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Heart and Kite trotted up to the Moon Ring and as they pushed passed the bushes surrounding it, they saw the two kits, Dusk and Dawn, play fighting with a large grey tom. Kite could have sworn that she had seen the tom before but she quickly dismissed it because Shadow was walking towards them.

"Glad you two decided to join us," She meowed sincerely.

Shadow walked the two young cats over to the rest of the rogues. The tom that was with the two kits got up and walked over to Shadow and was very on guard. He looked over all of them, his gaze landing on Kite.

"Who are you?" He hissed.

"She's with me, Strike," Ace called out walking up to us from behind Strike.

Strike moved to the side leaving room for Ace to stand next to him. Ace gave a longing stare to Kite before averting her eyes to Strike.

"Her name's Kite," Ace continued.

"For someone who's refusing a mate, you sure are adopting a lot of kits," a large long haired tom meowed happily walking towards them. "Where did you get this one?" He asked sitting down.

"She's a clan cat that lost her memories," Ace meowed smugly.

Shadow sighed and walked off before the two tom cats got there feet anxious and confused as to why Ace of all cats, would take in a Clan cat.

"Have you lost your mind Ace!" The long haired tom Hissed.

"For once I'm going to have to agree with Buddy! How do you know for certain that she has lost her memories?" Strike agreed.

Kite looked at the two large tom's and cowered, intimidated by them. She came to the conclusion of if the two toms decided that they wanted to attack her she wouldn't stand a chance against them, even if they weren't skilled fighters.

When Kite looked up she notice Ace's nose twitch. Kite sniffed the air from her crouched position and immediately recognised the sent. She stood up quickly and looked to the bushes behind Ace. The rest of the cats noticed the smell after Ace and did the same. Club and Shadow took the kits to the other side of Moon Ring, trying to stay out of visual range of the the Frost Clan cat that had emerged from the bushes.

Ace turned and took a few steps towards them,

"Well well, at least your partly better at hiding your scents then Ivy Clan," She hissed.

LionMist, the deputy of Frost Clan walked towards her with two other warriors standing behind him. Kite looked across the three cats before Buddy stood in front of her and Heart. The smallest warrior looked really worried, he wasn't standing as tall as the other twoand his back legs shivered slightly.

"Rogues! We are here to make a proposal," LionMist announced.

Ace and Strike walked opposite them, standing tall with unsheathed claws.

"And what might that be?" Strike hissed.

"We want you rogues to attack the Ivy Clan camp with us. In return we'll let you hunt in parts of our territory," LionMist offered.

Kite immediutly looked over to Heart after hearing LionMist's proposal. Even though she remembered almost nothing from living there, if Ace decided to accept there offer, she would be hurting cat's that she might have grown up with, or raised her. She wouldn't be able to.

"What makes you think Any of us would accept that offer!" Ace hissed taking a step forward.

"It will soon be leafbare and if you are to survive it you will need suitable hunting ground. Think of it as a long-term investment," LionMist meowed.

"And what does you Leader think of this proposal?" Strike questioned.

"She is the one who suggested it, I simply follow her rules,"

LionMist became impatient, his tail pointed to the ground and sweat side to side. The two warriors started to spread out.

"What is your answer Rogues?"

Ace looked to the others behind her before turning back to LionMist,

"We're not doing dirty work for you mousebraind Clan cats!" She hissed.

"Unfortunate," LionMist suddenly pounced onto Ace, going for the killing bite to her neck.

Ace reacted quickly and tried stepping to the side but she was too slow. LionMist's teeth went into Ace's cheek, tearing off her fur. Ace kicked LionMist off her then went to swipe at him.

Strike went to help Ace but was stopped by a Frost Clan warrior that was standing with LionMist. He pinned Strike on his belly, he pushed his claws into the back off Strikes head. Buddy rushed over to help Strike, forgetting that Heart and Kite were behind him.

The third Frost Clan warrior ran over to them. Kite and Heart prepared themselves to fight until they heard Shadows voices calling for them to run into the forest. They both looked at each other before running towards Shadows voice. The two of them hid behind a bush because they had lost the sent of Shadow and her kits.

The two cats tried to sniff around and find the sent again when the clan cat that was chasing them ran through the bushes and slid to a stop. He hissed at them briefly before his tense body relaxed.

"K-Kite'Paw?" The Warrior asked.

Heart and Kite unsheathed their claws and crouched into an attack position.

"Who are you?" Kite hissed.

"I-I'm Coco'Paw, I met you at the last gathering. Why are you with Rogues?" He meowed curiously.

"I've never met–" before Kite could finish her sentence a memories flashed before her eyes. It only lasted a second and all that Kite could see was fire.

"Kite! Are you okay!?" Heart meowed moving closer to her to steady her balance.

"I-i..." Coco'Pelt meowed tripping over his words. He took a step forward, "I don't want to hurt you, I won't follow you either!" Coco'Pelt turned around and started walking away.

"A-and can you tell Ace, thanks." Coco'Pelt disappeared back into the woods, leaving only a faint sent trail behind.

Heart and Kite made their way back to their den, taking a long and confusing route just incase anyone was following them. Upon their return, they saw Ace standing with Club outside the den. Ace had a wond across her right eye, the had pulled off only the white fur that covered a segment of her eye.

Cub trotted over to them.

"Thank StartClan you're not hurt." Club meowed.

Club nuzzled Heart as Kite walked slowly towards Ace.

"How are you doing." She asked Ace.

"Fine, glad you're not dead in your first fight."

"Yeah..." Kite was hesitatent, wondering how Ace would react, "Umm, Coco'Paw says Thank you."

Ace's eye widened as her ear twitched.

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