𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮

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October 21st ,2002

It had been 3 years 1 month , and 26 days since the death of my best friend Aster. It was a rough few years for me. Living on the streets with minimal amounts of food. Maybe on a good day a kind old man or lady would hand me their leftovers if not I starved.

Every single second of the day I wondered what if I looked for him first? Would he still be here?Would have I killed those people?Would I be happy?

Y/n's POV


I woke up to the sound of car engines running on the road."Jeez how late is it?" I muttered to my self while rubbing my eyes

I looked around in the ally way that I claimed as my new home for the next few days. I noticed a old man sitting on a chair reading.

"Um..hello? Do you need anything sir?" I asked but all he did was look down into his book until he abruptly shut his book with a loud bang

"Hello little one I've been keeping tabs on you ever since that day you murdered those people. " He said looking intently at me

I looked at him questioningly. Is he here to arrest me? I could easily out run him if so. I thought

"Don't worry you aren't in any trouble. Unless you decline the offer I give you."

"Well what's the offer?"I asked with a hint of excitement in my eyes

"For you to come and live with me and 7 children your age.You will get your own room, food, clean clothes, and siblings. All in return for you to train with the others and go on missions." He said with a straight face

I thought about it. It wasn't a bad offer. I mean yeah what could be the worst that would happen?

"Yes, I accept you offer. in return of one thing. I get to have a music player. Deal?"

He stood up and shook my hand

March 24th ,2019

-•-March 24th ,2019

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I was in the kitchen making a snack when I got a call from Diego

"Hey whats up, Diego? You need me to go help you with your vigilante shit? I have a day off."I said while I picked up a piece of strawberry with my fork

"No, dads dead."

The sound of a clattering fork on a plate was heard throughout the call.

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