1.1 Job

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Swords clashing, sparks flying, leather armors are torn out and shaved off. The two brothers, John and Mark are dueling to become the best.

"Not good enough, Mark!"

"Haha! That's not the John I know. C'mon, hit me with your best shot"

John swiftly slashes his sword into Mark. But every slashes are countered by Mark. He slashes again, but instead of slashing Mark's armor, he slashes his hand.

Mark screaming in pain "Aaargh! John get the leaf, now!

John hurriedly went to a Drasel Tree and grabs plenty of leaves. He went back to Mark and applies the leaves

"Well good thing ther's a Drasel tree nearby, or else I'll bleed to death. Why did you hit me on the hand and not the armor?"

"I guess that's when you parried my slashes. Your hand is in the way, sorry."

"Well it's alright. Let's duel again!"

Mark slashes his sword into John like a flash of lightning, luckily John parried it and strikes him in his armor

"2 - nil, I presume? Haha! Come hit me."

Mark ferociously dances his sword and hitting John a lot of times. John is surprised at the skill of his brother. John's eyes widen and is amazed

"How did you do that? I did not even see you slashing me, it's like lightning."

"What's the score brother?"

"2 - 10 thousand I guess. Haha!"

"Let's rest under this Drasel Tree"

The two of them removed their armor and sheathed their sword into their back

Noon has come and they haven't eaten lunch. The sun is at the peak, shining brightly as ever. The two boys went back home sweaty and exhausted, thinking what their father will do to them if he finds out that they didn't finish their job as farming wheat. They stopped at the middle of the road

"Hey Mark, have you collected wheats from the field?"

"No. I thought you were going to get them"

"What are we going to do? It's noon and we haven't even eaten anything. If we head back to the field, the time when we get back to our house will be 2 AM. You got any brilliant ideas?"

John is hesitated and can't even move out of shock. Then he thought of a plan

"Well, how about we buy the wheat. I'm sure there's no difference between our wheat and theirs"

"Come on, hurry up. I don't want to be grounded again"

The boys went to the crowded marketplace and found shops that are spreaded all around. Shops that sells weapons, armors, food, ammunition and other kinds of goodies. Mark went to find a shop that sells cheap wheat and John went to find something interesting for himself.

"What would you like good Sir? We have different kinds of wheat, harvested from different kingdoms" says the merchant

"How much are these wheats?"

Mark points out a weird-looking wheat, a slight hue of violet

"Oh good Sir. That's not a wheat. I believe that's a Drasel Leaf, the rarest tree in our kingdom. It's power can heal wounds, scars and even emotion as they said. Would you like to buy it?"

"Drasel Leaf..."

Mark remembers the leaf that John put on his hand. Mark did not expect that the leaf they always use to duel are expensive and they've been using them. Surprised as ever, he talks to himself, greedious

"So if I collect the previous leaves, I could have a fortune! Haha. I won't tell anybody.."

".. How much is your cheapest wheat?"

"These are the cheapest as they can get. 20 Gold per bunch"

The merchant points out a yellowish-orange wheat, slightly similar to the wheat in their field

"I'll take ten bunch"

John drags Mark into a wall and sees a poster

"Royale Swordsmen needed. If you are a potential swordsman, go to the head castle near the marketplace. Are you willing to give up your life and defend our humanity?"

"Mark, how about we join the swordsmen? We'll use our skills and the abilities we learned throughout the years. It'll be amazing, us being heroes!"

"Well I don't know. We need the approval of our parents"

"Yeah you're right. Where's the wheat?"


Mark gives the wheat to John

They continue their way back home. As soon as they got home, their fother is waiting infront of the door, angry-faced

"Where have you been?! Your mother and I can't eat because of you, where's the wheat and why did it took so long?!"

John hands over the wheat

"This is all you've got?! 10 bunch?!"

"It's the middle of summer. Do you know how hot it is to harvest there? Some of them dried up"

"Touchè. Just go inside and get ready for lunch. Be dressed too, I don't even know what to cook from these"

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