1.3 Invitation

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The Arena Manager's face was confused

"Mark Fuller, huh? So what's the secret? I saw you transform your oozing blood to lightning in just a fraction of a second. It's amazing, your finger regenerated and not even a scar was present!"

"Good Afternoon good sir, but I believe I cannot answer your question"

"And why not? Aren't you proud of what you can do? Come here, bring your brother John, is it?"

The Arena Manager took them to a hall filled with pictures

Mark asked with surprise "What are these frames?"

The Arena Manager answered "Oh these? For the past 200 years, they are the best of the best in the tournament. 4 of these also have similarities from your power. They were praised, glorified and respected by the people. Don't you love it when people are scared of you and cheer your name?"

Mark replied "I do but.."

"Ahh. One more thing. Your family will be rich! Richer than the wealthiest family"

"What are you trying to say good sir?"

"All I'm saying was, join us. We, the masters, love you both to join. I'll even train you and your brother to be the best masters. With the power of yours, we can rule the kingdom!"

"I'm sorry good sir, I'm not interested. Having full power on the kingdom is not my interest. The Royale Swordsmen however, is what we are interested in"

"Well okay, I still respect your decision"

The Arena Manager whispered to the near two guards behind him

The two guards quickly beat them up

The Arena Manager says with pride "Refusing in my decision? What kind of brain you twits have. This will serve as a lesson to both of you"

One guard was having fun beating them up, the guard puts them to sleep

The Arena Manager scolded the guard "You idiot! I only said beat them, not knock them out"

The next morning, they woke up blindfolded and confused

John asked Mark with confusion "Why didn't you accept the invitation?"

"Do you think we will have dignity if we rule the kingdom? The Royale Swordsmen is the only way to gain our family dignity!"

"Well.. Why don't you answer his question? We won't be beat up if you answered him"

"I have reasons, okay?! So shut up and give me your hand"

Mark bit his finger to let blood flow out. Mark then grasps John's shackles and lightning came out to remove the shackle. They both removed their blindfolds

John says with fear "Did you just remove my shackles?"

"Yeah, why?"

"How the?"

"I used my lightning, that's why"

"Lightning?! How come I didn't feel it"

"Enough chatting John, let's find a way to go out"

"Yeah, right. You see that door over there?"

John points out a door southwest of their current location

John says "It may be locked, search for anything we can use as a weapon"

They both scattered and searched the whole room

Mark patted John's shoulder and says "All I can find are these planks"

Mark lays out 20 small wooden planks

"Great! Then use your lightning-thingy to make a weapon. Stakes can be good"

"20 stakes? Well, I'll try"

Mark grabbed a piece of plank to stab his hand and lightning quickly came out to form a stake

"Great job Mark! 19 more to go"


Mark repeated what he's done until there's only 1 more plank

Mark exhaustively says "Finally, one.. last.. plank"

Mark faints and the blood from the last finger he stabbed is still oozing and not turning into lightning.

John heard footsteps getting louder and louder

"Oh no! Mark, wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Mark did not wake up. John hid behind the crates carrying Mark.

Two guards came in just in time for John to carry Mark and hide

One guard says "Hey Max, search for the prisoners! They're hiding here somewhere"

John swiftly went above the crates to an air vent and crawls above a guard. John stabbed the guard behind with the stake they made without letting the other guard notice. He then went to the other guard whose back is turned against him. John silently went behind the guard but the guard turned to him

The guard shouted "Hey!!"

The guard is instantly killed without letting the other guards hear. John closed the door and went to Mark. Mark woke up again

Mark confused "Hold on, what happened? Is this blood from my finger?"

"You passed out, then two guards went inside. I killed it with our stakes"

"I think if I used my powers too much, I may pass out"

"You good?"

"Yeah I think so, come on let's go out"

They went out of the door and scanned the corridor

Mark whispers "No guard here"

"None here either"

As soon as they went to the other hall, dozen of guard came in

The Captain of the Guards screams with surprise "Prisoners who escaped. Get them!!"

Every single guard charged but none of them stand a chance to Mark. They all fell down except the captain

Mark filled with confidence "You got any more? How about you, come and face me!"

Mark points the captain

The captain charges while saying "Little twat you are! Taste my blades, you!"

The captain tries to slash Mark in the head but Mark quickly went behind the captain

Mark laughs and says "Haha! I'm here stupid"

Mark slashes the captain in half

John says with surprise "Did you just.. What did you.."

"Me? I just killed an army! Whoa, did I just do that? Wooo!"

"Holy smokes. An army, huh? Now no one will stand a chance on us! Look a map"

John went to the map covered with glass

"Mark, it's kind of a maze. It's amazing how complex this prison is."

"A maze means a lot of guards are guarding the place in every corner"

"We can beat them all, right?"

"The Arena Manager mentioned the best of the best. Maybe one of them is guarding a corner or something"

"Then let's grab these swords from the fallen guards! Instant weapon. Get the sword of the captain and use it"

Mark and John searched for the best sword they could find. John found a near-perfect sharp sword and Mark got the sword of the captain

"John, this sword is perfect. Light and fast. I could easily adapt to this"

"I got this sword that is very very sharp. It's a good thing this sword didn't hit us"

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