3:00 AM

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                                                                             3:00 am


The clock lay on the floor, slightly shattered, continuing to make that awful ticking noise. Jared had thrown it at the wall since he got sick of it, but the noise kept going. Harry and Leon were looking around the room, as if expecting something to happen. 3 more hours to go, until they could get out of there. The pounding on the door had kept going since they closed it.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"When the hell is that thing gonna go away?!"

"I dunno, man, it's been pounding for an hour, why's it gonna stop now?"

"Oh man, I'm freaking out, Leon, I'm freaking out..."

Then the banging stopped.

Leon looked at the broken clock. Half an hour had passed. 3:30.

He got up, and headed to one of the filing cabinets, which he opened. In it, he found a pistol and a box of ammunition.

"Sweet. Hey guys! Check this out!"

He tossed the Glock to Harry, then opened the one next to it. There was a hunting rifle with a note on it that said, "To anyone idiotic enough to come here." "Here" was the abandoned warehouse they had decided to visit on a dare. How dumb they were.

In the next drawer was a crucifix. Cool, Demon repellent, he thought as he picked it up. Jared took the hunting rifle.

"So, what now?"

"Well, we head out the front doo-"


"Alright the other door!"

They started running. Immediately the lights behind them shut off, and they heard unearthly screeching coming toward them. They started running faster. Harry looked back, and saw the old lady coming after them, her mouth screaming and her eyes colorless. She got closer and closer. Then Leon raised the crucifix.

She blew up. A wall of red light barreled toward them. Their last thoughts were that the sound of cackling sounded so clear, as the world crumbled around them, and they began to burn.


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