1st part

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Once there was a ringwraith who ruled and shepherded a fortress Hitherto he was the same man who we saw in the main games but the most dumbfounding thing happened when Talion arbitrarily felt a resurgence of his good ride. In a trice Mordor transmuted into a ravishing and without a blemish field of flowers. Everything there induced a jovial mood. At the end of the field Talion saw a profoundly bright man. Talion was flummoxed; he said to himself “This isn’t the desolate and intimate Mordor.” The bright man gave an uproarious scream saying “Save yourself.” This engendered so many questions for Talion but then he opened his eyes. The evil inside him wasn’t eradicated but felt more surmountable than before. What was more engrossing is the fact that the man was so enigmatic. Before Talion was radically thinking about the notions he was interrupted by the sounding of the alarm. Tailon walked nonchalantly towards the gate, thinking it were some belittle traitors or some bounty hunters from Lithlad.  Being cocksure was Talion’s only Achilles heel. What Tailon saw next was ghastly and daunting. A panoply of beings such as dwarves, elves and men. It was dumbfounding that all these contentious beings unanimously assented on ravaging the fort. Then Tailon’s siege beasts fired and the fight instigated. The opposing side was vehemently impaired due to the field being fraught with cursed fires of the siege beasts. Then Talion jumped down from a wall on the front side with a potent attack. Mist the battle Talion saw an old man wearing bygone fashioned robes and Talion thought what will this old flaccid man with uproarious clothes going to do.  Abruptly Talion gets hit by a fire ball. Now Talion was being sober because he was taking down the perpetrators deftly and expeditiously. Then an arrow hits him in the knee and all of his archers start to die. Talion has an intuition that their Elven archers are adroit and trump his archers due to their skill. Savages and grunts were prospering but the ologs and hunter were having an arduous time. Talion calls four captains who aid Talion. One  of them being Usha the cargor trainer with two dire caragors and a whole pack of caragors. Then there is an archer named Bash who uses poison and his brother Bosh who uses fire. Then we have a necromancer as well named Bua who brings back some comrades back. At this point Talion has perceived the fact that this situation is acute and probably a reprisal for extorting some of the land outside Mordor. Talion calls an ice graug which freezes a lot of enemies subsequently a man and a dwarf together take down the graug by attacking its legs and then its back. Then Talion falls, he thinks that “Who are these ingenious beings who have killed my graug so judiciously.” The man seemed intimate in an eccentric way to Talion. Talion inquisitively inquires them with the question in a surly voice “Who are you.” The man replies by saying “I am Aragorn and I am intimate to you because I was the profoundly bright man from your vision.” Talion was in torpor after hearing that due to being swamped with questions. Then Talion said how did yo- Shh! Said Aragorn and he followed it by saying “We are not malevolent or callous but we are cordial and we only want Celebrimbor.”  Talion then said “That it is precluded because if getting him is your gratification then confront Sauron not me.” “The palantir is our gratification.” Said Aragorn. Then Aragorn said “To use the palantir in a perfect way we need your ring which will also purify you as an upshot.” Before Talion could speak, he was blinded by profoundly bright lights.


Talion wakes up in an arid and desolate field with a glut of bodies and starts to bleed out. Then he sees the Witch king approaching he says “You have mortified Sauron, he gave you an onus and you have failed him.” “You callous dolt can’t you see their numbers our army was hapless against them.” Said Talion. Then the Witch king said “Now as punishment you merit death.” Now we see ‘Rivendell’ a place of the Elves. Then we see Aragorn and the dwarf whose name is bill with an Elven archer named Legolas who shot Talion’s knee in the battle. Then we can see a Gondorian named Bour, then a bounty hunter named Thomas and finally a potent wizard named Gandalf who had blinded Talion in the battle. All are seen sitting in a circular pattern and in the middle there is a table, in the centre of the table we can see the ring .Thomas says “We have the ring now; we just need the palantir now.” Bour says “How do we procure it” Gandalf says “The only way I know is to storm Sauron’s castle but with one of his ringwraiths down he might storm Rivendell. Thomas says “I will wield the ring, men are purported to be duped by the ring but my mind is tenacious.” Bill says “Men can’t have defiance to this proclivity plus even with the ring wielded Sauron can readily defeat you.” Gandalf says “He speaks right we can attack each ringwraith until it becomes evident to Sauron that we want war.” Everyone unanimously assented to the notion even though it looked like Thomas was harbouring something. On the flip side Talion was still bleeding and the Witch king was about to hit him with a mace but Talion in his last words says “You got me but at least I could feel the resurgence of the good side once instead of being inculcated by lies by the ring.” Subsequently Talion dies by the mace so the Witch king gives a sly and disdain grin.

The crew prepare to attack Bostak the ring wraith. Bour says to Gandalf “What if we die by the hands of Bostak.” Then Gandalf says to Bour “At least we will die for a glorious purpose.” This gives Bour credence and spunk. He does no emend the adage but he shares this attitude by emboldening the others to be stalwart and apprising them of Gandalf’s perpetual mantra by speaking it verbatim. The atmosphere in the battle room was looking like a blissful battle room and less like an accustomed demoralizing and dejecting one. Aragorn thought this much moral was revolting because it wasn’t apt. Aragorn was the irascible and joy-killer type so he said to Bour in a stony hearted way “Shut your prattling, you are overstating the enemy and simply having the pessimistic notion of death makes me impugn your credence in the army.” Then everyone stopped feeling the atmosphere because it changed. Then it was time for battle, all the elves marched out, there were a lot of elves but no men. Gandalf called men from Rohan but none showed up, it wasn’t very budding but now they had to tune to this. The army was plodding so they can thrift energy and not be wearied at the time of war also so they can squander time till night fall so they can be elusive to detection. Bill foretold but not exactly that we won’t be their prematurely. Bill was venerated as a commander of merit by dwarves hence his erudite ruses and tactics. Finally they reached the fort. Legolas says “Our presence will premise once we get over 500 meters and then they will start to fret and they will be filled with trepidation.” Then Legolas says to the army “There shouldn’t be any disarray and the stance shouldn’t fall asunder also be meticulous and don’t make superfluous noise.” Legolas was a prolific stealth user and stealth was his aptitude hence his erudite orders. They reached the 500 mark and the enemies were still oblivious to their presence. Aragorn says “something is very dubious, we aren’t spotted yet maybe Legolas’s calculations were void.” Legolas says “That is not possible my skills are impeccable.” Aragorn says “Very vainglorious of you Legolas and you said that in a hysterical way due to me affronting you.” The squabble exacerbates when as a retort Legolas says “At least our elves could show up to battle unlike your pusillanimous kind from Rohan.” Both vexed and to expunge the squabble Thomas says “I don’t want to be dogmatic but we have to attack so don’t be contentious or ambivalent about this situation and prospect we survive also stay sanguine, if we don’t make it that will be our kismet.” Everyone felt more confident now and they felt like Thomas said something cogent.



After Bill had elucidated the plan and the main way of procuring the Palantir was to induce Sauron into an equitable accord for the Palantir. Now the elves attacked but the perpetrators were aware. In a trice they attacked with a potent catapult. The soldiers gave incredulous screams. Somehow someone in the army had apprised the virulent orcs about the attack. The number at the onset of the battle waned. Then a drake came burning the soldiers in a stolid manner and the burns felt visceral. Aragorn dodges one of the attacks then the elusive man waits for the perfect time to hit the drake with a water ball. The drake comes down for an attack and Aragorn hits it with a water ball. Then Bill uses his axe to cut its head. Quite frenetic and cloying of Bill thought Aragorn. Their substandard numbers couldn’t remedy the perpetrators. Gluts of elves were dying who never will be tenacious and their life will never be prestigious and their reputation will stay ephemeral but to these not pompous but humane elves respect has futility. The fight had an empirical upshot which was Omni-present death. Gandlaf says “Men are never bona fide they left us marooned with our enemies.” The elves entreated god that they could burgeon and so he listened to them. Then they saw the engrossing and bewitching riders of Rohan. The elves were being obtuse and surmised that the vow which the riders made was sham. To atone for this power something detrimental has to happen so a diabolical and nefarious savage chopped bills arms off. He was next to Legolas so Legolas gave commiserations for the dwarven master then Legolas says “ His soul will bode well with me, sleep well commander in heaven you will have a perpetual hiatus from the rumpus and death, if we win this war and get an accolade we will share it with you.” The riders of Rohan expunged the enemies. With new found hope the elves took down the catapults. Then Legolas apprises everyone that Bostak has come. Aping Aragon Gandalf uses a fire ball. Thomas and Bour preform a clandestine attack by jumping off a building and stabbing Bostak but Bostak gets vexed and agitated so he instigates rage mode and starts chopping the riders of Rohan in an unhinged and cuckoo way.  Bostak was showing forbearance but now he used his twin blades by rubbing them together and engendering a shockwave which knocked down Legolas from a tower and his life was put at jeopardy due to the prolonged fall. Gandalf asks Aragorn if he wanted to do an attack with both their powers. Then Aragorn says “Are you sure you studiously want to do this precarious attack. The consequences annexed to this attack can be adverse.” Then Gandalf says “yes”. Aragorn can’t omission or spurn orders he has to be docile so he assented as well so both started to cast a spell then they used it which killed Bugal, in his terminal words he said “You dolts this endearing and merely triumph will make you feel contrition and compunction in Hein-sight and you actually have obliged me because If I would have survived I still would have been ostracized from this devoted cult of unhinged people.” All of them hear a very hair- raising and appalling laugh as Bugal dies it wanes.”

Chapter – 5
Traitors and escapes
All the orcs were killed and everyone was obliged because god helped them. After strenuous work most of them were wearied. Thomas picks up the ring dropped by Bugal. Everyone was dumbfounded and in a trice Thomas turns his sword into a long sword. Gandalf says “Why did you do this.” Thomas says “I want to be progressive and prominent among orcs because I stayed merely as a man.” Gandalf says “choosing the choice of being a ringwraith is you being haughty.”  Then Thomas says “Shut your prattling old man and stop hanging fire on attacking me, your vapid and jaded talks are for pendants they are a monotony and unbearable you can beguile nobody’s time by shepherding or lambasting them.” Then Thomas uses a potent attack to kill all riders of Rohan, it was an exemplar for the rest but it didn’t concern them. Gandalf and Aragorn were out of energy so they had to use elementary spells, Gandalf had some energy. Legolas after in vigorous condition shoots Thomas with an arrow but Thomas uses telepathy to redirect the arrow at Legolas’s chest. Seeing this Gandalf says to Bour “He won’t be tentative to transmute our face into molecules.” Bour says “Showing spunk is salient, this isn’t insurmountable and don’t be bashful to kill this dolt.” Gandalf says “You should vacate the spunky lifestyle, this impediment is truly insurmountable.” Then Thomas attacks again with his long sword between Bour and Gandalf both dodge out of the way. Then Thomas does a spinning attack. Then Aragorn losses his arm due to the attack. Thomas procuress it and has three arms. Gandalf says “Now is the apt and perfect time to run.” Bour was profoundly disgruntled after seeing Gandalf’s pusillanimous demeanour. It was a gaffe for him. Bour saw him as an awe-inspiring and glamorous wizard who was his luminary. Then they made a bee-line for an underground tunnel but at last they get stopped by Thomas’s trap. It was a gooey curio which preluded movement. Just when Thomas was about to cut Gandalf’s neck but he asks him for his last words and as his terminal  Gandalf says “ Your reputation will always be muck ,the orcs will have jeers and taunts for you and you think this will make your respect swell. The people who are august are the ones who merit it and they don’t procure it in an indolent way.” Thomas then strikes Gandalf with his sword but when endeavouring to do it Thomas’s sword gets blocked by Talion’s. All of them were flummoxed. Thomas didn’t do any intuitive inquiry. He just did the most rational thing which was to keep hitting him vigorously but Talion had a tenacious block but things exacerbated when Talion used a side strike. Talion was an avid and fervent user of the sword as a kid so he was quite adroit. Then Thomas uses a telepathic push which pushed Talion into some boxes and then Thomas teleports on top of him and turns into 10 people who together cut into Talion being  cut 10 times felt bad for an accustomed man; that would be a glut of attacks but for Talion it was bearable. Then Thomas throws a thousand buffets at him and keeps slamming his head against the wall until the wall breaks. Talion was lying dead it was indicating that Talion is in torpor. Then Thomas walks up to him and says “I won’t be munificent and ask for last words because the last time it foiled my plan. I do like to ameliorate my Achilles heels.” Then Talion says “My power isn’t the power of a ring it is the power of a god.” Then Talion throws a buffet so potent it makes Thomas go into space and crash back. Then Thomas and Talion start to fight with a sword. Thomas strikes Talion but Talion dodges and kicks him in the face launching Thomas into the air but Thomas mid-air preforms a belly flop on Talion. Talion dodged the attack but the shockwave impaired him a little. Seeing Thomas lying flat on the ground, Talion thought the position was auspicious for him so he teleports and stabs Thomas in the stomach. Then Thomas while getting up gives Talion an upper cut which launches Talion to the other ride. Then Thomas throws a conjured hammer but Talion dodges however the hammer spins back like a boomerang and hits Talion on the back of his head which launches him back to Thomas who stomps on him 5 times so Talion picks up Thomas’s leg and throws him through 10 walls and Thomas lands in the feet of Gandalf who blinds him. Then Talion cuts the first arm then the second and then cuts his third which kills him. Then Gandalf was free from the goo so he blinds Talion and with a sword Aragorn cuts Talion’s finger off. Then Gandalf asks “How did you survive we cut your finger off at the battle in your fort so rationally you should be dead.”  Then Talion elucidates the intricate story; what had happened was that as Talion was about to die by the hands of the Witch king, he dodged and cut the witch king’s finger off and procured the ring. Sauron appeared after Talion had told the story. Sauron said “Don’t touch Talion.”  Talion was Sauron’s favourite ringwraith. Talion was an assassin and he was integral to Sauron. Aragorn says “Give us the palantir and you can have Talion.” They were endeavouring to propitiate Sauron. Then Sauron says “What makes me make such an exorbitant accord and you devil- may- care men can’t defeat me especially the one with one arm.” Then they tell Sauron that they will kill Talion if Sauron tries to be imperious or sly. He couldn’t ensnare them that was patent. So they hand over Talion and Sauron bequeaths the palantir to them. Then Sauron smashes the mace into Aragorn’s head. There wasn’t any misconstruction but the accord was patently unjust for the hapless receivers. Then Gandalf and Bour run into the tunnels. Sauron was about to go in when he saw Legolas dyeing so Sauron grabs him from the neck and asks “Are you a disciple of Gandalf.” Legolas then says “I am no disciple I have studiously indulged in his aspiration and  I gave him support also I am at my zenith when with them.” Then Sauron says “You will be potent on my side.” Then Legolas says “You can endeavour as much as you want to induce me. Elves also being profound archers are also adamant beings you revolting soulless monster, you’re surly and derogatory at the same time. You candidly are a peculiar enigma.” Then Sauron says “Well it seems I have to use more dire and superfluous measures. I can readily break the most tenacious minds and your mind is squalid. It isn’t decisive or docile and it blurts out affronts of biblical temerity so you ingrate be more meticulous and taciturn when someone has the ball in their court at least that is what I infer from your frantic brain.”
After this Sauron asks some orcs to take him to the fort and make him feel anguish. Talion walks behind Sauron and says “ I am obliged master that you came to my aid tonight we will have a delectable feast for the orcs and I must felicitate you for your triumph” Then Sauron beckoned back with a nod. Sauron felt a bit disgruntled because he thought Legolas will entreat to Sauron to absolve him which is gratifying for Sauron. He is the utter opposite of humans. When he is fraught with screams, he becomes more diligent and ecstatic. Gandalf and Bour were heading down the tunnel when Bour says “Why didn’t you help Legolas.” Then Gandalf says “It was the ingenious thing to do.” Then Bour says “Shut your prattling about what is diabolical and what is humane, my apathy keeps swelling and you are engendering it and what happened to the bygone Gandalf who was vivid when I start to reminisce. The Gandalf whose talks weren’t plodding, banal and pretentious you’re candidly at your nadir.” Then Gandalf says “You’re being puerile and oblivious. The infamies of war are getting to your head and making you cuckoo.”


Then the two start to move towards the end of the tunnel when they see a Hobbit who is wearing scrubby clothes and has mangy contact lenses also he has a dearth of food. Then Gandalf asks “Who are you” and he replies “I am Frodo and I am not opulent and living here illicitly in this not so immaculate place.” Then Gandalf says “Why don’t you escape if you’re so hapless, you being here lack coherence.” Then Frodo says “Getting out of isn’t that elementary, if you want to get out you need to fight a dire ghul.” Then Gandalf says we can defeat it.” Then Frodo says “I should admonish you about its potency, every time I endeavour to fight him I nigh die.” Bour says “We have fought daunting and adverse foes which trump this flaccid ghul.” Then Frodo says “I won’t bar you, if you think you’re that vainglorious and potent, you can go but you shouldn’t assent to adversities so liberally. This may engender a fraught or a conundrum for you.” The two patently didn’t pay heeds to Frodo’s prattling but on their defence it was a catch 22 situation for them but certainly arrogant, pompous and crass. They probably thought themselves as urbane engendering a haughty notion. So they went on forward but everything felt quiet at first but then a monster jumped at Bour then Gandalf used an electric shock spell while the dire ghul was on Bour. When he shocked the revolting beast it was adequate time for Bour to escape because he was being slowed. The ghul had claws which were its implements for ravaging and it also had a bulky muscular and vigorous shape it also had sharp teeth which were quite appalling, it had a bony spine and it was reddish mingled with skin colour. Bour went in for a strike but the imbecile grabbed him by the neck and hauled him to a more remote area but Gandalf chased after him. In the new area there was one side in which there was a drop which took a thousand miles to reach a pool of deep water. The tunnel which they were standing in, it was atop of this water so from the wall which was broken, the ghul would have dropped Bour and he would land in the water. Gandalf hypocritically surmised that it was foraging for food, turns out rat is the dainty of the tunnels not humans. Gandalf didn’t know ghuls were fastidious eaters, not that he wanted Bour to die but if he endeavoured to eat Bour; it would be easier for Gandalf to rescue him. The ghul then dropped Bour and charged towards Gandalf but Gandalf used telekinesis to bring Bour up and back again while Bour was falling and he entered back into the tunnel through the same broken wall. The ghul lunged at hapless Gandalf but then Bour stabs the Ghul in his vulnerable spine which was his only Achilles heel and then Bour hauls the beast towards the broken wall. He uses the sword which was deep inside the ghul to haul him and he pulls the sword which also pulls the ghul. Bour needs to use a vigorous pull because the ghul was defiant. Then he reaches the broken wall and the ghul’s back was towards the wall so he kicks the ghul in the chest while giving an uproarious scream saying “This is Gondor.” The dire ghul ironically falls into the water. Then Bour and Gandalf exit the tunnel. Then they realise something ghastly. The palantir was purloined. Then Bour says “You dolt, you forgot the most salient thing.” Gandalf heaves and says “God endow you with tranquillity.” Then Bour says “You had the utopian notion of doing an equitable deal with Sauron.” Gandalf says “The hobbit has purloined the palantir, not sauron and I know this because I had gotten the plantir from Sauron.” Then Bour and Gandalf head back for the palantir and they see Sauron and Talion endeavouring to extort the palantir from Frodo. Then Gandalf shouts no but just then bright lights blind Sauron and Talion. It was the blade of Gladerial then she does an arresting jump over Sauron and takes the palantir. She gives it to Gandalf and says “Run I will be an impediment so they are slowed.” Bour and Gandalf exit the tunnel while fumbling, fretting and being filled with trepidation. Then Eltariel runs while shooting Sauron with a bow. But Talion shoots her with a dark bow. Gandalf and Bour are waiting for Eltariel at the exit when they see Frodo who rushes out. Seeing him made them vexed. They hear Eltariel say go on without me. So Frodo, Bour and Gandalf run a mile to make distance.



Everyone heaves and subsequently Bour grabs Frodo by the neck and hangs him over a ledge. Then Bour says “You nefarious thief you think you can dupe us” Then Frodo says “My reasons are esoteric for duping you.” Then Gandalf says “Give us a concise summary on your reason to dupe us because we are very stern when it comes to the palantir.” Then Frodo says “I make a solemn vow to never dupe you again, I did it so I can sell it to be opulent in life, please show clemency.” Bour absolves the hobbit and then they discuss the plan. Gandalf says “We have to get to Rivendell but this mountain probably has some indigenous beasts.” Then Frodo says “Why do you need the palantir.” Bour says “It’s a prolonged story which doesn’t pertain you, all you need to know is we need to get to Rivendell to use the palantir.” The three get to a summit which was completely flat, it was quite eccentric but auspicious. Then they get a rock hurled at them, all three dodge the rock. Then they see a mountain troll on top of a hill, pounding his chest. He slides down the hill and slams the ground. It grabs a stalagmite. Gandalf says “I was exactly raring a troll oh my zeal!” Bour says “Shut it with the sarcasm and how do we defeat it.” The troll jumps and attacks Frodo with the Stalagmite. Frodo dodges but the stalagmite gets stuck in between two rocks. The troll endeavours to pull it. In that moment Bour climbs on the troll’s back and stabs it. The troll is vexed, he starts shaking in anguish. The shake makes Bour fall off a cliff. The troll tries to grab Frodo but he runs. Gandalf endeavours to engender a feint by being obtrusive. He uses a fire beam, Gandalf was standing near the cliff and the mountain troll charges but Gandalf dodges which makes the troll fall off the cliff. They surmise that they have gotten the triumph but they look down the cliff. They see the troll climbing up but something latches onto its back. It’s a drake which is being ridden by an uruk- hai .The drake grabs the troll but it gets free using its elbow and punches the drake in the its face and uses his other hand to latch onto the wall. The troll grabs the drake by the neck and slams it against the mountain. The uruk-hai jumps and climbs up the cliff. Gandalf and Frodo were standing near the cliff. When the uruk climbs up his back was facing the cliff. Gandalf had his wand out and says “Don’t make a move and who are you?” The uruk replies “I am Gubu the destroyer and I am sent by Talion to end you.” Gubu then uses a smoke bomb and grabs Gandalf by the robe and was about to throw him but Gubu gets head- butted in the leg by Frodo. Then Gandalf puts Gubu in a choke hold position with his staff and Frodo is in front of Gandalf. Gubu uses a fire bomb to escape the choke. The knock back makes Gandalf and Gubu fall off the cliff also the troll was close to getting up the cliff so the explosions also made it fall. The troll grabs Gubu in his left and Gandalf in his right hand while falling. Then the right arm of the troll gets stabbed with feathers. The anguish makes the troll release Gandalf. Gandalf gets picked up by an eagle with mammoth size. The eagle brings Gandalf to Frodo. It’s revealed the rider of the eagle is Bour. Gandalf says “How did you tame this beast?” Bour says “It saved me, somehow it is related to me but we mustn’t squander time. Let’s ride this eagle to Rivendell.” All three hop on and they go to Rivendell.           


All three of them reach Rivendell. Then they hear clamouring when they try to knock on the door, this was happening because rabbles of elves were protesting. An Elf General opens the door and says “We must impugn your honour because you let our linchpin at the hands of Sauron.” Then Gandalf says “You must allay your trepidation. We can save Legolas if we kill Sauron.” The elven mavericks were still clamouring but the three head inside the palace, Gandalf elucidates that the hobbit is with them. They go to the king and the king says “Legolas was a great elf alas he got captured, truly such a noble elf but now let’s save Celebrimbor and what is the name this hobbit?” Frodo says “I am Frodo and they found me in the tunnels of Bugal’s fortress.” The king says “Very well, let me bring the ring and who shall wear it.” Then Bour says “Gandalf has the palantir and I will wear the ring.” Then the king says “Your numbers have waned, what happened?” Then Gandalf says “Thomas turned on us, Bill died in the fort of Bugal, Aragorn died to Sauron and Legolas got captured.” Then the King says “The hobbit will wear the ring.” Then Frodo says “What ring.” Then Gandalf says “Don’t fret at all, it’s all safe and you just need to tell Celebrimbor to convene here.” Then Bour says “What is this surly attempt the fact that he is naive doesn’t give you a reason to take advantage of him, you’re demeaning Rivendell, what will they say about you king can you contemplate that. I will bar such attempt and you should admonish him about the adversity and agony he will face when he sees into the palantir. Gandalf I was lying when I told you were at your nadir but now I think you’re truly at your nadir. I studiously will call Celebrimbor and expunge Sauron.” Gandalf says “I have been tainted and I have transmuted into a callous person by this haul. Bour I have contrition for my haughty and callous ways. I am sorry for not telling you about the ring Frodo. I grow old my kismet is tenacious. I should have paid heeds to your lambasting so I will wear the ring as my onus and punishment.” Then the king says “Why do we need Celebrimbor?” Gandalf says “Celebrimbor makes Sauron potent and his potency can be auspicious for the person wielding him so if we wield him we can expunge Sauron.” The palantir will call him and the ring is for the force which is required.” Then Bour rushes for the ring in the king’s hand but Gandalf pulls him back with telekinesis and says “I will be the sacrifice, not you.” Then Bour says “I will fight you if it means that you don’t get to squander yourself.” Then Gandalf uses a fire beam but Bour has a deflecting stance. Bour moves towards Gandalf with the stance when he gets too close to Gandalf, Gandalf perceives that if Bour gets too close he can be impair him so Gandalf teleports behind Bour.  Bour does an evasive roll to reach behind Gandalf and to make distance between both of them and then he throws a sword at the connector of a chandelier which makes it fall on Gandalf because the chandelier was atop of him. Bour climbs atop of the fallen chandelier and asks Gandalf to give him the palantir because he keeps it in his mystic bag of conjuration and only he can summon and make it disappear. Gandalf very tentatively gives the palantir. Bour says to the king “Sorry for making your place look like muck.” The king says “I am never concerned and I just want to expunge Sauron so I will help Gandalf get up and you can use the palantir.” The king gives Bour the ring and right as Bour was about to wear the ring. Eltariel walks in the palace while some elves were helping Gandalf. Eltariel was wearied, impaired and not in vigorous condition she is bleeding from the knee and the chest she says “Apprise your elves to Raise the alarm. We are under siege; prime the catapults and ballistas.” Then the king says “Our elves are inadequate because over half of them were lost at Bugal’s fort.” His tone is serene and nonchalant. Gandalf was now saved which made Bour put on the ring and look through the palantir in a trice. It was quite frantic of Bour but when a man frets it makes him choose crass and not radially thought decisions. The palantir can summon anybody but only when using it with a ring. In the palantir you can feel pain but potency as well. He thinks of Celebrimbor as his gratification. What he sees next is ghastly. It is all of Celebrimbor’s substandard and full of anguish memories. It is remedied by jovial and blissful memories of his family. Then it goes quiet and Bour sees a desolate void. Then Bour wakes up in the palace and he sees war outside the palace from the window. Then he sees Celebrimbor and he says “I will stay stalwart because you freed me from Sauron and I am yours perpetually.” Then Celebrimbor enters the body of Bour.


Sauron breaks into the palace by breaking the front door. Then Sauron says to Boar “Give me what you purloined.” Then Sauron summons the Nazgul and the witch king. Talion walks in and says “We had an accord and I said you need to ostracize the pompous witch king. He endeavoured to expunge me even though you gave him no command.” Then the witch king says “The more hardy Ringwraiths don’t get impaired by such merely men.” Then Talion says “Don’t make me vexed because I won’t be tentative to kill you again.” Then the witch king says “You talk about being perfidious how uproarious of you and have you forgotten when you killed Thomas one of the most budding Ringwraiths and you stole my ring, you need to give it back because my potential has waned.” Then Talion says “He did merit death and you don’t merit the ring.” Then Sauron says “Shut your prattling you contentious beings and your squabbling has gave Bour the adequate time to escape, everyone search the whole palace for him.” Bour was about to escape through a balcony but if he jumped down the balcony, he would have to jump in a waterfall which goes into a cave. Bour then heard Celebrimbor say “You can enter the wraith world to find your enemies.” Then Bour entered the wraith world so he could see his enemies in red. Then Talion found him. Bour then said “Wait, don’t sound the alarm! I will give you Celebrimbor.” Talion could hear Celebrimbor call him so Talion couldn’t resist the proclivity so Talion threw the witch king’s ring down the balcony. Bour told Celebrimbor to go to Talion so he did. When Celebrimbor entered Talion’s body he felt utter goodness. Then Bour and Talion saw some Ringwraiths. Then Talion said “Will you fight alongside me.” Bour said “Yes.” Then Gandalf uses magical Vines to trap some Ringwraiths and then Eltariel uses a light bubble to expunge the trapped Ringwraiths. Both of them simultaneously say “Yes.” Gandalf says  I have healed Eltariel and we need to save Frodo.” Then Bour says “I have the palantir and we must protect it.” All four march in and from a circle. The Ringwraiths ensnare them then the fight instigates. Eltariel stabs both her blades into one of them but another tries to cut her head off but Talion hits the Ring wraith with a hammer but he dodges and Bour says “Watch out its going to come back and hit you Wraith.” Gandalf shocks two Ringwraiths but Gandalf says “Bour protect me from the behind.” Bour deflects a sword attack from behind Gandalf. Talion expunges the two Ringwraiths which were in torpor due to Gandalf’s shock. Bour was still clashing with the Ringwraith behind Gandalf and he also asks Gandalf to charge his sword with fire and he does with a fire beam just like the time they were fighting. The heat of Bour’s sword helps him cut through the Ringwraith’s sword and after that Talion banishes him from behind. Eltariel says “Quick come in my light bubble.” All three of them go in and Talion in a trice perceives the fact that it was a potent and macabre simultaneous attack. The Ringwraiths made a circle and teleported with a sword strike which was targeted to the bubble in the middle. The methodical attack breaks Eltariel’s shield but no one is impaired. The Ringwraiths start to circle around them and say “Talion was a traitor and we could have foretold that but we cannot elucidate Celebrimbor’s delirium due to him rekindling his friendship with Talion.” The Ringwraiths spoke together making what they said hair-raising and virulent. Then Celebrimbor says “My zeal is biblical when I get revenge on belligerent people.” Then a mysterious Nazgul from the second floor says “Belligerent, that’s uproarious I guess you forgot when you betrayed Talion.” He was speaking from the railing on the right side by looking down ,the four look up and then they hear Bugal speaking from the left side of the railing and he says “ Bour, Gandalf ,Galadriel’s servant and Talion the precarious man.” Then the four look left and Gandalf says “How did you survive Bugal.” Then Bugal says. “Old man you forget to kill my brother Mougal.” Then Eltariel says “What a mangy replacement for the sisters but this choice is quite expeditious of Sauron.” Then Mougal says “Our predecessors were merely.” Then the 3 Ring Wraiths that were left attacked.  Two of them attacked Bour but Eltraiel stabs one of them with her blade and the second with her second blade from the back and Talion hits one of them in the neck from the front. Eltariel pulls out her blades but the wraiths teleport behind her and attack but she blocks both with her twin blades. One of them gets hit in the back of his head which was done by Gandalf with an invisibility spell. That attack gives Talion enough time to banish him from the left side but he is soon attacked by the third wraith. He was attacked from the left so he crouches which makes the attack hit invisible Gandalf because he had hit the second wraith from behind. Eltariel defeats the Wraith she was fighting by a hit to the leg and with her other blade a hit to the chest, finally she fills the Wraith with light. Then she shouts “Mugal and Bugal are jumping down!” Then the second Ringwraith in the rumpus takes Bour’s palantir and he teleports to the second floor.  All four run into different hallways because both brothers were doing a ground pound and Mugal uses a Kung Fu stick but Bugal uses twin blades. Then Mugal says “I will go to the hallway in the center, Bugal you will go to the one on the left, the Ringwraith will go to the one on the right because he has the palantir; he needs to protect it and the Witch King will be waiting for Talion at the end of the Hallway behind us so, let’s move.” On Bour’s side there were paintings and he walked further. Then he saw red carpet which lead to some doors towards an art gallery full of implements made by profound elven blacksmiths. The area was full of paintings to his right and left. He had realised that the palantir was purloined so he prospected that he can retrieve it. One of the paintings showed a river with a cabin in a forest and another which showed a bridge on which a wizard and fiery monster were fighting and it had a caption to the bottom right saying “Y.S.N.P.” Then at Gandalf’s side he sees a basement after walking and he decides to go inside. It’s a prolonged and straight hallway with no lights so Gandalf uses a light spell to light the way and he starts running towards the end. He gets a little spooked when he sees a skeleton of an orc but he keeps moving and he sees a spiral staircase, so he goes down it. Once he reaches down, he sees prison cells to his left and right. On the other hand Talion was in a library and he entered the wraith world. Then he saw a peculiar book it said on the cover that the author of it was ‘J.K Roulings.’ Talion felt a preternatural feeling from the book so he pulled it which revealed a hallway which was mechanically opened. Talion enters the secret passage, after coming to the end of the hallway, he saw a flight of stairs so he went down the stairs and it leads him behind the waterfall that they saw on the balcony. Talion then took a left to see a board saying ‘Exit’. Abruptly Talion feels something detrimental and he feels anguish because Sauron starts to haul Celebrimbor out of Talion’s body with the palantir which he regained from the Ringwraith. He was hauling Celebrimbor from the flaming eye but Celebrimbor and Talion showed defiance, the bond was impregnable so Sauron told every last one of his followers including wraiths, uruks, ologs, drakes and orcs. Talion stopped feeling the anguish but he said to Celebrimbor “We need to escape in a trice so let’s use the exit and sit on this mine cart.” There was a mine cart which they could ride on. Eltariel is cornered to that same balcony by Mugal so she intuitively jumps down the balcony and lands into the river which leads into that waterfall they saw. She was at the end of the river and was now mid- air falling in front of the waterfall. She was then saved by Talion who was behind the waterfall. Talion grabs her hand and pulls her up then he says “Sauron has apprised his disciples to ensnare me and I know this because of Celebrimbors senses and also because this move is profoundly devil-may-care in terms of clandestine plans. I can’t talk lets go.” Talion jumps in the cart and so does Eltariel. Eltariel didn’t say anything because she knew if Talion spoke he would be jeopardizing his life by squandering his salient time. Talion pushes the cart and both start to move. Bour and Gandalf were now relaxed but Bour was not smug because he had lost the palantir.    


Rivendell was ravaged and the king was dead. Legolas was the only elf and he was at Barad dur being held captive with Frodo. At Barad dur both of them were being tortured with hot tongs by some orcs but the orcs stopped torturing them due to the order of Sauron. Legolas says to Frodo “We can escape now; weird, why did the orcs go away but at least we can escape now.” Then Frodo says “How do we escape.” Then Legolas says “If we are being held captive by these chains we can melt them with the lava bucket.” The upper part of the chain was connected to the celling but the lower was connected to their wrists and Frodo was on the left side but Legolas was on the right side, the bucket was also to Legolas’s right. The orcs were using the lava bucket to torture both of them. Frodo says “The bucket is out of reach.” Legolas says “Yes but, not the tongs which are under me so I would grab the tongs with my feet, with momentum I can go towards the right side to dip the tongs in lava. Then I pick them back up with my feet to use momentum to go towards the left side and break your chains.” Then Frodo says “Quite the quixotic notion and I don’t want to call you an eunuch but I expected a more judicious and realistic approach plus you are jeopardizing yourself with that plan.” Then Legolas says “Don’t be mutinous and sully me so just bear with me.” Frodo says “Yes.” They escape with this precarious plan. Meanwhile at the cart track, Talion and Eltariel reach a ravine with an opening atop of them. There is good distance between the cart and the lava under them with nigh the same distance as the distance between the opening and the track. The end of the track will take a prolong time to reach. The ravine seems to be quite thin. They just started the journey but they see something macabre and it was orcs jumping down from the opening. Ologs, uruks, savages and hunters were jumping down just to have a merely hit on them. It was theoretically raining orcs. Talion says “These orcs are valiant yet crass because they don’t have enough momentum to hit us from the right or the left side. We are in the middle.” Then Eltariel says “I know but he can.” She points to an archer. The archer captain fires an exploding arrow and it hits the cart. The cart was about to fall in the lava but both Elatriel and Talion jump out. Talion says “Shadow strike pull every archer you see.” First captain Talion pulls was the orc that shot the cart so he pulls him and the orc introduces himself as ‘Urfamu the eater’ he says “Globy, Globy, Yummy, Yummy.” Talion hits a hammer on his ear from the right side which sends him to the left side of the ravine due to the power of the attack. Side of the ravine and he falls in lava. Talion then blocks an axe throw. Talion looks to his left and sees some savage captains one of them say “The hapless pink skin in the middle of orcs at least remember my name as ‘Ur – Hanku’. Then Talion says “We are swamped but don’t capitulate yourself to these orcs.” Abruptly they get hit by a cannonball from a destroyer olog because they couldn’t shadow strike pull ologs and due to his exuberance, he studiously jumps of a ledge into lava. Talion and Elatriel were about to fall in the lava when Bour saves them on his eagle and he flies up. Gandalf was also sitting there and he says “Now I know you want to face Sauron alone because you’re a man of such temerity but take us as well.”  Talion says “I can’t put your lives at jeopardy.” Then Bour says while flying the eagle. “You also can’t put yours.” Then Elatriel says “I am just ecstatic because we can talk for a second and discuss our clandestine things, speaking of clandestine things Sauron is vexed   which has made him give the order of killing Talion and taking Celebrimbor.” Bour then says “I am sorry Talion, I should have stayed more meticulous, please absolve me for losing the palantir.” Then Talion says “Everyone makes mistakes but correcting them helps them build up into a responsible person.” Then on the Eagle they reached Barad dur and not even one Nazgul could catch them due to how expeditiously they were flying. Then they fly to the top of Barad dur. At the top they circle around Sauron while flying. Then Talion says to Gandalf “Stay meticulous and don’t  indulge or Sauron will call every orc. I am about to challenge Sauron to a duel to the death.” Then Gandalf says “Go, I will elucidate your reasons to the others.” Talion jumps of the eagle and lands right on top of Barad dur. Talion says to Sauron “I am here to banish you phantom and you ordered the abeyance of me in mordor so I would like to challenge you to a duel.” Then Sauron says “I am impregnable so I say I will fight you alone but if you die your superfluous friends capitulate themself. If I die you can have Barad dur and mordor because the orcs would be expunged but I do question will you live in such a desolate world?” Then Talion says “Yes” so they begin fighting first Sauron uses a shockwave of fire but Talion jumps over it. Now Talion teleports to Sauron and hits him on the leg so Sauron grabs him by the head and throws him into a wall. Then Talion was sitting with his back against the wall due to him being impaired and Sauron was about to go for the terminal blow but he gets hit by an arrow and he looks back and sees Legolas with Frodo. Frodo had already told Legolas about his mission and Legolas has told the same so now they know each other. Then Sauron says “This is an intimate duel. You to prisoners can’t interfere.” Then Legolas says “Don’t fret I am here to kill you both.” On the Eagle Gandalf says to Eltariel “Has Legolas gone crazy.” Then Eltariel says “Something is dubious.” Then Bour says “You think.” On the Eagle they were still flying around Barad dur. Then Sauron says to Legolas “How will a merely elf kill us.” Then Legolas charges a bow with an arrow and says “This is the light arrow and after it is injected in a Nazgul’s body subsequently he dies in 10 seconds, this was made in a bygone age, but I don’t know which Nazgul to shoot Talion or Sauron.” Then Gandal says to Eltariel “Somebody tell him that Talion is not a Nazgul anymore.” Bour Then screams to Legolas saying “Talion is good.” It was too late because Legolas had fired the arrow at Talion but Talion grabs the arrows mid – air and impales Sauron from behind with the glowing arrow. Sauron says “I have been defeated, cut my ring off and banish me Talion but I don’t want to die to an elf.” Talion cuts Sauron’s ring off but when he is about to banish him, he is tentative due to Celebrimbor being imputed with treachery. He goes for the banish and he banishes him. In Sauron’s memory we see an abiding moment when we see that golem was Sauron’s brother and he turned into such a creature because he was tainted with a ring. His actual name was ‘Kurmada.’ It was preternatural to Talion because he didn’t know that such a weak creature is a potent lord’s brother. He also thought about the location of golem; he last saw him before the fall of Minis Ithil. Sauron gets expunged and his only vestige is his armour. Talion picks up the ring and bequeaths it to Gandalf who with Bour and Eltariel takes it to mount doom to destroy it. Talion says to Legolas “We have won” Legolas bends down on his knees with his fists clutched and says “What for, my race is dead.” Talion says to Legolas “You let us win.” Then Legolas says “What a sham triumph, it wasn’t a special arrow, it was a normal arrow with a little glow but keep it a secret.” Talion was dumfounded yet awe-struck and he says “Really, that’s even more ingenious.” Legolas says “I am sorry for trying to kill you.” Then Frodo says “I sorry for having the void notion about you.” Then Talion says “A being makes mistakes but correcting them is salient.” Then they see mount doom erupting and the flaming eye disappears on Barad dur. The others arrive on the eagle and they step foot on top of Barad dur. All minions of Sauron die and the world has reconciled.  Talion says “We have gotten the Triumph.” Then Bour says “Take that Sauron.” He kicks Sauron’s armour but breaks his foot. It was uproarious and everyone laughs. Talion says “Let’s go to Seregost and have a delectable feast there with the left over men and dwarves maybe they will live there as well.” They fly to Seregost and Talion afterwards flies to the Dwarves and the men. The both races assent to the notion of joining because they felt like they will be happier together. In 2 weeks both races come to Khargukor and everything is primed by the inviters. They have a feast and they live happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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