finding you Shinobu xGiyu

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Shinobu Kocho. Shinobu is being partnered with Giyu. So she is going to take this opportunity to mess with him on the way to the mission. After a half days walk they arrived in a small town. But the only thing is there is no one in this town at all.

Giyu. Let's split up to find the demon.

Before she could speak he was gone. So she decided to check in the homes to find anyone alive. After 5 houses Shinobu heard a soft cry. She ran to the last house in the row. She ran into a one room home and in the corner was a pile of blankets the crying is coming from it. Shinobu walked over got on her knees and pulled back the cover to find a baby no older than a day old.

Shinobu. Oh my.

The baby stoped crying when they saw shinobu and reached their little hand out to her. Shinobu was hesitant but she picked up the baby and held them to her chest.

Giyu on the other hand just killed the demon of a woman around the age of 16. Giyu found Shinobu holding a baby to her chest and Shinobu looked content

Giyu. Good at least we found one survivor.

Shinobu. I looked her over she seems a month early but healthy.

After more looking for any one else who lived the three of them left the town and back to head quarters, when they got back Shinobu took the little girl back to the butterfly a state. To give her a better check up. While Giyu told their master about their mission. So Kagaya decided that the two pillers should raise the baby together. He lie key ships the two thank Kanroji for that she and the master talk about who they would want to get together.

Meanwhile with the new parents

Shinobu. We need to give her a name.

Giyu. Y/n.

Shinobu. Ara Ara Giyu I like that name.

Giyu. For the middle name we could combine one.

Shinobu. Like what?

Giyu. Kanae.

Shinobu. I like that. Hmm now who's last name should she take.

Giyu. She can take yours.

Shinobu. Y/n Kanae Kocho.

The two had no idea how this would turn out but they can wait

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