1.2 The gem

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After lunch, his father called Mark

"Mark come here"

His father grabs his hand and gives a blue-looking gem

"Take care of this, make sure no one knows what it is"

"Father, can you tell me why?"

"Well. Long ago, our kingdom's first king has been born. People graced and celebrated. The sun has passed over the sun shrine and an astronomer gazed upon the night. That astronomer is your great great great grandfather, Rolden. Rolden was a great man, achieved so many achievements that no one could even explain how many. In the middle of the night, Rolden still gazed upon the beautiful stars. When suddenly, 8 colored shooting stars appeared and are broken into separate ways. Luckily, the star that crashed is near to where Rolden once lived. Rolden went to the nearest star that crashed and found a rock. He went back home and opened the rock and saw this gem. Rolden once said that this gem contains elemental powers that are unexplained and are only shown to those who are worthy"

"What kind of element is this?"

"It's a lightning gem, it can turn your blood to lightning. There are other gems to like, Fire, Nature, Wind, Stone, Light, Dark and Water. They say that the three most powerful ones are not yet been found and if it fell into the wrong hands, who knows what would happen to Earth. Those gems are the Fire, Light and Dark elemental gems. Train harder my boy, and someday you will use this power."

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask. May I join the Royal Swordsmen? I heard they are recuiting and it's a great time to train"

"Yeah sure, bring your brother John. Make sure that no one, not ever your mother nor your brother knows."

Mark puts the gem into his secret pouch, which is underneath his boot. He went to the marketplace to buy some gauntlets for himself and his brother. He saw a perfect gauntlet with a socket, perfect shape for the gem

"Good Sir, how much is this gauntlet?"

"120 Gold per hand"

Mark thinks and speaks in his mind

"If I buy this, I won't have enough money to buy John a new pair. It is expensive but perfect for me if I want to train myself and the gem"

"I'll take it Good Sir!"

With Mark having no Gold, or even a penny. He thought of joining the daily tournament with a prize of 5000 Gold per win

"I won't be able because of the restrictions I got. Damn I hate rules"

John seeing the new gauntlet

"Hey Mark, where did you get that?"

"Oh. I just recently bought it, it's expensive so that's why I only bought one pair"

John with a frown "Damn. I want one too"

"How about we join the tournament? Our parents wouldn't know, there are healers that can heal us you know"

"Yes, there are healers, but how about our scars. Will it get healed also?"

"I guess so. Come on!"

As they enter the arena, fear and anxiety is felt by them. As they are about to pay the Challenger fee, Mark spectates a bloody fight

In a fearful face "Holy Smokes!! That guy just chopped his enemy's head. I don't think one of us will win if we fight him"

John says "Don't worry. If one of us battles him, then let's chop his head!"

"What if we kill him?"

"It's his problem, not ours. He's the first one who decapitates people"

"Oh yeah. Then let's kick his bottom!"

The bell rings, signifying defeat

John says "There's the bell. Who do you think is next?"

The anoouncer announces "Next up, we got..."

The boys are filled with fear

"Mark Fuller, from 'Place Unknown' C'mon kid, you're up. Looks like our champ Brute will take easy on this kid."

Mark says with confidence "Let's see"

Mark steps inside the arena

Brutus says "Mark Fuller, huh? C'mon, he's like a toothpick! Is he even allowed? If he is, I'll go easy on him. Don't cry, okay? Hahahah!!"

On a side-to-side comparison, Brutus is larger. Way larger. Brutus is 7 foot tall and Mark is only 5 foot tall

The bell rings, signifying the start of the fight

Brutus says "You hit me first! I bet it won't hurt me. Hahahahahah!"

Mark uses Brutus' large belly to propel himself near his face and slashes his stone-hard face. A large cut near his eye is present. Blood is oozing like a fountain

Mark says with a bit of chuckle "I bet that hurts. Heheheh, you're turn."

Brutus screams "Raaaaaaaaaaghh!!!"

Brutus charges and tries to slash Mark

As soon as Brutus' sword hits the sand flooring, Mark went behind him like lightning

Brutus confused "Where is he?!"

Mark screams "Right here, idiot!"

Mark slashes Brutus' back, the cut is the same size of Mark's height

Brutus screams "That's it, taste this!!"

Brutus' sword slashes and it removed Mark's small finger

Large amount of blood oozes through Mark's finger

Mark says with no pain "Just a finger"

Mark's blue gem brightens and out of nowhere, lightning appeared and struck Brutus on his belly. The oozing blood became air and it a finger popped out the same place the pinky finger was. The lightning made a large hole, larger than Mark

John questions himself "How did he?.. What the?.. That's imp.. Whoa.."

Mark surprised "What the? How did I just do that?"

The healers came immediately to heal Brutus. Two healers laid their hand onto Brutus and healed him. No scars, no blood and not a single scratch. Mark is amazed by the skill of healers, thinking it is just witchcraft. Mark and John is sent to the office of the Arena Manager

As they were walking, John questions Mark

"What did you just do? I saw nothing, but then this lightning came out. You never told me you can do that"

"I don't know too. The lightning came out of my pinky finger, then it regenerates"

They arrived and went inside

The Arena Manager says "Mark, come here.."

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