𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯

41 3 0

March 24th, 2019


I was in the kitchen with Klaus he passed me a pill. I had no idea what it was but knowing Klaus it was probably something to get high so I took it.

"Hey Klaus do you hear that?"i questioned

"Yeah I do I think Luther might be playing music."He replied with a grin

"Oh! I have a great idea my dear sister why don't YOU,go and dance with your lover."

"Um what? I don't know what you are talking about Klaus." Y/n shrieked

"Oh please Y/n everyone could see the little glances you two gave each-other. Even Luther and he's dumb as a bat!" He chuckled

"Ouch Low blow dude." Y/n replied

"Oh right my bad but hurry along."he said with a wonky grin from the pills kicking in

Well shit why not

I headed to the hallway to see where he went. And there he was dancing.

"Dancing without me?" I said with a playful pout

Viktor looks up at me with a timid smile."Um care to join Y/n?"

"Of course what type of person who I be to turn down a dance with the great Viktor Hargreeves." I said while I extended my hand for him to take


Me and Viktor were dancing when we heard a zap coming from the courtyard. And thundering when it he sun was just shining a few minutes ago. Everyone hurriedly ran downstairs. While I turned into a bat to and perching up on Victor's shoulder not feeling like fighting if an enemy showed up.

"What is it?" Viktor asked in pure shock

"Don't get to close." I told Viktor telepathically

"Look like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black whole. One of the two."Luther said while squinting his eyes to protect it from the bring light

"Pretty big difference there Paul Bunyan." Diego said shouting

"Out of the way!" Klaus screamed and threw a fire extinguisher in the light

In a split second a little boy fell out of the portal and hit the ground." Is it just me or is little five on the ground?" Klaus questioned




We had all entered the kitchen. I had left Viktor's shoulder and was hanging up side down clutching on to a beam on the ceiling

While everyone was having a conversation I spaced out thinking about how I was the one who replaced him. I felt kinda guilty. Diego had told me the story about how he had vanished a few days after I arrived at the academy.

I heard the boy say he was there for 45 years give or take. His eyes wandered around the kitchen and our eyes locked. He looked at me with a questioning look and then proceeded to speak again.
"why is their a bat hanging from the ceiling?" He said

After that everyone looked at me knowing who it was. I turned back to my human form and said
"Hi little boy." I said with a grin showing my fangs
I knew he was older but I felt like getting on someone's nerves, right now.

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