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Name: Samuel Parker
Hair: brown (formally) dark brown with gray highlights.
eyes: brown

Age: 18
Alias: spider Man, arachnid....menace....Zombie slayer and The spider slayer

Personillty: a jerk, an asshole and bit of a d*ck...thou can be quite and merciless...but his kindness slightly flickers..

[Status: active]
[Factions: vigilante [formally]
                     AVENGER [formally]
                     S.H.I.E.L.D [FORMALLY]

Like [formally]: Peter, the Avengers, being spider Man, saving people, shild, the x-men, the fantastic 4, aunt may, his friends and allias, aunt may, uncle Ben and believing in second chances.

Likes: Nothing

Dislikes [formally]: the sinister six,villans and school, being spider Man [sometimes] and letting people down.

Dislikes: people and himself and the infected.


"So your this world's tony stark....weird?"

"Call me a whatever you want because it means nothing to me"

"Am gonna go with a wim here and say that you didn't see this coming!"

"Call me a jackass all you want! Because I am one"

"Tch hero. Villan....I can see why wade hated it."

" in the end we're both nobodies...we didn't ask for these powers and we didn't ask for the people we love and admire be taken away"

"Oh great, am being called arachnid. Miles will probably haunt me after this"

Weapons: [now]
Web shooter: [provided by S.H.I.E.L.D]
Dual pistols [Deadpool]
Katanas [Deadpool]

An assault rifle 


A black back pack with medical supplies...

An assault rifle strap on with extra mags... 

a mysterious vile 

1: poison [he able to produce poison from his fingers nales that can paralyzed anyone]

2: long claws: [he can sharpen his nales to be extremely long along being coated in poison]

3: unknown 

-in his earlier years of being spider-man, he hardly use this as he felt that he could potentially harm someone if not kill them but that all changes as the world ended.

Weapons: [formally]
Thor's  hammer 
Captain America shield 
Iron men repulsor

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