𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭

50 3 1

August 25th,1999


"Hey Aster?"Y/n said feeling upset

The boy looked up at her noticing her tone of voice and said "Yeah what's up, Y/n?"

Y/n pondered for a moment before replying " When are we going to leave this place. It's not fair. We are treated terribly."

"Well that's not up to me to decide. We just so happen to be the ones no one wants."  He muttered looking down

Y/n looked at him with a surprised but sorrowful look. She knew almost everyone they knew had already been adopted, but she never thought that no one wanted them.

"Well I suppose you are right I just never thought of it that way ,but anyway goodnight Aster talk to you in the morning, kay?"

"Yeah goodnight, Y/n."

August 26th, 1999


Y/n's POV

I was awaken by the screams of children. I was still half asleep until one of the 5 year olds ran up to me saying that their friend was hurt and that a piece of the roof had fallen on him.

After i heard that my senses snapped in. I looked around and let out a shriek. When i felt the burning hot flames graze over my shoulder.All i could think of is getting get out.

I told the girl to show me where the little boy was. When I reached him he was crying. I didn't know what to do I was so scared. I used all the force a 10 year old had and lifted up the piece of wood long enough for the little boy to break free.

As soon as i did a bunch of fire men flooded the room helping the young ones exit the building. One came of to me and told me to take his hand i was about to comply until it clicked.

Where is Aster.

"WAIT SIR MY FRIEND HES IN HERE SOMEWHERE PLEASE YOU HAVE TO SAVE HIM." I yelled feeling so guilty for having forgotten to look for him first

The man looked at me and said "It's okay you have to calm down your friend is probably already outside waiting for you.You have to come with me now the place is about to topple over."

I was very hesitant but soon followed after him to the exit. The only thing going through my mind at this moment is





God please let him be ok he's all I have.
Once i got outside i searched everywhere until i spotted a figure  getting set on a stretcher.No no no.. that can't be him. I realized once i got closer that the boy was wearing the matching bracelet i made Aster for his birthday.

"Aster...?" I called out to the boy i got no response, but after a few seconds i heard a low voice coming from him saying
"Y/n it hurts so so bad."

I took a chance and scanned over his body.He had severe burn marks and blood all over him.

"Aster listen to me you can't go please i need you." i said trying to keep my tears from spilling. I grabbed his hand between mine gently making sure not to put him in any more pain he already is in

I felt the burning sensation of tears pricking through my eyes the smoke of the fire wasn't making it better. I looked back down at him it looked like he was about to say something.

"Y/n you know that what my name means right? It means star. So whenever you look up at the night sky remember me." he said as he pointed at the stars in beautiful night sky

"Please no.."i said tearing up

After that he gave me one last look before he shut his eyes hoping his pain would end.

The doctor that was attending Aster looked at me with a dismal look "I'm sorry hun i don't think he'll make it he has serious burns and blood loss. I'm going to need you to step away from him so I can do my work."she said while checking his pulse, and then a look of terror struck her eyes.

Once i saw her face i knew it.
He was gone.And he wouldn't be coming back.

I let out a terrible Wail between my tears. The orphanage guards grabbed on to me and tried to pull me back claiming that i wasn't letting the doctors help the injured.I resisted all i wanted to do was stand by Aster.

Soon enough i felt a surge of strength run in me and i let out a scream knocking the guards back with a thud leading them to hitting their heads against the ground and to their death.

I sat there on the floor all eyes on me the sun had begun to rise and once people saw it they screamed.
My dark pitch black eyes that looked like if you stared at them for too long they would swallow you whole, and worst of all? the Piles of blood under the guards heads even the ones that had nothing to do with her.

One lady screamed and said

Y/'n looked at all the angry and scared staff members in terror as they all surrounded her frail body that was sitting on the concrete ground.

"W-wait i-i didn't m-mean to i swear- IM SORRY P-PLEASE." she pleaded as they wrapped their hands around her legs,torso,arms,and hands to keep her in place.

They all heard a shrill ear-splitting screech from the girl in a split second all the staff saw black. There was blooding coming from their ears,noses,mouths,and eyes it was a whole blood fest.

I opened my eyes and there layed bloody bodies."D-did i do this?" whispered to myself

Out of extinct i ran. I ran as fast as my feet could take me, but before i did i caught a glimpse of myself in a broken car mirror. That lady.. she was right i am a monster.


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