𝟭. 𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 ❪ 𝖾.𝗉 ❫

53 1 0

pairing(s): edmund pevensie x reader

word count: 0.5k

warnings: none

The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky

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The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The light of dawn seeped into my room. I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky.

I changed out of my nightgown into a charming dress with intricate embellishments. It was one of my favourites. I brushed my silky (h/c) locks as I get ready to start my day.

A cold breeze flew in my face as I opened the wooden door of my wardrobe which was a rainbow of browns, cascading as beloved fingerprints.

I pushed aside the countless garments as i climbed into the closet which seemed to be never ending. But everything comes to an end.

I found myself in a forest covered with thick carpets of snow which, in the sun, glitters and shimmers, it seems that someone has scattered diamonds all around. It was a magnificent sight.

But as as I turn back to return home. I found the entrance through which i arrived, nowhere to be found.

Despite the cold, beads of swear begin to form on my forehead. As my thoughts rushed through my mind. I shook my head in disbelief. I had to find a way back. I ran around searching every corner for home but I was unsuccessful.

All of a sudden I slammed into a stranger, he caught me before I could fall as I clutched onto his tunic firmly.

I stared into his eyes, eyes like pools of honey, like burning gold swirling with caramel crescent moons trapped by a thick, hazy black limbal ring.

His hair as if the divine universe were woven into such buoyant threads and placed upon his head, a crystal crown rests on his ebony curls.

And freckles adorning his pale skin like constellations in the night sky.

I snap out of my thoughts as he asks “Are you lost?” with a slightly crooked smile.

“Yes” I replied. “Can you help me?”

“Of course” he responded. “But first, may I know your name?” he enquired.

“It’s Y/N, and you are…” He looked slightly shocked at first but the expressions softened as he chuckled “You’re not from around here are you?”

I shook my head. “Well I’m Edmund, King Edmund and this place is my kingdom, called Narnia.”

I couldn’t believe there was a whole new world inside my closet and I was in it. It felt like a dream, or a dream of a dream.

I just gazed at him in astonishment as I felt myself get closer and closer to his his face, he leaned in, me meeting him halfway as our lips connect. I drapped my arms across his shoulders. His lips were soft and warm. They tasted like the flavor of love, sweet and subtle.

We pulled apart to notice the ice melting away, a carnival of scents blew in the air.

A host of daisies scattered the meadow. The forest was parley-green. The trees danced in delight as the sound of chirping birds filled the air. The scene was spirit-refreshing and pastoral.

I squeal gently as Edmund flings me across the saddle of his horse before mounting on it himself. “Come on princess,” his mellow voice sending shivers down my spine “Let’s get you home”

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