work. it was like any other day. boring. sometimes quackity would come over and talk. there was nothing much going on today. appolo was the only thing keeping me from dying of boredom.

quackity excused himself. After that, I didn't see him until I finished work. I went to the fountain outside for a break from all the working I had no more work until tomorrow.

quackity came rushing over, tears streaming from his eyes.
"hey, hey. calm down. what happened?"
I asked the boy. I've gotten really close with both quackity and Charlie but I wasn't expecting what he would say next.
"C-Charlie! he's d-dead!"
quackity sobbed out.

I let him cry on my shoulder since I pulled him into a hug. I just froze once he said that.
"who. who killed him."
my question sounded more like a statement.
"p-purpled. he's in his ship now."
quackity quietly cried again. I patted his back and told him to stay at the fountain.

I pulled out my sword and went towards purpled's ship. quackity followed behind. let's just say, there were a lot of screams and begging. at the end, purpled lost a cannon life. I wiped his blood on my cheek once I was finished.

I looked over to the boy that followed.
"let's go home. I need to shower."


I finished flipping through all the pages that had writing on them. the rest of the pages were completely empty. when I reached the very back, I saw the last piece of writing.

'to my beloved child, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't watch you grow up. I'm sorry that I was like my own mother. but I was selfish and couldn't continue living my life as a lie. I loved quackity. I would've married him and watch you grow up. but sadly, my heart belongs to Charlie slimecicle, your uncle. I'm deeply sorry. I can't even put my sorrow into words. but I bet that I'll be in heaven with Charlie, watching over you. it is now my time to go and finally see my mother. or in this case, your grandmother.'

'and to my love, quackity. I'm also very sorry. sorry that I wasn't there to help you. I bet it was a lot of stress trying to raise a child and also work on the casino. I miss you and hope to also see you in heaven.
~love Y/N~'

I ran over to my father's office.
"dad, dad, look! I was going through some chests and found this journal. I read through it all and I think it was mum's. she says that she's sorry and misses you. but her heart belongs to someone called Charlie. mum says that Charlie is my uncle."

I told my dad. he looked up from his paperwork and at me. I walked over to him and placed the journal on his desk. he also flipped through the pages, quickly reading every single page. tears started to form in his eyes.
"was mum a good person?"
I asked my dad.
"yes. she was an amazing person. went through a lot of pain and shit. but she still always has a smile on her face and was always kind to everyone."

"her adventures seem really cool! I wish to be like mum one day. do you think I can?"
"oh yes. you can be whoever you want to be. and whoever dates you would also be extremely lucky. I mean, to date someone as beautiful and strong as you? if they are not the luckiest person, I don't know who is."
"well its obviously you, dad! you dated mum! she sounds great!"
he chuckled.
"oh, she was. the best one out there. beside from you of course!"


I look back at my own journal. it has been a few years since my father, quackity, passed. I hope he's happy with mum and Charlie. I'm now dating someone. someone who really cares about me. they're probably the best person I could ask for.
"babe! dinner's ready! come eat before it gets cold!"
"I'll be there in a minute!"

I truly did love them. I wrote my last words in my journal and shut it. that was the fifth journal I've completed. I followed my mother's footsteps and wrote about my life. but she sadly didn't get that far. I walk out of my room and downstairs to go to the kitchen to eat.

"i missed you babe. what have you been doing in your room anyway?" they asked while kissing me.
"just writing again. now c'mon. let's eat. I wanna have cuddles after!"
we didn't need children or friends to be happy. we were already joyful just being together. and I still ran the casino. quackity told me he still wanted the place running when he died. I hope he's happy.

and in the end, my lover isn't the lucky one. I was. I was the lucky one to stumble my eyes on someone so perfect and amazing. they also thought they were lucky to stumbled their eyes on me. but now, everyone was happy. it was just like quackity wanted. he wanted me to be happy.


WHY DID THIS BOOK HAVE TO BE SO SHORT!? tbh I don't even know. I just didn't have any ideas. but you're lucky that I re-wrote the ending since before it was just really short and said that quackity's child wanted to be like their mother, Y/N. BUT, nevertheless, me, your 'favourite' author, has written sad and happy alternative endings for this! I will give them their own chapters cuz they special.

byeee! see you in the alternative endings!

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