Reva 4 Ever

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LaShonna kicked the rocks away from her feet as she walked to school.

She huffed and sighed at the weight of the heavy textbooks jostling about in her backpack.

And the hot sun did her no favors.  It was only early morning, but the heat of the day had her vintage Star Wars t-shirt soaked through with sweat.

She had missed the bus.

She dreaded the ensuing walk, but she hated even more what awaited her at her destination.


 "You're late, Miss Walker," the first period teacher said reproachfully as LaShonna trudged into class.

"Yeah, I know," LaShonna said as she sat down at her desk.

Some of the other students snickered, but the teacher merely sighed and turned her attention back to the lesson.

LaShonna tried to be as quiet as possible as she took out her notebook and pencil case.

She opened to a blank page in the notebook.

At first she was paying attention, but eventually LaShonna's mind began to wander and she started doodling on the paper.

She drew a smiling chibi version of herself, holding a lightsaber, with her afro-textured hair styled similar to that of Princess Leia’s.

Then she drew a chibi Han Solo and Chewbacca at each of her sides.

Though she didn’t enjoy her classes, there was one thing she looked forward to: Star Wars club.

The group met every Thursday after school to talk all things Star Wars. It was here that LaShonna truly felt like she belonged.

When she moved and had to change school districts, she was elated to have discovered the club, especially since she was having a difficult time fitting in with the other students.

Nor only that…but she had a crush on Andrew, the leader of the club. He was a tall and brooding junior , with sandy blonde hair hair that made him resemble a young Anakin Skywalker. She even affectionately referred to him as Annie (though never to his face).

She was adding some extra details to the fur for Chewie when suddenly there was a loud BAM! noise.

LaShonna brought her hands to her ears and screamed, startling the rest of the class.  Even the teacher went silent.

"Sorry," said a teenaged boy sitting just a few rows behind LaShonna. "I dropped my phone."

"Well, you shouldn't even have it out in the first place!" chided the teacher, annoyed. She then looked at LaShonna with concern. "Would you like to be excused?"

"Yes, please " replied LaShonna, standing up and hastily retreating from the classroom.

"She's so weird..." she heard someone mutter as she walked past.

"Shh..." whispered another girl. "You can't say that. She's been through a lot..."


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