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『Arc Zero: Veiled Hues』

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『Arc Zero: Veiled Hues』

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"Move without a sound. You should only speak when it is time to say checkmate," were the words that Decadence said in the form of advice.

Under normal circumstances, say in a fight, these words would be fantastic advice, especially when they were given by a vigilante that had managed to evade the Hero Commission's gaze for eleven years. However, it may be better to say that the commission was not as competent as they say. Whatever the actual scenario was, it was of no use to Tanami. Trivial things should not be at the forefront of her mind. In the long run, the distractions were a hammer to the nail as a vigilante.

She had long since relinquished the cape once worn by a Hero to don a mask that revealed nothing but trickery. It was laughable, in a way. The one thing she wanted in the past was a fleeting dream burned to ashes. Lit by the match, she pinched between her fingers. Reminiscence flooded her chest, pricking at her heart to show that it was still alive within her. Her teeth slammed together in irritation. The past was none of her concern. It would be easier to simmer over the thought later.

The teenager pulled the tip of her fedora down to obscure her face. The violet mask covering the upper portion of her face should be enough to hide her facial features. Besides, the light green contacts and the enstatite coating her once amethyst hair worked exceptionally well in hiding her features. The one thing she could not conceal was the paleness of her skin, but the lusterless brown crystal pulled far less attention than the bright mixture of purple.

Still, she kept her gaze low, and her head dipped as she passed a few individuals. Her finger tapped at the handle of the object she held. If she could, she would have preferred to have cast aside the silver briefcase in her hand, but that was not an option.

Even though Tanami avoided scouring the area, she found herself preoccupied with counting the vibrations emitted by the people around her. The silver bracelet with light green fluorite was wrapped tightly around her wrist, and with every step someone took, she vaguely heard the sound of a pop coming from the crystal's inclusions. It was an abstract way of using gemstones but one that benefitted her greatly. Besides, who would think anyone would use small stones as a warning device?

One would think that you needed your vision to see where you were headed, but the path was deeply inscribed in Tanami's mind after coming here so many times. The buildings that curled around the street were crafted out of brick and concrete. Some stones were falling apart, while others only had a few cracks running through their surface. Planes of glass revealed many items, some more illegal and dangerous than others. Tanami had no interest in them, whether they were support items or weapons. It was not her job to care for the mess that lingered in the black market. If Heroes could not do it, then why should she? She was not stupid enough to fight a losing battle even if she had access to this place.

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