You get into a fight

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ShinobuxGiyu. You had met a guy in the near by village that's is a known playboy. And when ever you go to town he trys to get you to go out with him. Funny for 12 year old to asked a 11 years old this. And every time you say no. And the girls of the town started to be rude to you. This boy comes from a wealthy family and every girl wants to be his fiance. So today this happens.

Random girl. Why do you keep turning Rundle down?

Y/n. I'm not interested. Simple really I have other things to worry about.

The two of you went back a forth for a bit till she slapped you.
Oh boy you gave her the same but harder, the girls parents had to split the two of you up

Y/n. Your daughter put her hands on me first, I was going to walk away but she slapped me so I gave her a taste of her own medicine but harder.

Your dad showed up to see you with a hug hand print on your other cheek and saw a man about to slapped you again, he suddenly appeared in front of you holding the man's hand hard

Giyu. You better tell me why you pit your filthy hands on my daughter.

Random girls dad. She hit my daughter.


Giyu knew you weren't lieing, you can't lie to save your life, so he broke the man's arm

Giyu. My daughter can't lie to save her life so I know she's telling the truth.

Y/n. Mom won't be happy to see me hurt.

Giyu. Your mother is a Kocho I think she will be okay but are you okay sweetheart?

Y/n. Yes I'm okay dad.

When you both got back and told you mom oh boy she was livid

MitsurixObanai. You have your dads temper but you had your moms personality. So when you got into your first fight with a boy for hitting his wife you went ballistic on him and in the end you where hurt but he had to go to the hospital. not even mad. You did well you my little snake.

Mitsuri. Oh my baby let's get you to Kocho for a look up!

Tengen. You got into a fight with a new demon slayer. He had called you a baby maker.

Tengen came back to find him beaten to a pulp and you had gashes and your kimono was covered in blood


Tengen. Y/n please don't kill him.

Y/n. He said all I am good for is making babies and nothing else.

Kagaya let you off on a warning

SanemixKanae. You are your fathers copy with how you look and your attitude people would say you two could be twins.

You where in town getting a new Kimono for Aunt Karrigan who has been extremely sick for the past month.

Y/n. Would the purple one be better or the pale yellow one.

Random girl. I would say the yellow but it's not my taste.

Y/n. Oh this isn't for me it's gift my Aunt who is sick and I want to cheer her up. She's done so much for me and I want to take care of her for once.

Random girl. My name is Rail Suki.

Y/n. Shinazugawa Y/n.

The two of you spoke and looked through the kimonos when you found this pale pink kimono that had little flowers covering it

Y/n. This is beautiful, even though it's not my Aunt's style but she loves flowers and nature.

Suki. Wow your right it's beautiful I do believe your Aunt would like it.

You took the kimono from where it's was and your are going to buy it even though Karrigan doesn't like pink but she had a feeling you would love it. But this girl decided to pick a fight with you

Random girl. Excuse me. I'm surprised a girl like you would even show your face in two.

Y/n. Oi watch the way you speak to her she did nothing wrong.

Random girl. And who are you her guard dog you look like one.

Y/n. I am Shinazugawa Y/n daughter of the Shinazugawa SanemixKanae. And if anyone here looks like a dog it's you, what did you think would happen? I won't let you mess with Suki or myself excuse me I need to pay for this kimono.

You where having a hard time not punching her lights out after paying you said bye to Suki and you left for home .

Y/n. Mom you'll be proud of me I didn't punch anyone lights out today.

Kyojuro. Your Aunty Karrigan had gotten extremely sick and it lasted for a month and your dad was extremely worried about her and he refused to leave her side. So you went to the next town over to get your mom some peppermint tea seeing that you love it.

When you got into the shop you could all ready tell it's going to be a long day.

Y/n. Excuse me miss where can I find the peppermint tea?

Nice shop lady. Oh dear it's right over there.

Y/n. Thank you.

Nice shop lady. What other then tea brought you her?

Y/n. My Aunty is sick and I want to get her a gift to make her smile. And she loves peppermint tea.

While you got a couple pack of peppermint tea you also got some jasmine tea. And paid for it and when you walked out and past a park you sat down to enjoy the sight but knew you need to get home before dark when a boy around 3 years older than you sat next to you.

Y/n. May I ask why you sat next to me?

Random dude. You where being followed so I am here to help, when he said that you saw a much older man watching you both so a plan started in your head.

Y/n. Thank you but I can defend myself.

You got up and left and sure enough the older man started to follow you and when you got far from town he tried to grab you but you punched him hard in the gut and ran all the way home.

Karrigan enjoyed the tea and thanked you.

Karrigan. Y/n next time take your grandfather with you we don't want another man try and take you.

Y/n. Okay Aunty I will.


Gyomei is wrapping your arm up why you got into a fight with Sanemi and won

Gyomei. Y/n dear please never do that again.

Y/n. Okay father I will not do that again.

Muzan. You fight will Domua and Akaza all the time. You win because Akaza never wants to hurt you.

Yorrichi. Your cousins always fight. They say it's to train you and it works.

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