Part 1

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One day you're here the next day you're not.
One minute you're breathing the next minute you're not.
No one knows how long you have left.
No one knows when you will take you last breath.
So live each moment like you last.
Don't hold back.
Take risk.
Cause that's what we do.

"Nate Maloley," I say looking him up and down.
"Ashley Brook," he says doing the same thing.
"It's been a while since we have hung out," I tell him. Stating the obvious.
"It has," he said, giving me a smirk.
"What's the smirk," I question.
"Meet me at Gilinsky's tonight at 7," he says.
"What if I already made plans with someone else?"
"Well they are screw you are coming over anyways even if I have to drag you out of your house."
"Fine. I'll go," I giggle a little.
"Well I gotta skip."
"Well have fun don't get caught."
"I will see you tonight."

The day went by slow as fuck. All I could think about was tonight. Nate and I haven't hung out since we got arrested but in 10th grade for weed and alcohol. I was ground for about a mouth and on probation for a year. I haven't really done anything bad since then. I've kept my grades to at least a C. I'm not going to lie I'm scared.
As soon as the last bell rang for school I ran to my car and sped home.

"Hey mom," I said as she was folding clothes in the living room.
"Hey sweeting. How was you day?"
"It was good. Can I go out with some friends tonight? I'll probably crash at their place tonight. If not I'll call you when I'm on my way home."
"That's fine, sweetie."
"Thanks," I said and headed to my room to my books way.
I connected my phone to speaker and started to listen to Na Na by Trey Songz.
I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and my self.
When I got out I dried off and wrapped my towel around my hair to dry a little.
I go over to my underwear drawer. I know that nothing is going to happen but I decide to wear my black lace bra that makes my boobs pop and my black thong. Yes I'm secretly a slut.
I open my shirt drawer and decide to wear my pink low cut crop top with black high wasted shorts. I go over to my mirror and sit down so I can do my make up. I do my eyes dark and put in my bright pink lip gloss. When I'm done I take the towel off my head and brush my hair out. Most of my hair is some what dry so blow dry it until it's completely dry then I straighten it to get all the waves out. My hair is brunette and naturally straight. I walk over to my closet and put on my black high top vans.
I grab my bag put my make up remover, a shirt and a pair of sweats and put everything thing in there. I look at my phone and she it's 6:30. I grab my keys from the kitchen and tell my mom bye.
I start my car and sit there for a minute.
Ashley what are you doing? You are about to go hung with the guys that got you arrested before. The guy that took your virginity. Are you sure you want to do this?
The time is 6:40. I decide to go grab something to eat. I go through the drive in at Chick-fil-A and just get a regular chicken sandwich and a Dr.Pepper.
I drive to Gilinsky's house while eating the fries.
I pull in the drive way and see Nate's car. Yes, he is here before me.
I knock on the door and Sammy answers.
"Did you bring me any food," he said.
"Was I supposed too," I questioned.
"SHE IS STILL THE SAME," he screamed.
"Okay," I said really confused,"I didn't know I changed."
"Well you know you're not failing, you don't hang out with us anymore, you don't skip, and you have been clean for 2 years," Johnson said.
"Holy shit how do you know it's been 2 years," I said,"someone is a stalker."
"No it's just that I though because of your year of probation and not hanging out with us," he said.
"Oh wow," I said," where is fuckboy #1 and #2?"
"I think they are outside by the pool," Sammy said.
"Well I guess I'll seat in the living room and eat my CHICKEN SANDWICH," I tell the chicken sandwich part hoping Nate and Gilinsky would hear me. Which failed and I got a weird look from Sammy.
"Umm okay have fun," he said and laughed.
I walked in the living room and memories flooded my mind from the last time I was here.

"Police open up!"
"Oh shit Nate," Gilinsky said.
"We are going to jail," Johnson said.
"Guys calm down. It's probably Black," Sammy said.
"It don't sound like him though," I said.
Nate got up to open the door.

I sat on the couch awkwardly and began to eat my sandwich and then I hear a familiar voice.
"Ashley Marie Brook," i stand up and turn around to see Gilinsky standing in the door way. "Come here and give me a hug," I walk over and hug him awkwardly. It was weird to be back in place that bing back good and bad memories.
"You smell nice," I tell him.
"Thanks babe," he says and I laugh.
"Well I'm going to finish my sandwich."
"I wanna bite," I heard be hide Gilinsky.
"Umm okay," I say standing on my tip toes to see who it is. I see Nate and I know that's who said that but I see a girl besides him. "Uh who is that," I point to her.
"Oh this is my girl friend Madison," Gilinsky tell me and nod my head not sure on what to say.
"Well hi Madison in going to finish my chicken sandwich before Nate does," I laugh and walk back to the couch and Nate follows.
"We don't like her," he whispers
"Why," I ask.
"It's like she is taking him away from us. This is the first time he has hung out with us since they started dating a few months ago. I meant we talk still but he is always with her," he tell me.
"Oh. That's dumb. Someone seems a little whipped," I laugh.
"Got that right."
"Here you can finish this I'm not that hungry," I tell him giving him my sandwich.
"Thanks lil mama. Oh and you look good," he smirks.
"Thanks Nate."
"So when is the last time you've been high," he asked taking a bite of the sandwich.
"When we got arrested," I told him.
"Damn," he says.
"Yeah I know. It just seem useless whenever I was on probation for a year and then my mom threatened to drug test me after so I never done it."
"Will she drug test you now?"
"No. She trust me now. how do you think I got to come over?"
"Uhh you snuck out."
"Oh my god you are so dumb."
Sorry if this sucks. Haha xoxo. But I hope you enjoy.

One Last Kiss// Nate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now