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OK I'm insanely bored......ive been trolling around wattpad Facebook and Kik for an hour........and I ish BOOOOOOOORRRRRED I think the only think keeping me from dying of boredom is roleplaying which let me just say is like drugs (though I don't do drugs) once you start ya can't stop.......ANNNYYYYWWWAAAAYYYY that's off topic the person who is talking to me is SayuriShuraAndSasuke :3

Squall: star are you up again!?

*looks to Adrian* imm asssllleeeppppp

Adrian: -__- I'm trying to sleep shut the hell up

*frowns* if you weren't A) my brother B) a father and C) married I would strangle you

Adrian: mhmm *tries to sleep*

*rolls eyes and cuddles with a stuffed animal*

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