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Y/N's POV:

"Can you believe they tried to torture me? Like be fucking for real. For a place that is fully monitored and funded by the government, they sure as hell don't do as much research as they should." I scoffed while everyone else agreed with me.

Currently I was walking through the asylum halls with two guards withholding my arms, two in front of me, and two behind me. All holding very heavy artillery.

It was extremely funny to me and Pride that they actually had the upperhand against me.

First of all, all six of them look very stupid. I'm about 6'3, 5'11 on a bad day, and they were all about 5'7-5'8 so I towered over them. I have a very muscular yet feminine build, my strength is limitless, and even through all of the armor they were wearing I still looked bigger than them.

We look wayyyy cooler than them too

Heavy on that.

They were all aware that they were no match for me but they still put up a pretty hard front, so... Kudos to them.

Honestly I was getting slightly bored so, why not stick around for a while. Get in a couple fights to boost my ego a bit more, learn the stories of a bunch of murderers and crazy people, make some new friends and enemies for when I get out.

There was also someone I have been looking for, for a while now. Hopefully at least one person can help me find her.

Failure to find her isn't an option. I'm more than positive that someone will be useful, if we can't find one we can just kill them all. There's nothing I hate more than a useless motherfucker.

{You must have a strong sense of hate for yourself then}

Oh, hush up y'all two! But it's true, there has to be at least one useful person here. We sure as hell gotta find her!

(Also cut me some slack. I don't know much about Southern accents, nonetheless how to write in one tbh)

Me and the guards entered the elevator, moving up to the floors with all of the prisoners and patients.

I was slightly bored so I decided to mess with them.

I slightly moved one of my left fingers over to itch my right arm. To that small movement they all jumped up and started shooting at me. Of course it didn't affect me in any way so all the bullets just ended up on the floor.

I couldn't help but to burst out in laughter and I couldn't really think straight or hear them yelling at me to stop laughing and to stop moving all together because of everyone else in my head laughing along with me.

As the elevator kept going up I eventually finished laughing and spoke.

"WHOOO! That was a good one. Y'all are really dumb. Even if I was to be attacking, all y'all forgetful asses would be dead in seconds flat."  I said while kicking one of the fallen bullets at them.

Two of them grumbled something I couldn't make out, one scoffed in annoyance and embarrassment, one was still shaken up by that and was lowly hyperventilating, and the last one was still putting up his front. He was yelling at me and poking at me with his gun while shouting demands at me, ignoring the fact that his arms were shaking violently. 

I just chuckled to myself and continued listening to them arguing about pop tarts in my head. I wasn't gonna intervene because then they would start yelling and I don't have the energy for arguments.

Finally the elevator opened up and they started leading me to my cell.

I looked around and there was a line of other prisoners, i'm guessing my cell was all the way at the end of the hall.

First there was some weird dude talking to himself. I could only see one side of his face tho which looked normal.

What could be wrong with him he looks ordinary and handsome.

Then he turned his whole face to face me...

Oop, never mind.

The other side of his face looked completely different. Red skin, I wide open red eye, white hair, a terrible scowl on his face. Even the clothes was completely different.

"The fuck you lookin at?" He said getting all up in my face all of a sudden.

Idk if he expected me to flinch or what.

"Jumpscareeee." I said before the guard started pushing me to keep walking.

I walked past a bunch of freaky looking people, it was funny but kinda scary at the same time.

They're all puny. No match for us. But that one two-faced guy was kinda hot. I'm gonna look out for him next time i'm in control.

{Bruh what-}

Sandy started laughing in my head, i couldn't help but chuckle either.

"What the fuck are you laughing at freak?" The guard said before pulling out his gun and putting it towards my back.

"Jeez you're starting to annoy me. Just take me to my cell before I..."

"Before you what, freak?" He asked.

I can feel pride taking over. This annoying bastard.

He turned my body over to face him, and he put the gun to my forehead

"BEFORE I EAT YOUR FUCKING SOULLLL!!" Pride said in a deep and distorted voice.

The guard passed out, and based on the darker stain on his pants that began to spread.

He pissed himself as well.

Pride let me take over again. While everyone in my head (but Ghost, they were jus chuckling) including myself was laughing hard asf.

"I'll let that slide, you're lucky you're funny" I said to Pride as more guards began rushing in.

Damn, i'm probably in trouble. I wonder what punishment they'll have in store for me nowwww.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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